Do you experience forgetfulness or mix up your words?

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Good to know a bit more about you Sun!

I'm not due back until 8th Dec, but have private healthcare I've never used before, so will sit and dust off the policy and get seen more quickly.

Best of luck with the research.

just seen this thread , all i know is i get my words back to front alot which it weird
I've been T2 for 2 or 3 days. I had an attack Sunday requiring hospital attendance.

I was very spacey, had an appalling headache, had difficulty standing and was muddling my words, I was also very forgetful.

My sugar has reduced from 25.6 to 15.5 today. I had another episode again today while out which was quite concerning. I'm off work and walked the short distance to my sons school. I wasxterrified I was going to fall over and / or lose conciousness. I was given some hot tea and was driven home. I had a pins and needles sensation around my jaw, this happened Sunday and is occuring now.

I'm concerned at my forgetfulness and struggling with words. Is this a normal thing?

Please ignore this post, somehow it seemed to me to be recent - didn't check the date though!

Dear Paul,

I'm so sorry to hear about the troubles you are having. The thing that I find particularly worrying is that you say you have only been a type 2 for two or three days. Looking back at your previous posts you were in fact diagnosed on 23/11/2008! Please go and see your GP, unless ofcourse you're not the same Paul Nichols, in which case please accept my apology!

Warmest Regards Dodger
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Dodger this thread was originally from November, so Paul was newly diagnosed back then.

I had this yesterday where I couldn't get my words out, and couldn't think of words. An example, I was trying to think of the word 'wall' and couldn't think of it. For me I don't think it was blood sugar related, more stress
Dodger this thread was originally from November, so Paul was newly diagnosed back then.

I had this yesterday where I couldn't get my words out, and couldn't think of words. An example, I was trying to think of the word 'wall' and couldn't think of it. For me I don't think it was blood sugar related, more stress

Oops, thanks I suffer in much the same way

Regards Dodger
Paul, if your optician has already picked up on changes in your eyes, please ask for a retinal screen asap. If there is any damage it can be helped, the sooner, the better. I would also ask for a referral to a specialist who knows what they're doing - either DSN at surgery or hospital.

I was diagnosed initially as T2, was given a meter whilst only on Metformin, basic dietary advice etc. You should also ask to be referred to a dietician. If DLA get wind of the accident, you could have your licence taken away - very important to get it all sorted - hope you get a better service soon, but you may have to push a bit to get it.

I've been surprised about the memory thing on here as I have a real struggle with remembering words for things, for example TV programmes or characters and also type using the first letter of the next word. But, like roger, think this could be my age, stress, but possibly diabetes as well!

Good luck, and let us know how you get on. 🙂
Woops, I didn;t look at the date on the original posts, and missed this page altogether! sorry for any repeats, but I hope things have settled down now Paul.
just seen this thread , all i know is i get my words back to front alot which it weird

yep me too since diagnosis, usually when sugars are high, goes with the job i think! 😱
yep me too since diagnosis, usually when sugars are high, goes with the job i think! 😱

I think its all down to the fact the brain and the rest of the body needs a consistent supply of energy, glucose in our blood. As diabetics we're all chasing those perfect levels.

Since loosing my hearing, especially as I can't hear my own voice I now work by recalling how things used to sound and relaying that sensation. This means that because I am trying to get the words out through rhythm I often get half way through a sentence and can't even recall what the topic was about, nevermind what I was saying! That I place as a hearing and speech problem.

Forgetfulness, mixing words up, using the wrong word, well, yes they were all there before I lost my hearing, and I've always assumed it was diabetes. But, it did occur regardless as to how high/low or good my control was.

It is interesting in just how many different ways diabetes impacts on the workings of the body.
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