Do you use Social Media much ?

I must be lucky in that none of my FB friends (who are mostly real life friends/colleagues/family) ever post anything contentious or nasty. I only ever accept friend requests if I know who it is. It's thanks to FB that my very best friend from the 70s and early 80s found me again. (We never fell out, life just got in the way). We've been seeing each other again for the last 7 years and feel like the 30 odd intervening years never happened. So thank you FaceBook!
Having said all that, if we could magically go back to the 1970s where the only electronic game was the ping-pong on TV, and the only way you could phone was on the party-line, I'd give up all the tech in a heartbeat.
Just Facebook. Have no problems with it as keep privacy settings quite strict. I have found old school and college friends through it and keep in touch with ex work colleagues and people who live in different parts of the country. Also find out a lot of what goes on locally too. I just get rid of negative stuff. You get that everywhere even with ordinary face to face socalising.
I must be lucky in that none of my FB friends (who are mostly real life friends/colleagues/family) ever post anything contentious or nasty. I only ever accept friend requests if I know who it is. It's thanks to FB that my very best friend from the 70s and early 80s found me again. (We never fell out, life just got in the way). We've been seeing each other again for the last 7 years and feel like the 30 odd intervening years never happened. So thank you FaceBook!
Having said all that, if we could magically go back to the 1970s where the only electronic game was the ping-pong on TV, and the only way you could phone was on the party-line, I'd give up all the tech in a heartbeat.
Entirely agree. Not about giving up the tech though. I don't believe in it taking over everything but things can get done so much quicker with using it.
One I personally would not use is X. It is my personal view as I think Elon Musk is an awful person. I cannot believe the things he was coming out with a couple of weeks ago.

Just my personal view. Each to what they prefer to use.
I have found it awful over the last few weeks , the idiots on Facebook in particular with outwardly racist views , I can't be having that in my life

Can you guys give me ideas on how I can limit my profile to just my friends ......not many .....and even then just have my profile as a place they can send a message ?

Because some of them have open profiles , post loads of stuff about family , views on this and that .....and I am not interested

I just want to use Facebook for joining local social groups to improve my well being , News of community events etc ?

I havnt posted anything on my main page for 3 years and that's the end of it for me now

Can I delete past posts ? Mostly about music , laughing at Donald Trump etc ?

Cheers guys
I have found it awful over the last few weeks , the idiots on Facebook in particular with outwardly racist views , I can't be having that in my life

Can you guys give me ideas on how I can limit my profile to just my friends ......not many .....and even then just have my profile as a place they can send a message ?

Because some of them have open profiles , post loads of stuff about family , views on this and that .....and I am not interested

I just want to use Facebook for joining local social groups to improve my well being , News of community events etc ?

I havnt posted anything on my main page for 3 years and that's the end of it for me now

Can I delete past posts ? Mostly about music , laughing at Donald Trump etc ?

Cheers guys
Set your "privacy" settings to "friends only." I only allow my "friends" to see my posts and pictures. I also only permit "friend requests" to come from "friends of friends."

I am in quite a few groups but, even with that, you will get some people making childish comments. For example, a question was asked on the "Diabetes Daily" group about what they enjoyed about the Olympics. Some people said "the end of it." "don't watch it." "can't stand sport." Personally, what a waste of energy. If you are not interested in the Olympics why bother even taking part in the FB thread.

I must be the only woman in the UK who doesn't like Strictly Come Dancing and doesn't watch it. Some of my friends do and put posts up about it. I wouldn't waste my energy saying "I don't like it and don't watch it." A friend of mine put up a picture of when they went to see Strictly and I put a like on it as I was pleased she had enjoyed herself. Just because I don't like it why make sarcastic or negative comments.

I fear with social media, as in social life, there are always people who cannot say anything good about anything or anyone. One or two of my friends I was appalled with during the recent trouble. I don't think they are racist but just feel there is too much immigration. There are ways to go about saying that though without resorting to out and out racism.
I think I am just going to use it to keep in touch with others , even some of my dearest friend post such utter rubbish at times
Maybe just try to ignore it. Easier said than done I know.

To be honest some of the nasty posts I saw during the riots I sent to FB and said "I don't want to see this". It did stop it. There is a site on the internet called "Fact Check." I look at this regularly. They call out all the nonsense and fake news on social media but they also refer to things said by politicians which are not quite right. They will criticise all political parties and I tend to look at that site a lot.

The Fact Checkers work with FB to take down fake news as much as they can. I have noticed one of my friends who I have unfollowed because I am sick of all the nonsense she spouts has had quite a lot of fake news taken down from her site.
Set your "privacy" settings to "friends only." I only allow my "friends" to see my posts and pictures. I also only permit "friend requests" to come from "friends of friends."

