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Does anyone know the limits to savings while on benefits?


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
just wondered if anyone know this. Only reason I ask is that DWP have just given me a back payment of money they own me and its a certain amount Mind you it will not be in my account long LOL
You need to look up your specific benefit @gail2 For UC it’s £6000. If have that or more, they reduce your benefit. If you have £16k+ you lose your benefit. Be aware that purposely getting rid of a large sum of money might be considered deprivation of assets.
im ok then not got that much from DWP
im ok then not got that much from DWP
It also depends on what the backpayment is. Eg a backpayment of PIP is disregarded as savings for 12 months ie it doesn’t count