Don't trust my diabetes nurse

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As I said previously, make the appointment with the nurse & start with a clean slate. It may even be an idea to apologise if you were perceived as being confrontational, even if you know you weren’t, just to help reset the relationship. Unfortunately we need these people on side, & that sometimes requires some tongue biting!

Then have the same discussion you just posted, with an emphasis on your desire to make lifestyle changes & seeking support with that. When I was first diagnosed I was offered discounted membership of the local Council gym. Well that’s not strictly true, I saw it advertised in the waiting room but had to ask for it.

Also ask about educational courses & support groups.

If you haven’t already, start wading through the info on the main site, maybe making some notes of key relevant bits as you go. You don’t need to take it all in at once & it sounds like you have a decent handle on what’s required anyway.
I'm not apologising for her not telling me the
contraindications and then telling me I was wrong. These people are not gods.
My diabetic nurse telephoned me yesterday and her first question was to ask if I'd been taken the statins prescribed. Now, after reading up on this I stopped taking the statins after 3 days ! As they increased blood sugar and had other nasty side effects. I knew she was contacting me as I'd had the 3 monthly blood test to find out my average blood sugar reading. I'd drastically changed my diet over only 12 days previously to this test, due to gastritis and non celiac wheat allergy (I believe I am celiac) and a parotid gland infection which I've had for 3 years, none of which had been taken into consideration I might add, I am not absorbing vitamins and minerals, and have drastic weight loss. Well, it transpires that my cholesterol was 6.7
It's now 4.4. My blood glucose was 53
It's now 46. I'm drawing my own conclusion that my dietary problems, the antibiotics prescribed for my parotid gland infection, allergies ect have indeed played a massive part in me initially being classed as a T2 diabetic. I no longer take antibiotics, I've cut down on pain medication (co-dydramol 10/500 + 8 per day) and I've taken time off work in health care to try and eat at the correct times and have more balanced meals. The stress in my job has made me realise that I need to change profession as 12-15 hour shifts are have a detrimental effect on my overall health. I take vitamins now and try and include fermented food which helps with my gastritis and GERD, and I also eat a food supplement that looks like baby food lol... But it gives me the minerals I am deficient in.... And I've started to feel so much better.
That reminds me that a Dr I saw to discuss HRT with was asking me why I wasn't on statins. Um, that will be because my cholesterol has always been normal...

I'm happy to take meds I need. I've been on antidepressants for 10 years and I won't ever stop them. They have literally saved my life. But I don't want to be someone that takes 10 different pills, all working against each other. Besides which, I work in the NHS myself (not clinical or frontline) and I am committed to not wasting public money. At work I hear about various preventative initiatives like social prescribing and personalised care. As a patient I see no evidence of it.
I had a conversation with my doc about my i was put on statins as ive no cholesterol and he said that they protect the heart in other ways not just from cholesterol. It took a few attempts to find the right ones that didnt affect my blood sugars and give me aches and pains.
My diabetic nurse telephoned me yesterday and her first question was to ask if I'd been taken the statins prescribed. Now, after reading up on this I stopped taking the statins after 3 days ! As they increased blood sugar and had other nasty side effects. I knew she was contacting me as I'd had the 3 monthly blood test to find out my average blood sugar reading. I'd drastically changed my diet over only 12 days previously to this test, due to gastritis and non celiac wheat allergy (I believe I am celiac) and a parotid gland infection which I've had for 3 years, none of which had been taken into consideration I might add, I am not absorbing vitamins and minerals, and have drastic weight loss. Well, it transpires that my cholesterol was 6.7
It's now 4.4. My blood glucose was 53
It's now 46. I'm drawing my own conclusion that my dietary problems, the antibiotics prescribed for my parotid gland infection, allergies ect have indeed played a massive part in me initially being classed as a T2 diabetic. I no longer take antibiotics, I've cut down on pain medication (co-dydramol 10/500 + 8 per day) and I've taken time off work in health care to try and eat at the correct times and have more balanced meals. The stress in my job has made me realise that I need to change profession as 12-15 hour shifts are have a detrimental effect on my overall health. I take vitamins now and try and include fermented food which helps with my gastritis and GERD, and I also eat a food supplement that looks like baby food lol... But it gives me the minerals I am deficient in.... And I've started to feel so much better.
I had no idea that statins caused increased blood sugar? I hate taking them as mine is precautionary according to my GP! My starting cholesterol was only 4 and now it's 2.4! I do possibly have the worst GP in the country for Diabetes. New nurse is so much better. So glad you are feeling better
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