Doctors appointment

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great stuff steffie takes a while to kick in but fingers crossed it be worth it eventually xx
great stuff steffie takes a while to kick in but fingers crossed it be worth it eventually xx

Thanks am, the pills are so so tiny so thats 1 good thing better then those horse tablets they call metformin hehe x
So glad you saw the doc Steffie I was thinking about you today. As much as I love him my OH is similar about pills and medical things to the point that I just don't tell him much and keep my squillions of pills out of the way. I keep a list in my wallet just in case there is ever any kind of emergency where someone might need to know and he knows it's there but thats all I tell him. I rarely tell him the results of docs appointments or blood tests either or even that I'm going. He's sympathetic with obvious things like something with a high temperature when I look obviously unwell but hopeless about the diabetes if it's making me feel a bit vile, tired or depressed.
Anyway I'm glad your doc took you in hand and that you have been given some help. Look after yourself. xx
So glad you saw the doc Steffie I was thinking about you today. As much as I love him my OH is similar about pills and medical things to the point that I just don't tell him much and keep my squillions of pills out of the way. I keep a list in my wallet just in case there is ever any kind of emergency where someone might need to know and he knows it's there but thats all I tell him. I rarely tell him the results of docs appointments or blood tests either or even that I'm going. He's sympathetic with obvious things like something with a high temperature when I look obviously unwell but hopeless about the diabetes if it's making me feel a bit vile, tired or depressed.
Anyway I'm glad your doc took you in hand and that you have been given some help. Look after yourself. xx

Thank you Lizzie and for other things you have helped me with as well, you know what i mean x
It's diffirent if there poorly of course the whole world has to comfort them 🙄
Hang in there Steffie.

I put this link in another thread as well. My Dr told me about it. You have to have some motivation to do it, and you will probably find the first thing it does is the questionnaire you did today.

I think that your OH is probably someone who thinks you can just snap out of things, does he ever admit that he is under stress? or just pretends that all is OK.
If the tablets help then that is great, and just take things a day at a time. Remember that you are special and you are looking after yourself for the sake of you and your family.

Take care
Steffie , i hope you begin to feel the benefits soon 🙂
Thanks Jenny thank you marg i will have a look at the link and no he never does anything like feelings or opens up, never has done...One time when things were going bad between us i did threaten to leave and he got on his knees and said dont go and cried that was it that flash of emotion was enough to show me it is in there somewhere in him..
Hope that the tablets are beginning to work well. Lots of congratulations on your weight loss
Hope that the tablets are beginning to work well. Lots of congratulations on your weight loss

Thanks cant imagine it being right but they seem to ave started working already the sleeping pills that is, ive had 7 hours sleep both nights since starting on them x
Hi Steffie, sorry I've come late to this, but great news re the weight loss & sleep! Bet the sleep alone is helping? I was on citalopram when I had pnd & think it was literally a life saver. 🙂 Hope you are feeling better already & continue so!

Twitchy xx
Thanks twitchy hun seems ok so far, the taste in my mouth is making water taste yuk yuk lol x
Glad to hear that there are signs of improvement for you already Steffie🙂

Might have to put something in he water to make it feel better :D
Thanks twitchy hun seems ok so far, the taste in my mouth is making water taste yuk yuk lol x

Steffie I drink loads of Robinsons no added sugar juice, does not alter my bg at all. DSN said its ok to drink. would that help? this means i drink much more water than i normally would.

As far as i know, and i dont :D i think sleeping pills work straight away its the other meds that need to build up?
Steffie I drink loads of Robinsons no added sugar juice, does not alter my bg at all. DSN said its ok to drink. would that help? this means i drink much more water than i normally would.

As far as i know, and i dont :D i think sleeping pills work straight away its the other meds that need to build up?

Im not sure i guess it would cause it was add flavour, could give it a go eh, well trace it certainly feels like they have kicked in x
Hi Steffie and well done on getting yourself off to the doctors. I too have taken Citalopram and they worked really well for years. Just sit tight and wait for the pills to start working and you will feel alot better. In the meantime do take care of yourself, i will be thinking of you.
Had to cancel my follow up appointment due to being ill.:(
Hope you feel better soon Steffie🙂
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