Dry mouth and urinating

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Wendy probably worth getting a Gluconavi blood glucose meter, spikes and some test strips. I rely on mine to ensure I am in control. MMol/l is the uk standard.
If you were borderline a year ago, then you probably need to go back to the doctor and ask them to test you again. Home tests can’t diagnose you, and it sounds like you need annual screening. If they diagnose you with diabetes, they will put you on medication to get your blood sugar levels lowered. This is important not only for managing the symptoms you listed but also preventing complications that can be serious. In the UK, prescriptions are free for diabetics.

If you do not test positive for diabetes, the doctor may wish to put you on medication anyway. Many people who are at risk are in medication.

You’ll also get advice on diet, exercise, etc. Testing is the first step. I agree with others that you should not reduce the amount of water you drink. Good luck with the testing!
If you were borderline a year ago, then you probably need to go back to the doctor and ask them to test you again. Home tests can’t diagnose you, and it sounds like you need annual screening. If they diagnose you with diabetes, they will put you on medication to get your blood sugar levels lowered. This is important not only for managing the symptoms you listed but also preventing complications that can be serious. In the UK, prescriptions are free for diabetics.

If you do not test positive for diabetes, the doctor may wish to put you on medication anyway. Many people who are at risk are in medication.

You’ll also get advice on diet, exercise, etc. Testing is the first step. I agree with others that you should not reduce the amount of water you drink. Good luck with the testing!
The OP says she has been diagnosed but not had an HbA1C for a year so the advice has been to ask for another one asap but she was told she had to wait until Dec. Not Good
First of all how much water are you drinking? If you are urinating large amounts frequently it must be replaced and to be able to say L need to drink X pints a day is more helpful than "a lot".

Do NOT stop drinking.

When BG is very high the kidneys attempt to flush the excess glucose out in the urine. This is what may be happening here. Why has the BG gone up rather than come down if you have cut down on the amount of carbs that you are eating?

One explanation might be that you are not T2 but a late onset T1. In such a case the ability to produce insulin slowly diminishes over time. Not enough insulin BG goes up.

If it is true that you need to drink lots of water, and you have reduced your intake of carbs (sugars and starches) then why not go to A & E and say "I think I might be a late onset T1, can you set my mind at rest?" You may get the answer in 10 mins, and it could save your life.
My BG with my monitor is between 6 and 10 depending on what I eat nearly all of the time, it goes to 10 if I have a few frozen chips done in my air fryer so don’t have them very often, I am currently trying to eat hardly any carbs to see if that helps
My BG with my monitor is between 6 and 10 depending on what I eat nearly all of the time, it goes to 10 if I have a few frozen chips done in my air fryer so don’t have them very often, I am currently trying to eat hardly any carbs to see if that helps

The ‘renal threshold’, where the kidneys begin to try to flush out excess glucose through increased urination (which then leads to raging thirst) is usually around 10mmol/L, so the levels you are seeing are high, but not hugely so in the context of diabetes running riot.

Might there be another reason for your increased urination? A UTI perhaps?
no-one on this forum can diagnose your condition, which may not be diabetes related. you need to see your doctor with your might time habits. I have a similar night habit (2hrs between wakes and quite a lot of water through the night).
Does anyone have any advice ? I have a really dry mouth in the night every night and go to the toilet at leat 5 times throughout the night, does anyone know why or how I can resolve this?
I have similar. Am insulin resistant. So kidneys turning muscle to water to remove excess sugar from system resulting in frequent urination and eventually really dry mouth with tongue sticking to mouth roof and lips stuck to cheeks. Worse at night peeing every hour. So tired. So thirsty. Please check your sugar levels and meds are adequate for you. Are you loosing weight? I have lost 4 stone without trying. Please see your G.P. I wish you well.
P.S. Libra Freestyle sensors are only lasting 9-10 days due to Mexico firm underclocking them instead of 14 days.
I have similar. Am insulin resistant. So kidneys turning muscle to water to remove excess sugar from system resulting in frequent urination and eventually really dry mouth with tongue sticking to mouth roof and lips stuck to cheeks. Worse at night peeing every hour. So tired. So thirsty. Please check your sugar levels and meds are adequate for you. Are you loosing weight? I have lost 4 stone without trying. Please see your G.P. I wish you well.
P.S. Libra Freestyle sensors are only lasting 9-10 days due to Mexico firm underclocking them instead of 14 days.
I am type 2.not on any meds yet, I’ve stopped eating at night which has helped
I am type 2.not on any meds yet, I’ve stopped eating at night which has helped
It might be worth keeping a track of the amount of carbs you are having and test before and after a few meals and see if a greater increase correlates with worse symptoms.
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