Dual wave to cut spike immediately after eating?

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Doesn’t Dr B suggest in his ’law of small numbers’ that larger doses absorb less reliably.

And who was it that used to say 7u was a good rule of thumb for a max dose?

I have always been bemused by people saying they were using dual wave to reduce a spike - and this is the first time I’ve actually heard a suggestion of how delaying delivery might improve things.

5u does seem small though.

If you are interested, I guess you could 50:50 over 30 mins from your usual prebolus time?

Be interested to see how that worked for you.
Bernstein again!

Ha! Probably the same article then. Never been too keen on what I’ve heard about his approaches, so that free article is the only thing I’ve read. Fortunately max of 7u or thereabouts is plenty for the vast majority of my meals
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