Driving license

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All I have ever asked was help with getting my licence returned No more No less, but certain people on this board would like to judge & attack you. I have decided to leave the forum, I do know that this site does good work but, I have to leave for my own mental problems
Thanks again
I have never MOANED about my situation all I wanted was help. I have been locked in my home for years long before the police pulled me over. I am locked in because of my mental issues. People like you give honest people of this board a bad name
That's very unfair @abdnlad. @mikeyB gave you good advice, we know you are unwell and all people that responded are trying to help you understand why your licence was pulled.

All I have ever asked was help with getting my licence returned No more No less, but certain people on this board would like to judge & attack you. I have decided to leave the forum, I do know that this site does good work but, I have to leave for my own mental problems
Thanks again
No one is judging or attacking you and I'm very sad you think this is the case. Unfortunately with mental health conditions some people are deemed unfit to drive and as you stated you were a suicide risk then for obvious reasons your licence has been revoked. There are cases where people who feel suicidal use their cars and in the process can take innocent peoples lives with them.
I'm sure you would hate this to happen, so concentrate on becoming well again so you are fit and well to drive again. It can be done as a friend went through this a few years and thankfully is now fit and well and back to driving again. It took a lot of interaction on their part and accepting the help offered.
Best wishes and good luck on your journey to health.
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