dreadful ketones, hospital...

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I *thought* someone else had had a bent cannula...it's terrifying. I think perhaps we over-reacted, in hindsight, but he was feeling so very poorly that we felt we needed to be near drips!

In hindsight of course, the injection worked and we would have been able to cope...

Thank you Mand. I love all these hugs!!
Hi Patrica ...

I've just come on to the forum and spotted this thread ... So sorry to hear what E and you all went through last night ....

Glad everything is ok today .... a huge wave of panic cme across me when I started to read the thread ...


Oh Patricia, what a horrible experience! Poor you and E and family :(

I think you absolutely did the right thing though, especially when E was throwing up. Our DSN has always said if we're at all unsure in these situations, they'd much rather have us in hospital than worrying about it at home. Like others have said, sometimes these things happen.

*hugs* I'm glad everything worked out well though, and I'm glad you had people here to support you. 🙂
Late entry to the thread but hey ho. Glad to hear young Mr E is fine. Sounds your knowledge of diabetes enabled you to realise something was massively wrong and to get medical help rather than just leave it. 🙂 I hope Mr E appreciates what a supportive family he has.
AM never sleeps because she is a machine :D
Try zombie. 😉

Let's hope you don't have a ceremony like Karen from Outnumbered burying the mouse....

"dust to dust; for richer or for poorer; in sickness or in health; may the force be with you; because you're worth it; amen; and out"
Outnumbered is 😎
call me a sap but this thread bought tears to my eyes; the sense of community, support and sheer kindness on this board is amazing. i don't post very often but i read daily and comment where i can and it's threads like this that really remind me of why i'm here.

i'm so glad E is okay now. what a night!
Thank you everyone -- tell you what shiv, I *know* I'm a sap, but in the middle of night the Twins really did bring a tear of gratitude to my eye! I'm not sure I've ever felt as alone and terrified as the first two nights my son was in hospital with my husband, at diagnosis. Because of this board, I didn't feel that again -- for which I am so grateful.

On top of everything else, E seem to be brewing something! So he's home again. His numbers crept up a bit yesterday, and were high-ish in the night -- though *nothing* like the complete meltdown of the night before. He has a sore throat, and I've just spoken to the school -- stuff going around, apparently!

My daughter is back at school today. Yesterday they ended up bonding and watching and resting all day together, just hanging out. While he slept, she got on with playing. And then when he woke up, they watched tele etc..So she's happy to go back today, now that she knows he's okay. This has confirmed with us how very important it is to make sure that all aspects of diabetes in the family is 'gone through', as it were. When I first told her, she literally leapt to her feet, was so upset that she wanted to go straight to school and forget all about it...Even though she was crying. I made her stay and settle, and we talked later about how much better it was to see and go through rather than to push it all away.

Sigh. Now to try to pick up where I left the rest of my life two days ago...
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