Does having high bloods cause excessive hunger?

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Hi Squidge,
You really shouldnt be spending your days in double figures. Perhaps you need to see your team and see if your meds need changing?:confused:🙂Bev

I saw my diabetic dr end of feb Bev, he upped my metformin to 6 a day and increased my night dose of levemir to 66 and that brings my morning levels to the 8's at the moment.. I do see my DSN every 6 weeks and see her again in april.. but whatever they do still doesn't bring it down to between 4 - 7... I know me and grapes dont get on so only have them on rare occasions, and I forgot that I had 7 steroid injections in my back (how I could forget I dont know lol) last friday and the dr did say it would push my sugars up... I don't understand my sugar pattern to be honest I can eat all the right stuff and still get high!!!
Hi Squidge,
You really shouldnt be spending your days in double figures. Perhaps you need to see your team and see if your meds need changing?:confused:🙂Bev

i agree bev ..squigey you a T2 what have your team said about the figures
I saw my diabetic dr end of feb Bev, he upped my metformin to 6 a day and increased my night dose of levemir to 66 and that brings my morning levels to the 8's at the moment.. I do see my DSN every 6 weeks and see her again in april.. but whatever they do still doesn't bring it down to between 4 - 7... I know me and grapes dont get on so only have them on rare occasions, and I forgot that I had 7 steroid injections in my back (how I could forget I dont know lol) last friday and the dr did say it would push my sugars up... I don't understand my sugar pattern to be honest I can eat all the right stuff and still get high!!!

I am no expert on type 2's at all - but i am sure being in double figures after changing your meds isnt right. They should only take a few days to see results. The steroids wont have helped with the levels - but if you were in double figures before the steroids then it sounds to me as if you need more meds or the whole thing looking at again. Have you had your hba1c done recently?🙂Bev
i agree bev ..squigey you a T2 what have your team said about the figures

The usual that I am too high, and that I have to get them down so they tinker with my insulin and now increased my tablets... but I shall see what the DSN says on april 6th..

I can remember when I was first diagnosed I could fall asleep, have a pounding headache etc.. with a reading of 12... I have been as high as 28.9 and not felt anything... I know over christmas a couple of my readings hit 19 and 20 because of what I had eaten.. but sometimes I have no clue as to why it goes sky high.
I am no expert on type 2's at all - but i am sure being in double figures after changing your meds isnt right. They should only take a few days to see results. The steroids wont have helped with the levels - but if you were in double figures before the steroids then it sounds to me as if you need more meds or the whole thing looking at again. Have you had your hba1c done recently?🙂Bev

Yes it was 9.9, it was 9.4 before that... in 2006 I was down as low as 6.1
Yes it was 9.9, it was 9.4 before that... in 2006 I was down as low as 6.1

I wonder why things have changed so much? I would push for more advice as there is obviously something not right with your meds.🙂Bev
I wonder why things have changed so much? I would push for more advice as there is obviously something not right with your meds.🙂Bev

My mum died in 2006 and I didn't eat much refused to take my Insulatard at night just didn't see the point, I took my Novorapid when I did eat and took my metformin, so I am surprised my a1c was good, my consultant at the time said that I must have had some of my own insulin kicking in over that period of time..

The only change in meds I have had is with anti-depressants and I don't think it would put up my sugars that much. I wonder if my pancreas has given up altogether now.. I find I spend my time giving correction doses of insulin to get me either in lower double figures or down to single, I can have a sugar of 20 and take probably 30u or more just to lower it to about 12mmols... somedays I just give up and think why bother, but then think don't be stupid you spent 3 years nursing amputees who were primarily diabetic rather than trauma amputees..
yeah my little boy was only ill for a week before diagnosis but the whole time he was ravenous - pulling chairs over to reach the fridge etc - i thought i was mother of the year as I just kept feeding him more fruit - little suprise he quickly developed dka!
I'm a T2 so don't know how relevant this is to the original post. However, before I was diagnosed, I was constantly hungry - I was a human hoover as far as food was concerned. Not only that but sometimes I would wake up in the middle of the night with a dry mouth and a raging thirst which I would satisfy with full fat Irn Bru or whatever was cold in the fridge. Plus the constant trips to the loo in the middle of the night. That's what finally drove me to the Doctor and my diagnosis, which wasn't really a shock as I'd kind of worked it out for myself. I dread to think what sort of levels I was running at the time and what damage I was doing - fortunately the symptoms reduced very quickly as I got to grips with my diet and were gone within a couple of weeks.
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