driving as pumpers?

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It's not a week or two anyway novorapidboi, it's about 3 months.
It's not a week or two anyway novorapidboi, it's about 3 months.

Research has shown that people who have hypoglycemia unawareness can become aware again of low blood sugars by avoiding frequent lows. Preventing all lows for two weeks resulted in increased symptoms of a low blood sugar and a return to nearly normal symptoms after 3 months.

For more info, visit: http://www.diabetesnet.com/diabetes_control_tips/hypoglycemia_unawareness.php#ixzz1DdtBKaUs

Were both right..........yay....:D

Obviously with all the other factors I mentioned earlier these normal behaviours may not apply to some people.......which to me is really scary, I would sooner walkabout high than risk collapsing several times a day.....🙂
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