dreadful ketones, hospital...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Okay guys I know there's nothing anyone can do about this now, but I'm just here and here's what's happened:

5mmols before dinner.
23 mmols 3 hours later. Huge correct, test of pump failure.
E feeling terribly sick.
Large ketones.
Half hour later no change.
Hour later no change.
Two conversations with bloody useless ped ward and he's gone in now.

He is in a state of full panic. Threw up just before he left with Dad. We have given him a 5 unit correction with pen. Suspect bubble near reservoir of pump. Suspect dinner bolus (and all basal since) did not go in.

He is very panicky and frightened. We all know the local hospital knows very little. He is afraid he is going to die.

In my heart I think he'll be sorted quickly -- the pen will work and they can flush him out if he's gone to ketoacidosis v quickly. Set change and that's that. He just needs to be near help if he needs it.

Absolutely terrifying. Can only wait.

Bloody diabetes.

Is anyone awake?
Oh dear patricia, how awful for you, am thinking about you all right now. sure everything will be ok.

this is the one thing about pumping that firightens me too, dsn told me that if pump fails potentially could be in dka withn 3 hours, very very frightening. so sudden, so quick, bloody disease. You are right though, will be sorted soon enough, just wish we didnt have to do these things. take care, xxxxxxxx
I'm here.

My gosh you must be so worried. I'm sorry that E is so scared :(

They will definitely have him sorted out very quickly and he will be back to his old self in no time! I would say don't panic but I know as a parent that's impossible!!

Katie xx
Hi , how awful for you all :( Try not to worry too much , I know its easy to say but hes in the best place . They have all the facilities right there if he needs them . I'm sure after the correction as kicked in he will start to feel better and less worried. They may decide to put a drip up to help to flush things through quicker . He'll be ok , its amazing how quickly Insulin will bring levels down and get rid of ketones . 🙂🙂 I'm sending you all ((((big hugs))))
Oh my goodness I'm so glad to hear from you all...

When I think that he was diagnosed at 30mmols, and how long had he been there? But none of this, none of it. He's never had ketones. He is feeling absolutely terrible, terrible. Really grim. And panicky.

I don't feel panicky so much as want him to be 'fixed'. And well. Impossible.

We also have to remember this is the first time we've encountered anything like this, on pump anyway. We need a firmer hold on protocol. BUT -- he was really unwell, feeling horrible. And I guess even if the numbers come down, you can't afford to wait until 'eventually'...Can you? I don't know...He was begging not to go to hospital, knew we could cope better than them. But his dad was able to convince him that if he needed help quickly, that was the place to be.

Shit. What could we have done differently to avoid this crisis? What?! There must be something. I want to make it so it never happens again. Does this happen? To everyone?
Yes, the most upsetting thing is to see him so upset and not be able to do anything about it. How he has to force himself to cope. Will be happier when I hear he's calmer.
I'm sorry Patricia, I wish I could tell you how to prevent this ever happening again. I hope you hear that he has calmed down and is feeling better very soon. Let us know how he is xxx
Thanks Katie. This isn't much fun.

Just heard that they have arrived. He's still 25mmols. Sick in the car. Suspect v insulin resistant.

It's a bugger.
Patricia - don't even begin to understand what you're all going through, but I hope things improve very quickly and your son can calm down and feel at ease again.

Hi Patricia , how are things now? ..If he is still high he is definately in the right place . They may give him something to make him calmer if hes very upset . He'll be fine , try not to worry . I've had DKA and once I was put on DKI drips my levels came down and the Ketones went , I started to feel so much better too . I cant imagine how upset and worried you must feel :( Its nothing that you have done so please dont blame yourself over this , sometimes these things happen , its nobodys fault. We are all here to support you so dont feel alone . xxx Anne-Marie
Thank you Helen, really appreciate it. I'll remember your signature.

No word. I can't even remember what time they left now...The hospital is 30 minutes away.

This is reminding me of his diagnosis, when I was in the house and half crazy with grief. Don't like it.
Sorry Anne-Marie, our messages crossed.

Just this second heard: his blood gasses are normal, he's not in DKA. Will have to look up blood gasses, don't know what that means...He's still 25 though and feeling 'rotten'. Text also says the doc is pretty good and that he's feeling pretty confident. All better than expected.

It's been so long I now want him on drip. Just want him down. Horrible how it makes him feel so absolutely awful, not fair.

