Do you have an(other) autoimmune disease?

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My mother (and grandmother) and me have Reynauds. Reading up on it, it could be auto-immune.
As no one else in my family (apart from a great aunt who is not a blood realtive!) has Type 1, I wondered if there was an auto-immune connection with the Rrynauds.
There again my father has psorias and I remember his tar baths stinking out the bathroom when he was very stressed. I appear to have missed out on that one (so far) but who knows.

Apart from Type 1 and Reynauds, I have nothing diagnosed as auto-immune but have had some tests recently for pernicious anaemia and coeliacs. Maybe there is more that want to join the auto-immune party.
Ooh yes, Raynauds often seems to pair with autoimmune diseases from what I gather. I think with these conditions there's so much going on that we don't understand yet. Hope you get to the bottom of what's going on with your recent tests. And bless your father - the coal tar is an acquired scent !
One downside of the 1982 flare up was that my girlfriend of 4 months dumped me. She didn't like the look of it at all.
That makes me so sad. I firmly believe that the psoriasis is good for weeding out folk that don't deserve us! Her loss I'm sure, @Martin.A !
Don't know if Vasculitis is one but today I can't lower my feet to the ground to walk the few steps into the kitchen because the pressure is so intense. So basically I'll have to wait hours before I can get up out of the chair.
@RichardsUsername that sounds awful. Is there anything that helps you cope with this? I just did a bit of googling and most of the articles say that vasculitis is an autoimmune disease, although one said it can be a reaction to medication or an infection. I have to admit I had heard of vasculitis before but didn't really know much about it. I will be remedying that! Thank you for sharing and I hope tomorrow is kinder to you.
Im type 2 and also have fibromyalgia and chronic migraine condition currently struggling with the weather as my body hates sudden changes either way hot or cold trying my best to keep going as supporting my daughter with her 4 week old son
Oh you must be exhausted!! I have heard that fibromyalgia and migraines are both extremely painful conditions. The weather can definitely wreak havoc with our bodies. Gentle hugs and congratulations on your new baby grandson!
Type 2 and inflammatory bowel disease.

I’ve likely had the IBD for years (in hindsight) but put many symptoms down to IBS rather than IBD.

The IBD is well managed with the low carb diet that also manages the diabetes!! It’s a win, win!!
I believe IBD is another one that increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. That must be tough to deal with. Glad to hear that the low carb helps both your IBD and type 2 though - it's wonderful when we find something that helps us manage our symptoms!
I’m a type 1 diagnosed aged 7 but was disgnosed with rheumatoid arthritis around the age of 4. My arthritis seems to rear its head rarely but quite badly and then go into remission for a good few years (thankfully).

@TwilightMidna I was on methotrexate during my last rheumatoid arthritis flare up. I don’t think I noticed a big impact directly on blood sugars however the arthritis made it hard for me to exercise so that had an impact (and could maybe have masked any methotrexate issues), I also really suffer with fatigue when my arthritis is bad. The main side effect from the methotrexate was feeling a bit sick for the day after taking it each week.
Gosh I can't imagine having to deal with the arthritis as a child (or type 1 for that matter). I really suffer with the fatigue too - I was misdiagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome for a few years due to that being my most debilitating symptom. I had some mild nausea with the mtx at the start but I've been relatively lucky side effects-wise (so far!). How is your RA at the moment?
T2 (maybe - was on insulin within 7 months of diagnosis)
Psoriasis on face, scalp and elbows (mild ish I think - GP deals with it aka never got it confirmed with dermatology but lotions, shampoos and steroid creams keep it to a dull roar)
Investigations underway for IBD (blood markers for inflammation for 2 years and "somethings not right" GI symptoms for 10 months and very positive tests for inflammation in bowel so far)
Hoping you can get some answers re the IBD soon and hopefully find something to help. It's horrible suffering with symptoms and not having a solid answer. Did you ever have the antibody tests for your diabetes? And do you mind sharing which shampoo helps with your psoriasis? My scalp is sooooo itchy with the seasons changing!
@RichardsUsername that sounds awful. Is there anything that helps you cope with this? I just did a bit of googling and most of the articles say that vasculitis is an autoimmune disease, although one said it can be a reaction to medication or an infection. I have to admit I had heard of vasculitis before but didn't really know much about it. I will be remedying that! Thank you for sharing and I hope tomorrow is kinder to you.
Thanks. I'm waiting for an appointment. I've taken a pain killer today but that doesn't do much. Basically at the moment I have to wait for it to pass. Fortunately I have the time. I've done some googling on it which I do with a lot of things. Apparently it's related to Rheumatoid Arthritis so I can expect a lot of pain.
Thanks. I'm waiting for an appointment. I've taken a pain killer today but that doesn't do much. Basically at the moment I have to wait for it to pass. Fortunately I have the time. I've done some googling on it which I do with a lot of things. Apparently it's related to Rheumatoid Arthritis so I can expect a lot of pain.
Chronic pain is rough. If you feel comfortable doing so, keep me/us updated on everything. Hope your appointment comes through soon and they can find a way to ease your symptoms!
I have alopecia areata (where the areata is quite large!) - quite a lot of my hair decided to fall out during lockdown (most of my scalp hair, quite a lot of my facial hair, my eyebrows, most of my eyelashes, etc.) and it's showing no signs of returning.

