Do you know your rights at work?

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Dear Gwen,

Just to let you know that I won my appeal against a written warning today at work and that the 3 weeks signed off work with Diabetic Retinopathy was supported as a disability and effectively written off.
As part of my evidence I used the Employment Advocacy Pack which I found very useful in putting together my appeal.

Many thanks for your help and assistance with this.
Dear Gwen,

Just to let you know that I won my appeal against a written warning today at work and that the 3 weeks signed off work with Diabetic Retinopathy was supported as a disability and effectively written off.
As part of my evidence I used the Employment Advocacy Pack which I found very useful in putting together my appeal.

Many thanks for your help and assistance with this.
Hi there. That's fantastic news, I'm very glad to hear that and glad we could be of help! 🙂
Thankfully I've never had a problem in the 17 years I've been T1. I've worked for two different small-ish design agencies and they've both been fully support of time off for clinic appointments etc. On the flip side, I've never presented any issue to either company due to my health – I'd imagine that both companies are likely to have forgotten that I live with this. I can't actually remember the last time I had to take any sick days, which is more than can be said for my 'healthy' colleagues 😉
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