Doctors appointment

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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Some of you know i went to the docs this morning anyway the outcome was after a great chat which seemed to lift a weight of my shoulders i was given 2 new meds one is an anti depressent by the name of Citalopram 10mg once a day and the other is a sleeping tablet called Zimovane 7.5mg which i take at night x1.She wants me to take a weeks worth of sleeping pills and 28 days worth of anti depressent and wants to see me fortnightly for a month now to see how im progressing with the new meds..she took my BP slightly raised she said but nothing worth worrying about and she took my pulse rate to never had that taken i dont think, also had a weight check im down a further 2lb.Regarding counselling she said she cant guarentee i will get to see one before xmas as it is that much of a waiting list at the moment so thats got to go on the back burner for now, but for now im quite happy to try the new meds and see how i go x
Citalopram 10mg once a day and the other is a sleeping tablet called Zimovane

I have been on both of these Citalopram worked really well for me, zimovane did squat all for me. Remember you have to give them time to work into your system. Good luck and keep us posted as to how you are getting on
Take care
Great news Steffie.🙂

Well done for getting things sorted. Sarah says the Citalopram worked wonders for her. I know counselling can take months, but hopefully will do wonders for you. It can help if you can find someone in the meantime who can just listen to you so you sort out in your own head what your thoughts and feelings are.

All the best.

Great news Steffie.🙂

Well done for getting things sorted. Sarah says the Citalopram worked wonders for her. I know counselling can take months, but hopefully will do wonders for you. It can help if you can find someone in the meantime who can just listen to you so you sort out in your own head what your thoughts and feelings are.

All the best.


thanks gail and rob sounds like the citalopram does good things, ill let you know how i get on with sleeping pills gail x
Hey hun

That sounds like a very successful appointment well done on the weight loss firstly. I'm glad she gave you sleeping tablets I think that'll really help you because lack of sleep doesn't help you to feel any better. It sounds like you have a very caring doctor I think it's brilliant that she wants to see you regulary. It also sounds like it's already helped lift your mood just by talking to her 🙂 xx
I have been on Citalopram and they worked really well for me for about 3 years, and I have Zimovane for when I need them, I only use half a tablet and that works well for me. As Gail said you have to let them build up in your system before noticing a difference.
Great results all round, Steff 🙂
One thing i forgot to mention is she got me to fill out a questionaire i think it was to find out the level of my depression , when she looked at it straight away he said classic answers..
I'm glad you saw the doctor, at least you are getting things sorted. Good luck with the new meds, I hope they help.
So chuffed that you had a good appointment. Fingers crossed the new meds help and that the counselling comes along soon.
well done hun, fingers crossed all goes well for you. x
I hope things start improving for you Steffie.

The pills will hopefully do their thing, but I think it's the talking / counselling that'll really help. I hope that is made available to you as soon as possible.

Andy 🙂
Hi Steffie🙂

Glad things are moving on for you - I will pm you xxx
Sounds like a very sucessful appointment Steffie. Hope you are feeling better soon.
Hi Steffie,

so very pleased you got to see your doc 🙂 think it was the right move!

Do hope that the meds work for you, but as Gail says they may take a few weeks for you to notice them working!

Do take care, love

Shirl x
Thanks everyone, my O/H came in from work and he asked what the pills were for i told him and he said oh here we go again, he wodners why i never talk to him when i get a reaction like that grr.
Oooo helpful soul huh? How to make ya feel betta in one easy lesson! Bless ya Steff.
Oooo helpful soul huh? How to make ya feel betta in one easy lesson! Bless ya Steff.

Ah its ok ive learnt to be thick skinned with him hun, its his way.......
just pmming you hun x
Hi Steffie, glad you had a good appointment with the doc.

Hope you are feeling much better soon.

Have you put your weight loss on the Weight Loss Board???
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