Here it is just before I shaved it all off - I wish I'd done that sooner rather than waiting and hoping (it was lockdown, had it not been I'd probably have had to do something about it sooner, as it was, it couldn't really be seen on Teams/Zoom calls.) At that point I still had eyebrows and eyelashes, I survive without! 🙂

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I've had dry skin since I was a child, but I don't think it's bad enough to be classified as any sort of condition (though if I could get something to avoid the cracked fingers in the winter that would be nice!)

I also seem to have picked up Reynauds last winter, though I'm not quite sure. It only happens when out cycling when it's really cold. I guess I'll be finding out if it's here to stay within a month or three!
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Hoping you can get some answers re the IBD soon and hopefully find something to help. It's horrible suffering with symptoms and not having a solid answer. Did you ever have the antibody tests for your diabetes? And do you mind sharing which shampoo helps with your psoriasis? My scalp is sooooo itchy with the seasons changing!
capasal shampoo (and also use qv wash and qv cream as well as daktacort (Hydrocortisone 1% / Miconazole 2% cream - all on prescription).
Hate the smell of the shampoo so I wash hair with normal shampoo (to get it all clean), wash scalp with smelly one then wash all but scalp again with normal and then conditioner as usual. :rofl:
The qv cream and wash is a nice non medicated way of dampening symptoms and listed as a first line treatment on nhs for psoriasis so reasonably easy to get if you have it elsewhere.

Never got antibody tests, DSN said she would ask to get it arranged and didn't and had radio silence for about 9 months. I only recently made contact again so I could bug for libre (which I got this time due to tummy being very inconsistent and fluid levels throwing numbers all over the place). Supposed to have a review coming up with her so will mention it again 🙄. I want to know definitively but for now I have access to the tech I need.
Gosh I can't imagine having to deal with the arthritis as a child (or type 1 for that matter). I really suffer with the fatigue too - I was misdiagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome for a few years due to that being my most debilitating symptom. I had some mild nausea with the mtx at the start but I've been relatively lucky side effects-wise (so far!). How is your RA at the moment?
To be honest having it at 4 years old was harder on my parents than me, the last bad bout of it though was pretty tough, I was 28 but felt like I was in the body of an 80 year old!

The fatigue can be hard! And a lot of people don’t understand that it is part of arthritis which can be difficult.

My RA has been well behaved for the past 3 years and I’ve not been on meds, but have a bit of a twinge in my knee at the moment so have a call with the gp tomorrow, I may be being over the top but just a bit frightened for it to get as bad as it did back in 2018 (last flare up). But if it is back hoping to get back on meds quickly and nip it in the bud.

How is your PA at the moment?
I have vitiligo which i have had since my 20's and have arthritis in my hands but am not currently taking anything for that. Diagnosed with Lada at the end of July x
I have alopecia areata (where the areata is quite large!) - quite a lot of my hair decided to fall out during lockdown (most of my scalp hair, quite a lot of my facial hair, my eyebrows, most of my eyelashes, etc.) and it's showing no signs of returning.

Here it is just before I shaved it all off - I wish I'd done that sooner rather than waiting and hoping (it was lockdown, had it not been I'd probably have had to do something about it sooner, as it was, it couldn't really be seen on Teams/Zoom calls.) At that point I still had eyebrows and eyelashes, I survive without! 🙂

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I've had dry skin since I was a child, but I don't think it's bad enough to be classified as any sort of condition (though if I could get something to avoid the cracked fingers in the winter that would be nice!)

