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I have no idea about the price comparison or if it's relevant to you, but have you looked at the Dexcom G1? You don't need to scan with the G1
Yes and no in that I read somewhere that it was more for type 1 than type 2 diabetics especially type 2 not on insulin or medication that might cause a hypo. The issue I have is that my phone may not be compatible with the app for Dexcom unless you can download the app and set up an account . I will have a look thank you.
I have no idea about the price comparison or if it's relevant to you, but have you looked at the Dexcom G1? You don't need to scan with the G1
According to one chart I saw, Dexcom One was £10 cheaper (annually) to the NHS than Libre 2. (There were no prices given for G6, etc., I think because those can vary depending on local deals. Which seems daft to me.) The Dexcom software works on a much smaller range of Android phones.
I have no idea about the price comparison or if it's relevant to you, but have you looked at the Dexcom G1? You don't need to scan with the G1
Just as a point of reference for others (and I guess @HalfpipMarathon is self-funding) in Bucks I asked my GP in early October to implement the support given by my Endo to provide me with Dexcom One. That has still not happened; the surgery 'outsource' their clinical pharmacist services, who are (allegedly) establishing whether the CCG have yet approved this medication. It's infuriating. I email the Surgery and get a holding acknowledgement. I phone and specifically ask for the Practice Manager, who seems to be equally guarded by the Reception 'guards' as the Doctors are. After my last call this week I got a phone message telling me the clinical pharmacist should contact me today / tomorrow - but still hasn't. So I shall have to crank this up, with a robust email spelling out that their outsourced services haven't replied and that their should be no need for this holding back on what should be a straightforward prescription.

Of course this is unlikely to occur for self-funding Dexcom One.
Just as a point of reference for others (and I guess @HalfpipMarathon is self-funding) in Bucks I asked my GP in early October to implement the support given by my Endo to provide me with Dexcom One. That has still not happened; the surgery 'outsource' their clinical pharmacist services, who are (allegedly) establishing whether the CCG have yet approved this medication. It's infuriating. I email the Surgery and get a holding acknowledgement. I phone and specifically ask for the Practice Manager, who seems to be equally guarded by the Reception 'guards' as the Doctors are. After my last call this week I got a phone message telling me the clinical pharmacist should contact me today / tomorrow - but still hasn't. So I shall have to crank this up, with a robust email spelling out that their outsourced services haven't replied and that their should be no need for this holding back on what should be a straightforward prescription.

Of course this is unlikely to occur for self-funding Dexcom One.
Yes I would be self funding. However although I have now seen you can purchase a receiver if phone is not compatible nothing on website as to where you indicate that you want to order one a . If I can get this receiver then I don't have to purchase a new compatible phone (have a new SIM only contract but kept current phone)

Anybody using Dexcom 1 with a receiver. I'm type 2 but see no reason why I shouldn't get the benefits. May have to email them and ask how much?
Thank you so much for your help. I have emailed them as there is a restriction to two sensors I think so hoping that the 3 month bundle price is reduced accordingly. Also how do you practically keep the receiver within 6 metres of the sensor.?

The alternative is getting a new phone or a secondhand phone that is compatible and downloading the Dexcom app on that only
Also how do you practically keep the receiver within 6 metres of the sensor.?

You’d have to carry it with you, wherever you go.

You seem caught between partly wanting continuous data so you can see what is happening, but also feeling slightly overwhelmed by it when it is available?

What are you hoping for from a CGM, that Libre 2, on it’s own, doesn’t offer? I am not criticising in any way, just trying to understand what it is you are after.

Do you want the data to be collected ‘in the background’, so that you can review it later? Do you value the alerts at high or low readings? Do you want to know when your levels are changing rapidly? Do you want your BG to be ‘glance-able‘ eg on a smartwatch?

How are you hoping to make the tech a good ‘fit’ for you, and protect your MH?
You’d have to carry it with you, wherever you go.

You seem caught between partly wanting continuous data so you can see what is happening, but also feeling slightly overwhelmed by it when it is available?

What are you hoping for from a CGM, that Libre 2, on it’s own, doesn’t offer? I am not criticising in any way, just trying to understand what it is you are after.

Do you want the data to be collected ‘in the background’, so that you can review it later? Do you value the alerts at high or low readings? Do you want to know when your levels are changing rapidly? Do you want your BG to be ‘glance-able‘ eg on a smartwatch?

How are you hoping to make the tech a good ‘fit’ for you, and protect your MH?
Yes I want the data to be collected in the background so I am able to look at it after, to be alerted if my bg goes really high or really low (not that this happens often just a few occasions it's dropped below 3 on Libre)

I don't have a smart watch unless you call a Garmin a smart watch. I don't wear my Garmin except for running.