Appreciate you all being here. Don't know what I'd do otherwise.

Sorry Anne-Marie, our messages crossed.

Just this second heard: his blood gasses are normal, he's not in DKA. Will have to look up blood gasses, don't know what that means...He's still 25 though and feeling 'rotten'. Text also says the doc is pretty good and that he's feeling pretty confident. All better than expected.

It's been so long I now want him on drip. Just want him down. Horrible how it makes him feel so absolutely awful, not fair.

Appreciate you all being here. Don't know what I'd do otherwise.


Oh thats such a relief then !! If his blood gasses are normal he is just running high levels and feeling sick with that rather than DKA . When they give him Insulin his levels will drop and he'll start to feel alot better 🙂
Aww the poor thing though !! Ive had blood gasses done and it is painful ! he must have been so brave !! I'm so glad that hes ok . 🙂🙂🙂 I'll still be online for a while if you need to chat , also I think Katie is still around .
Thank you Anne-Marie. Admit I'm now feeling quite upset.

Latest text says E is feeling a little calmer. Fluids and insulin drips set up and going in. They are in a single room across from nurse's station, so well looked after.

But they won't be home tonight of course. And my poor daughter will have to get up to find half her family missing. Oh dear. I'm feeling so sorry for myself. She feels these things so intensely. E's diagnosis completely wiped her out.

I can't believe it. Will take a while to get over, just when we were feeling pretty okay -- some ups and downs, but feeling we knew what was what. You get thrown this and suddenly it's medicalisation all over again. A reminder. Just *in case* you start to even think about relaxing a little.

I couldn't understand about de-gassing the tube to the reservoir on the pump, like some people do. A big palaver involving refrigeration and all sorts...But if it turns out to have been a bubble...Guess how we'll do it from now on.

Or maybe he's coming down with something. God I'm going around in circles here! Just want to find something to blame -- anything to be able to reassure, and make it not happen! 😡

SO grateful for this forum. I seriously would be raking my nails down the walls by now...
Sorry Anne-Marie, our messages crossed.

Just this second heard: his blood gasses are normal, he's not in DKA. Will have to look up blood gasses, don't know what that means...He's still 25 though and feeling 'rotten'. Text also says the doc is pretty good and that he's feeling pretty confident. All better than expected.

It's been so long I now want him on drip. Just want him down. Horrible how it makes him feel so absolutely awful, not fair.

Appreciate you all being here. Don't know what I'd do otherwise.


It's so good to hear he isn't in DKA and that he has calmed down 🙂

Hope they get him down soon xx
btw, he *is* brave. He gets very wobbly and upset at first, but then knuckles down and does what needs doing. Has done from the start. Poor mite. I wish he didn't have to be.
Thanks Katie. Crikey, what a night!

(Hey are you and Anne-Marie in some kind of other time zone?! Do you have to get up in the morning? Mind you, SO glad you are here, whatever the case...!)

Thanks Katie. Crikey, what a night!

(Hey are you and Anne-Marie in some kind of other time zone?! Do you have to get up in the morning? Mind you, SO glad you are here, whatever the case...!)


I'm always up this late 😱 I don't have to be up in the morning because i'm currently half-unemployed :( AM never sleeps because she is a machine :D

How old is your daughter btw? 🙂
Okay, movement at last: down to 18.8! Hurray! Set change done and pump reconnected. Hurray!

Phew. E is calming significantly already.

We have all just realised that while E went out in clothes over pajamas, my husband went out with precisely *nothing*: no pjs, no toothbrush, etc. And will be sleeping on one of those god-forsaken fold out easy-chairs. He's so tall and broad that a) his feet hang off the end and b) his shoulders are jammed between the arms of it.

Never mind. If that's the extent of our worries by morning we're doing well.

Well, hey I'm SO glad you guys are up, however! I can actually feel myself unwinding a little now, so thank you...

My daughter is nine. She and her brother are very close, always have been. He is very protective and indulgent of her, and she is wacky, gutsy, free spirit-ish. When he was diagnosed, they seemed to lose each other. She became very *good*, quiet, guilty at not having it. He was so occupied with everything going on that he lost sight of her. Over the summer they seemed to come back to each other, and have been on great form, to my enormous and lasting relief.

I know this event will set her back. She will need to see him to believe all is okay. So I may have everyone home from school tomorrow, 😱!

Oh my. It's all so *important*. And wearing...
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