I am in quite a few groups but, even with that, you will get some people making childish comments. For example, a question was asked on the "Diabetes Daily" group about what they enjoyed about the Olympics. Some people said "the end of it." "don't watch it." "can't stand sport." Personally, what a waste of energy. If you are not interested in the Olympics why bother even taking part in the FB thread.

I must be the only woman in the UK who doesn't like Strictly Come Dancing and doesn't watch it. Some of my friends do and put posts up about it. I wouldn't waste my energy saying "I don't like it and don't watch it." A friend of mine put up a picture of when they went to see Strictly and I put a like on it as I was pleased she had enjoyed herself. Just because I don't like it why make sarcastic or negative comments.

I fear with social media, as in social life, there are always people who cannot say anything good about anything or anyone. One or two of my friends I was appalled with during the recent trouble. I don't think they are racist but just feel there is too much immigration. There are ways to go about saying that though without resorting to out and out racism.
That's a very helpful post , thank you

And I totally agree
I don't use any of them, I'm happy with forums such as this and two others that I'm a member of where there is moderation and respect and they are about things that matter to me. The rest doesn't interest me and I don't want to share any more of my personal details than I have to with big, uncontrolled tech companies that don't control what's posted on their sites and only want to sell me things. Sorry to be miserable about it.
I don't use any of them, I'm happy with forums such as this and two others that I'm a member of where there is moderation and respect and they are about things that matter to me. The rest doesn't interest me and I don't want to share any more of my personal details than I have to with big, uncontrolled tech companies that don't control what's posted on their sites and only want to sell me things. Sorry to be miserable about it.
Thank you

For me it's not so much the big tech companies that bother me it's the utter nonsense and horrid political views , especially recently that I see
Maybe just try to ignore it. Easier said than done I know.

To be honest some of the nasty posts I saw during the riots I sent to FB and said "I don't want to see this". It did stop it. There is a site on the internet called "Fact Check." I look at this regularly. They call out all the nonsense and fake news on social media but they also refer to things said by politicians which are not quite right. They will criticise all political parties and I tend to look at that site a lot.

The Fact Checkers work with FB to take down fake news as much as they can. I have noticed one of my friends who I have unfollowed because I am sick of all the nonsense she spouts has had quite a lot of fake news taken down from her site.

Thankfully some of those keyboard warriors who stirred up hatred & false information have been brought to justice, hope police find many more.
Thank you

For me it's not so much the big tech companies that bother me it's the utter nonsense and horrid political views , especially recently that I see
It's both of those for me not to mention the time I would waste doing mindless scrolling.
Thankfully some of those keyboard warriors who stirred up hatred & false information have been brought to justice, hope police find many more.
Many of the inflammatory comments made when some thing big happens come from abroad, meant as a form of cyber attack, inciting civil unrest and mistrust in the authorities.

And yes, it's been great to see how many people have been brought to justice.
Social media has become a hotbed of ignorance, mis/dis-information, superficiality, narcissism, fear, confirmation bias, motivated reasoning, conspiracy, orthorexia, tribalism and bigotry, served up by an ever watchful algorithm intent on giving us more of anything we dare to even sniff at. I believe the negatives far outweigh the positives.
Thankfully some of those keyboard warriors who stirred up hatred & false information have been brought to justice, hope police find many more.
Absolutely agree with you Nonethewiser. I think social media companies have to do more about this as there is far too much of this sort of thing happening.

I have met up with loads of people from my past via Facebook and really find it useful but some people just use it for nasty purposes such as we saw a couple of weeks back.
Sadly a lot of social media has become the home of extremist trolls and just so much entitlement it makes me really just want to find a remote house somewhere in the wilds of Scotland and just hide out there with the missus!

I absolutely agree that the companies running social media need to be much more accountable though and as for the likes of Musk, I honestly think that he should face some consequences for his recent words and his openly allowing extremist views and misinformation to be voiced on X

That said, I have also seen so much good come out of social media as well, unfortunately the trolls seem to have a louder voice these days so a lot of the good that happens just goes unseen. Don't forget, the counter protests to the recent riots were also organised via social media and wouldn't have happened so fast without it.

On top of that, I've moved around the country a bit over the years and have made some awesome friends that I would in all likelihood have lost touch with as well as friends in foreign countries, either who have moved there or who I met online through shared interests.
My interests are

Football ...Cardiff City
Animals ....feeding the birds and hedgehogs
Trying to eat well
Heavy rock music
Short breaks
I wouldn't be on here now if it wasn't for the FaceBook page that DiabetesUK is on.
All three of the motorcycle owners clubs I frequent are also on here.
I could go on and on, but I won't.
Paul G
I agree Taffy, being selective on what you read helps some. Its a bit like the news, I tend to be selective on that too.

Some people think its ok to use bad behaviour on line, but those types just stay away from on FB you can click on their name, go to profile and block them using the ...