I feel that by data running in the background this means I am protecting my MH because I am not looking at it 24/7 . Some might say how can you make changes if you don't know but that's what the alarms are for. If they don't go off then your bg levels must be ok. Yes the tech might fall but in my situation it's not a life or death issue as I am not type 1 on insulin.

Hope the above explains why I want cgn.
In which case I think you can make Libre2 work for you with some adaptation.

You just need to scan at least every 8 hours. Every libre scan also captures the last 8 hours of readings, so if you were to scan last thing at night, first thing in the morning, and once or twice in the meantime (perhaps before each meal?) then you would have the 24hr data to review and analyse by graphs etc, in the same way that you would with Dexcom Clarity.

Since the reader (or phone if you use it) can be set to vibrate when scanning, you don’t even have to look at the screen when you scan. Just wait for the confirmation buzz and put the phone/reader back in your pocket.

Both phone and reader have summary reports you could review monthly or whatever. Or you can upload the reader to Abbott online to create more detailed reports (the phone uploads automatically in the background)

You can set L2 alarms for the high or low levels that concern you, and you’d only need to look when they sounded.

Does that sound like a possibility?
In which case I think you can make Libre2 work for you with some adaptation.

You just need to scan at least every 8 hours. Every libre scan also captures the last 8 hours of readings, so if you were to scan last thing at night, first thing in the morning, and once or twice in the meantime (perhaps before each meal?) then you would have the 24hr data to review and analyse by graphs etc, in the same way that you would with Dexcom Clarity.

Since the reader (or phone if you use it) can be set to vibrate when scanning, you don’t even have to look at the screen when you scan. Just wait for the confirmation buzz and put the phone back in your pocket.

Set alarms for the high or low levels that concern you, and you’d only need to look then.

Does that sound like a possibility?
The latter yes but I want to avoid scanning as I tend to go more than 2hrs post meal so having continuous data without scanning is better with alarms to tell me if I am going too high or low.

By scanning I still have to look otherwise no point but the above mean I choose when to look
The latter yes but I want to avoid scanning as I tend to go more than 2hrs post meal so having continuous data without scanning is better with alarms to tell me if I am going too high or low.

By scanning I still have to look otherwise no point but the above mean I choose when to look

But you wouldn’t have to scan post meal? As long as you scan before 8 hours have passed, the results will be captured for you to review whenever you want to.

Unless I am mis-understanding?

Every Libre scan shows you ‘now’ and gives a trace of the previous 8 hours. You could scan at 7am 3pm and 11pm and get the full 24hour graph (and you wouldn’t have to look at any of the scans when you did them)
Thank you so much for your help. I have emailed them as there is a restriction to two sensors I think so hoping that the 3 month bundle price is reduced accordingly. Also how do you practically keep the receiver within 6 metres of the sensor.?

The alternative is getting a new phone or a secondhand phone that is compatible and downloading the Dexcom app on that only
what it is saying is you can only have 2 x 3 months' worth of sensors which equals 6 months in total, not just 2 sensors.
But you wouldn’t have to scan post meal? As long as you scan before 8 hours have passed, the results will be captured for you to review whenever you want to.

Unless I am mis-understanding?

Every Libre scan shows you ‘now’ and gives a trace of the previous 8 hours. You could scan at 7am 3pm and 11pm and get the full 24hour graph (and you wouldn’t have to look at any of the scans when you did them)
Sorry I wasn't explaining myself.

Yes I understand what you are saying in that I wouldn't have to look at my phone just scan at 7am, 3pm and 11pm as you mention but I don't want to scan at all. I want to apply a cgm sensor, start it then forget it unless it notifies me via alarms if I was going high or low. I'm assuming that I am asking for the moon here.

Trouble is that GlucoRX and Dexcom appear have complicated set ups separate transmitter and sensor and the compatibility list is very limited.

Looking forward to when the Libre 3 is available to purchase as as self funder as its a cgm that is like libre 2 that you just apply and start unless I am wrong.
Dexcom appear have complicated set ups separate transmitter and sensor and the compatibility list is very limited.
The setup is so simple even I can manage it. Just apply the sensor tell the app or receiver what the sensor code is and press start, two hours later it's up and running.
I'm assuming that I am asking for the moon here.

Not at all. I think the Dex would be much simpler than you fear, and would give you what you need. I was just trying to save you the hassle of switching. 🙂
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Thank you however I can't find anything about buying a receiver if phone not compatible on the website. What does it look like and how much is it?
It’s on the website, it just needs rooting out - click the drop down menu, click on Dexcom One and you should find the receiver there. It’s £59.99. 🙂
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