I also seem to have picked up Reynauds last winter, though I'm not quite sure. It only happens when out cycling when it's really cold. I guess I'll be finding out if it's here to stay within a month or three!
Thank you so much for sharing, both your experiences and the photo. The alopecia must have been such a shock! I have heard a few people with alopecia say that they wish they had just shaved their head sooner. It's a big deal though and I'm sure there's lots of emotions involved. Hoping the Raynaud's doesn't return this winter!! At one point we wondered if I might have that or something called cryoglobulinemia, but I think it was just my arthritis messing around (again!).
capasal shampoo (and also use qv wash and qv cream as well as daktacort (Hydrocortisone 1% / Miconazole 2% cream - all on prescription).
Hate the smell of the shampoo so I wash hair with normal shampoo (to get it all clean), wash scalp with smelly one then wash all but scalp again with normal and then conditioner as usual. :rofl:
The qv cream and wash is a nice non medicated way of dampening symptoms and listed as a first line treatment on nhs for psoriasis so reasonably easy to get if you have it elsewhere.

Never got antibody tests, DSN said she would ask to get it arranged and didn't and had radio silence for about 9 months. I only recently made contact again so I could bug for libre (which I got this time due to tummy being very inconsistent and fluid levels throwing numbers all over the place). Supposed to have a review coming up with her so will mention it again 🙄. I want to know definitively but for now I have access to the tech I need.
Oh I think my sister uses Capasal! I'll have to "borrow" some to see what my scalp thinks. I'm using Polytar at the moment but they changed the formula and I'm not really a fan anymore (although it's better than nothing). The smell of these shampoos is definitely an interesting one... I think I've become immune to it but others around me can definitely smell it - cue the "what's that musty smell?" comments haha. I will look in to the QV products. I'm currently using a generic of Doublebase and it's okay but probably not the best for the winter months.

It sounds like you've had a bit of a frustrating time with your DSN. I hope you can get some solid answers, although it's good to hear that you have access to everything you need at the moment anyway. Still, it is nice to actually know what's going on in our bodies - something that some medical professionals don't seem to be able to understand or empathise with!
To be honest having it at 4 years old was harder on my parents than me, the last bad bout of it though was pretty tough, I was 28 but felt like I was in the body of an 80 year old!

The fatigue can be hard! And a lot of people don’t understand that it is part of arthritis which can be difficult.

My RA has been well behaved for the past 3 years and I’ve not been on meds, but have a bit of a twinge in my knee at the moment so have a call with the gp tomorrow, I may be being over the top but just a bit frightened for it to get as bad as it did back in 2018 (last flare up). But if it is back hoping to get back on meds quickly and nip it in the bud.

How is your PA at the moment?
Oh I can so relate to that fear of going back to the days of really bad symptoms. I think it's a good idea to chat with your GP about your knee, even if it's just for some peace of mind. Hoping the call goes well today and that your knee calms down soon. It's horrible knowing how bad these things can get. My arthritis is actually pretty good at the moment. The methotrexate has made such a difference for me, but this year the arthritis has been particularly (and abnormally) well-behaved. I have a theory that my immune system got distracted by my pancreas and more or less forgot about my joints/tendons for a while. My fingers have started swelling a bit again with the weather chopping and changing, but my pain and fatigue levels have been really good. I've probably jinxed them now haha! If you don't mind, let me know how your call goes? Only if you want to, of course. You can message me if you would rather not write here x
I have vitiligo which i have had since my 20's and have arthritis in my hands but am not currently taking anything for that. Diagnosed with Lada at the end of July x
Gosh don't we all cope with a lot! Is there any treatment for vitiligo? I remember reading your posts here after you had just been in the hospital with your LADA. You have been through so much x
@42istheanswer that link is interesting! I know some people with eczema are treated with immunosuppressants. My psoriatic arthritis was initially misdiagnosed as hypermobility (goodness knows how - I can't do any of the things on the Beighton scale). A few of my joints are "lax" though. That's quite a few conditions you are dealing with. I don't know too much about the ins and outs of IBS and IBD but I imagine the symptoms can be quite similar? Did you have tests done to rule out the IBD with your family history?
No, at the time my dad was only diagnosed with chronic constipation. I was diagnosed when my periods returned about 11 months after having my 15 year old and at that time I would have to be very near a toilet during periods. It has improved greatly after the first few months (though as someone else has commented, I did notice more settled/normal bowel habits when I cut carbs after the type 2 diagnosis!) but there is still a clear menstrual link to flare ups. I was prescribed peppermint oil capsules when diagnosed but haven't needed to take those for years now
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