do you tend to adjust for stresss.

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everryones differnt but i would not be comtefortable with correcting at 8 epsailly not a bedtime I consider that a good number to go to bed on. but everyone's differentn;t of course. a change of cartilage today seemed to make things work more then experidene even though i might not do a proper background test tonight i might try and see if my usual 4 does keep.
@rayray119 you had one incident when you tested and were a bit low.... I think it was Mid-high 3s if I remember rightly and didn't realise until you tested for your bolus but then felt it quite quickly after you tested. I don't think that really constitutes a loss of hypo awareness. It may well just have been a case of your levels dropping very slowly so your body didn't feel it and perhaps you were out in the cold or engrossed in doing something and didn't pick up on it as soon as you might ordinarily do.
If I am right I don't think that is anything to worry about as regards loss of hypo awareness. Sometimes I can feel a hypo coming on in the mid to low 4s and sometimes I am down to mid to low 3s. The important thing is that I do feel it, even if it just happens to be after I have tested or scanned. That doesn't mean that I have lost hypo awareness, just that sometimes I spot it earlier than other times.

Your waking readings have been a bit high recently and may well have been high most of the night from things you have said on the "waking average" thread. I don't know if that is what @Proud to be erratic was referring to about your levels being high. If you were using Libre you might find your % TIR has dropped a bit since going back to finger pricking but I understand your lack of confidence in Libre and reluctance to use it again.

I do agree with Roland that a pump will involve a lot of adjustment and from what I read, even very experienced Type 1s have problems with getting them set up in the first few months and figuring out the best setting for them and often seem to have hypos during this period.
I do wonder if your attitude towards Libre might indicate how you would also respond to a pump in those early days and perhaps not want to push through those difficulties. It is a 4 year commitment and a big investment by the NHS and if you are reluctant to stick at the Libre and figure out a way to make it work for you, then you can understand their reluctance to put you forward for a pump at this time. I think that may be why they want you to go back to the Libre so show some perseverance because you will need that if/when you start on a piump.
i'm aware the pump takes a lot of work but i honsllty. the big problem with the libre wasn't the accurrances.(although that still wasn't great sometimes) it was the fact they never stayed working. i;m fully aware of the pump. i give the libre serval changes before i give it up compellty so i would b more liky to push through it. if they did turn out to be other tech aviallbe at the end of this month. at this time of the month I'm usually am running high but that might of settled now. i'm trying to figure out the even jump that's going on. i think you and i have didn't idea of whats much to high. and as you would think waking up at 8 high and then. looks like part of the problem with last night coretions not torching it. was/

that's the thing i wasn't releclent i tried to stick to it before i came to inclusion it just didn't work with me(I've since found out that other people had the same problem)

i know people diagages with this but i do honstlly think a pump is worth trying epsailly with my lack of life routine life style and the jobs unpricatbness
everryones differnt but i would not be comtefortable with correcting at 8 epsailly not a bedtime I consider that a good number to go to bed on. but everyone's differentn;t of course. a change of cartilage today seemed to make things work more then experidene even though i might not do a proper background test tonight i might try and see if my usual 4 does keep.

i'm aware the pump takes a lot of work but i honsllty. the big problem with the libre wasn't the accurrances.(although that still wasn't great sometimes) it was the fact they never stayed working. i;m fully aware of the pump. i give the libre serval changes before i give it up compellty so i would b more liky to push through it. if they did turn out to be other tech aviallbe at the end of this month. at this time of the month I'm usually am running high but that might of settled now. i'm trying to figure out the even jump that's going on. i think you and i have didn't idea of whats much to high. and as you would think waking up at 8 high and then. looks like part of the problem with last night coretions not torching it. was/

that's the thing i wasn't releclent i tried to stick to it before i came to inclusion it just didn't work with me(I've since found out that other people had the same problem)

i know people diagages with this but i do honstlly think a pump is worth trying epsailly with my lack of life routine life style and the jobs unpricatbness
there also had been other times ages ago that it happened. and i know i have sometimes slept though them. however i as going low every couple of days back in noverber and the libre was just forgetting about them(when i had one one because all all the deals it i spent get a bit of time without them)
heres a chance of how much change i give the libre it settled using pretty much in setmeber it was of feburry when i actu
and actually it was 3.3 then i tested again to make sure it was;t a dougy strip and it was 2.9 and must have been fulling further because 15 minutes after treeting it was 3.2. I do wonder if my HB1AC has gone up. and to be honest get a lot of time of actually being on libre had been only finger pricking so perhaps not. however, if they worked plus were trustworthy then would make background tests easier expressly overnight ones. i'm very willing to try another sensor if available, which i know some people might disagree it, and the fect that dexcom has separ apps will stop be lokkun at time in range overnight, the other night though I did ignore the whole don't correct within 4 hours of having insulin advice because in thoughts 4 hours after one correction. h
also its wired but correction does seem t b wired sometimes and work drop be more at other times. other reason why i would risk correction at 8 epasilly as that's very almost in range.
"tresiba would be a nightmare with my pump" was what was said so I'm not seeing how that could be separate points but never mind
sorr miscomucted i must had pump on my mind i might tresibira would be a nightmare with my job
well i just tested at i was 2.6 I think this might have been party due to not testing soo enough. and think I now what haveened. it was a false judgment made earlier in the day.
i do understand a sesonor that worked would help me see whats happening at night right now
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Hi rayray, your dispraxia is teasing me ... ability!

2 hrs after eating is great, as you say to see how it goes. I haven't worked out what 'parents' means, but think I've got the spirit of what you're saying. Anyway, 3 meals per day plus 2 hrs later = 6 tests, minimum. I usually expect also to test as I get out of bed (unless I use that reading for my breakfast bosul and before I go to sleep to see if I need a sleep time correction. Hence you could need a minimum of 7 or 8 test strips daily. I drive, so I need extra for driving.


