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DS meet up - Brighton - Sat 3rd July 2010 - whose in????

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cant go wrong with a walkabout ;0) can u remind me where it is in Brighton...main strip isnt it???

I have the drunkards sense of navigation telling me where it is. As I recall it is rather near the spoons. I'm not too sure. I will have to go for a look and a beer maybe.

Walkabout is in West Street.

Come out the rail station, head towards the sea. Go past Clock Tower and on in to West Street. On left hand side. If you get wet feet you've gone too far.

Google Maps link http://tinyurl.com/35orhft
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myself and tom have come up with the idea of finding a lloyds chemist, drinking some lucozade and bolusing for it, then getting them to do a diabetes check on us all..😛
myself and tom have come up with the idea of finding a lloyds chemist, drinking some lucozade and bolusing for it, then getting them to do a diabetes check on us all..😛
loving this!!!! it was didka testing at the two year...this is the next step!! x
you'll never catch me book a train a month in advance! I now know I should have a hangover that particular Saturday morning, need to check on what else is happening that weekend before I move from the maybe to the defo pile.

Thanks for the reminder

Rossi 🙂
i'll be on way to devon ...but be there in spirit...watch out for the possesed vodka!! heheee
Ah train fairs, I'll be ok seeing as I don't have far to go. I'm happy to bowl along to Brighton station early to give people a rally point.
Ah train fairs, I'll be ok seeing as I don't have far to go. I'm happy to bowl along to Brighton station early to give people a rally point.

What time is everyone planning to meet up around, roughly? I'll probably be getting in at about 11. The last train back to Birmingham is 8.30pm which sucks, but there we go.

The next meet definitely has to be Birmingham - it only lost out by 1 vote!
For me it doesn't matter as there are trains every hour from Eastbourne to Brighton so I can be there for when the first person gets there and hang around in the station until we've got a big enough group.

I need to check out the train times. Not long to go now...don't know where the times flying!

And Shiv...even though i'm fairly close to Brighton, by the time i sort the household out and drive to the train station, get on the train etc... I shouldn't think i will be there before 11 o'clock anyways.

Has everyone got their leis at the ready?

Bernie x 🙂
lei...CHECK :D

Cant wait...will arrange meeting place soon...hoping for a LUSH day so we can meet at a bar on the beach 🙂 xxxxxx
I warn you Shelley the one bar on the beach I know is called OhSo and it's a bit pricey (spot the student) we could always roll to sainsbury's and get a few cases.

I don't think I'll be coming to this now that work is starting a month later than planned :(
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