Do you use Social Media much ?


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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I suppose this is social media of a sort but I feel on the whole it's really positive

However I find Facebook and some of the other platforms out there absolutely dreadful and especially so since these recent riots

I find the internet useful for so many things , it's a shame that it often seems over run with unpleasant stuff
I do. I use Facebook and Instagram but I use the unfriend option quite a lot, especially this last two weeks. I only have 200 friends and I know them all. My profile is private and I reject friend requests if I don’t have a clue who they are and we don’t have any friends in common. It’s good for keeping up with family who aren’t local, and I belong to gardening, cookery, birdwatching, aurora and local newspaper groups, amongst others, which are great. Social media does have a bad rep sometimes but used sensibly it can be wonderful.
I do. I use Facebook and Instagram but I use the unfriend option quite a lot, especially this last two weeks. I only have 200 friends and I know them all. My profile is private and I reject friend requests if I don’t have a clue who they are and we don’t have any friends in common. It’s good for keeping up with family who aren’t local, and I belong to gardening, cookery, birdwatching, aurora and local newspaper groups, amongst others, which are great. Social media does have a bad rep sometimes but used sensibly it can be wonderful.

Are you able to post in those groups privately ?

I don't post on Facebook generally and wouldn't want the world knowing my business
I'm really not a fan of facebook. I have an old account on there, but I don't use if, and to be honest I should just delete it.

I've been on Discord since 2018 as gamers use it a lot, I belong to a few groups on that, and also message a few friends I've kept in touch with over the years.
It's a pretty useful platform, you can create a server for your own group, join a group, message a group or a person, post pics and video's, and can also chat verbally (video also available, but not tried that). It's private as you just share your username (no need to share a real life name/phone number). If anyone did want to message me just pm for my discord name.
Short answer, no. Forum, plus WhatsApp for communication between family members.
Oh yeah, I use whatsapp too, but don't really think of that as social media as contact on that is tied to the phone number (which I wouldn't pass to random people)
Oh yeah, I use whatsapp too, but don't really think of that as social media as contact on that is tied to the phone number (which I wouldn't pass to random people)
Yep , messenger and what's app

Trying to restrict Facebook to social groups the racism and hatred I have seen since the riots on Facebook, is awful
Are you able to post in those groups privately ?

I don't post on Facebook generally and wouldn't want the world knowing my business
You can chose to just let your friends see your posts, but if you tag anyone it’s possible their friends and friends of friends could see it. Of course you’re under no obligation to post anything, you can just use it to have a nosy at everyone else’s life! Remember there’s a delete button if you don’t like anything, as for the racism and hatred going about at the moment that’s when it comes in very handy. I deleted a handful of “friends” last week just for mentioning “them lot coming over in boats”. But as I follow the news channels and newspapers and watch the news on TV, it’s always going to be there unfortunately. It makes me anxious too, but I console myself with the fact it really is a very small minority who have those vile ideologies.
You can chose to just let your friends see your posts, but if you tag anyone it’s possible their friends and friends of friends could see it. Of course you’re under no obligation to post anything, you can just use it to have a nosy at everyone else’s life! Remember there’s a delete button if you don’t like anything, as for the racism and hatred going about at the moment that’s when it comes in very handy. I deleted a handful of “friends” last week just for mentioning “them lot coming over in boats”. But as I follow the news channels and newspapers and watch the news on TV, it’s always going to be there unfortunately. It makes me anxious too, but I console myself with the fact it really is a very small minority who have those vile ideologies.
I think I am just going to use it to keep in touch with others , even some of my dearest friend post such utter rubbish at times
I do. I use Facebook and Instagram but I use the unfriend option quite a lot, especially this last two weeks. I only have 200 friends and I know them all. My profile is private and I reject friend requests if I don’t have a clue who they are and we don’t have any friends in common. It’s good for keeping up with family who aren’t local, and I belong to gardening, cookery, birdwatching, aurora and local newspaper groups, amongst others, which are great. Social media does have a bad rep sometimes but used sensibly it can be wonderful.
How do you find the hobby and interest groups ?
Nope, it rots your brain. Have absolutely no interest in the minutia of other peoples lives.
Yes, I use Facebook quite a bit and follow several dog rescues, horse rescues, sports groups, as well as other things. For me, it's a fantastic way of finding out what's happening locally. It's how I found my last two dogs and wild swimming!!

If any of the groups get toxic however, I bin them off or have a break and I never get drawn into arguing with strangers on the internet. Life is wayyyyy to short for that nonsense :D

Yes, people often post utter drivel and I have no interest in their 1000's of holiday pictures but I don't let it upset me. I just wish them well and scroll on by. Let's face it, all I post is nonsense about dogs, caravans, horses and pigeons (my last post is my nesting pigeon under my car port).
I find facebook really useful for looking stuff up, (local village website, small tradespeople, dodgy horse dealer sites when we were looking for our pony, so we knew where to avoid) but I’d never post on it. My kids roll their eyes when I mention facebook, though, with a 'Millenial! Everyone uses Tiktok these days…'
Are you able to post in those groups privately ?

I don't post on Facebook generally and wouldn't want the world knowing my business
It depends on how the group is set up. Some are public, some are private (group can be found through a search, but you have to request to join and can't see posts until you are admitted) and some are secret (can't even find out they exist unless someone invites you to them)
Just somethings that's never interested me, really not into keeping in touch with distant relatives friends or work colleagues for that matter, for those that do SM must be a great asset.
Usually not, but sometimes I can't resist the temptation;

I use Facebook mainly to keep in contact with people.
I did join a few T2 groups, but the advice was shocking on the whole.
I use Instagram. I used to use X but just got bored using it....and as for Facebook I stopped using it altogether due to the recent sudden death of my good friend (and former next door neighbour) Ana from cancer.
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