Not sure what point you are making here. But if the opening remark that 'you are currently getting round it' means that you've found a solution - then fine. The longer that you can make that 'getting round it' work, the more you are creating a precedent for testing at a certain frequency and the harder it becomes for your GP to try and enforce a reduction. Sometimes, the GP needs a precedent to justify to the Practice CCG why they are prescribing above the guideline that they get from either NICE or the CCG. Its playing 'politics' and is a game that we, the Patients, should not be dragged into - but it happens!

Was that a GP Surgery nurse or a DSN? If the DSN is challenging you then there is a deeper problem, since a DSN should understand T1 needs to check frequently; whereas a Practice nurse sees diabetes from the perspective of T2s, and frequently GP surgeries have a policy ( wrong sometimes) of discouraging T2s from testing - then transfer that thought process into what T1s should do (also wrong).

Yes, absolutely right in my opinion. I drive and wouldn't consider making a long journey without a working fuel guage. And I won't cross the road without checking for traffic immediately before I cross, rather than looking and crossing 10 mins later!

Truthfully, I'm not sure what point you are trying to make in this paragraph:.
Adjusting your Levermir and making informed decisions means, to me, that you might need to make extra finger pricks.

If running higher then an extra half unit makes sense

I've lost the plot, sorry.

Yes there is merit in using the more flexible Levermir, but adjusting your basal is something of an art, rather than a science.
You have to assess (guess really) what your forthcoming day's activity is likely to do to your BG - or have a fixed morning basal and regulate through the day by snacks and bosul. Then in the evening assess (again guess) what your day's activity is likely to do to your sleeping BG and apply an adjustment. This is tricky and needs, in my opinion, several weeks of experience and tight record keeping to understand when the day has (or hasn't) affected your overnight patterns. I personally wouldn't trust a single 24hr experience and would want a lot of repetition before drawing a conclusion and making adjustments. All of this is so much more difficult without Libre.

I think that is jumping the gun. When you get the go-ahead for a pump then the change of insulin can be pert of the actual fitting process. But, you are now on Levermir, so moving on ...

I'm assuming you mean the Levermir wears off over 12+ hrs, if you got the dose wrong.

Actually you don't know that MDI isn't the best option for working, you are assuming that. Everything that I read suggests there is a lengthy transition process from MDI to pump and with your somewhat irregular working patterns finding the right moment to make that transition is going to be challenging. Also, if in the early days of that transition pumping is a bit wrong, will your work regime allow you to pause and make pump adjustments? Then pause again and check you have the adjustment right.

Last week my Endo said he fully supported the posssibility of my moving onto a pump BUT not yet. He felt I needed to get beyond all my current diabetes erratic behaviour before taking on what would be a challenging few months moving onto a pump. For instance he's suggested further changes to my carb:insulin ratios, my timings for prebosul and a slight tweak to my bosul. He did this after a lengthy study of my Libre data on LibreView and pointing out trends that he was spotting with his experienced eye. I am happy to accept his advice; it made sense to me. So even if I get a yes in 6 months time, it could still be a long time before the pump is actually funded and with me.

Well done on persisting with the fasting checks.

I'm still a little concerned for you that you seem to be accepting that you are running high and not working to lower your BG. One observation that my Endo made to me, was that if I'm low, but have good hypo awareness and able to respond quickly with Jelly Babies (or similar), then the risk to me is very limited. Repeated lows could affect my hypo awareness, but that is correctable. The likelihood of me going into a coma is very, very slim - not least because I have Libre and a CGM app. But the damage to me, particularly my narrowest blood vessels, by being high for too long is a bit more of a risk. Now, I'm nowhere near that risk at present, but I don't intend to let that become a risk. He did remind me that the first 2 simplest ways of lowering BG is by staying fully hydrated and being active, options I presume available to you. Of course also using extra insulin to correct, when appropriate.

Long post, hope the dialogue helps.
sorry for another post I've just seen it the question about being able to pause and I would actually I could just not pick up shifts
sorry for another post I've just seen it the question about being able to pause and I would actually I could just not pick up shifts
Yes, but that might be missing the point. You want to have a pump to make your D management easier while working. If you have to make pump adjustments while at work, then will your working conditions make that difficult or impractical? It is one thing to be learning about the intricacies of pump management while at home and not on a working day, another thing to be doing that while at work. Can you afford to be not working for weeks or possibly months while you learn about pumping? Also, if those pump adjustments are also occurring because your overall diabetes management is still 'work in progress', then that is a further confusion factor.

If I remember correctly you were first diagnosed as T1 about 9 months ago, so perhaps some more 'settling down' time is an inevitable necessity?
Yes, but that might be missing the point. You want to have a pump to make your D management easier while working. If you have to make pump adjustments while at work, then will your working conditions make that difficult or impractical? It is one thing to be learning about the intricacies of pump management while at home and not on a working day, another thing to be doing that while at work. Can you afford to be not working for weeks or possibly months while you learn about pumping? Also, if those pump adjustments are also occurring because your overall diabetes management is still 'work in progress', then that is a further confusion factor.

If I remember correctly you were first diagnosed as T1 about 9 months ago, so perhaps some more 'settling down' time is an inevitable necessity?
i still belive it worth a short and am willing to put in the work for it and apparently omipod and push through dicuffcults. i dont think comparing how handle pump is right. it seems, actually 6 months and things were working. i thik I have stomach bug at the moment as well. things actually had settled and i'm aware I need to make some changes whether temporary or perdentlly. and working hand to figure it out. i think people have different advice because some peoples advice before on various groups has been to ask for it.
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