Do I get a medal (30 year anniversary)

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I know medals in general can be awarded posthumously but the medal being discussed is one for surviving with diabetes for 50 years, which is a pretty common expectation now for those diagnosed aged below about 30. It isn’t a medal that makes any sense to be awarded posthumously.
Really? I can’t agree with you knowing how many people have died much younger as a result of things directly related to diabetes eg hypos, kidney failure etc. Living with diabetes from a young age can be a NIGHTMARE and it has come very close to killing me more than once. Do you know how my wonderful Mum sometimes knew when I was having a hypo - when I collapsed in a heap. As for the effects of DKA I’m not even going to go there. Plus many people just don’t understand how to manage diabetes through no fault of their own. My best friend - who has type 1 - her sister was diagnose type 1 15 years ago now, amongst other things, is certified blind and on desperately waiting for a kidney transplant. You should try managing diabetes with no adequate testing equipment or flexible insulin/pumps or keeping your sugars high because of an eating disease or real fear of hypos. Your comments are hurtful and uninformed.
1. Officially I’m T2, but i suspect LADA as Cpeptide is low and been on insulin 14 years (diabetic 15 years, diagnosed age 20). I take MDI insulins lantus and apidra and have self funded libre since it was first released.

2. Yes a formally diagnosed autistic.
Thank you for your reply. Truly appreciate it.

Just to inform you. You might have entered a topic started as a bit of “light relief” and unintentionally hurt feelings.

Here’s hoping that the 50year medal gets made redundant. If they find some cure.
Here’s hoping that the 50year medal gets made redundant. If they find some cure.
I suspect it will be made redundant due to so many people living well beyond 50 years with type1 diabetes 🙂 There are people posting on the net with 70 and 80 years plus to their credit.
I suspect it will be made redundant due to so many people living well beyond 50 years with type1 diabetes 🙂 There are people posting on the net with 70 and 80 years plus to their credit.
That is the more likely. 🙂 Just as I’m close to touching that “milestone.”
That is the more likely. 🙂 Just as I’m close to touching that “milestone.”
Lol that's known as sods law.
I remember the 15 and 25 year medals and each time the relevant milestone approached for me they were stopped due to so many reaching that stage. I did receive the 50 yr medal and in all honesty it's nothing to write home about. It arrived in a battered old envelope and the medal had a huge deep scratch mark on it. Guess who wont be bothering with the 60 year medal in a couple of years? 🙂
You should try managing diabetes with no adequate testing equipment or flexible insulin/pumps or keeping your sugars high because of an eating disease or real fear of hypos. Your comments are hurtful and uninformed.
I’m very well informed on diabetes thanks, which is why I self fund test strips, libre, carb count and adjust insulin. I’ve no chance of ever having a pump or funded CGM. I know things were harder in the past with less diabetes management tools available but they’re readily available now and people living with diabetes now can expect to live a long time.

Feels more like you’re the one being hurtful as you’re basically saying anyone diagnosed with diabetes shouldnt expect to live 50 years and deserves a medal if they make it!
Just to inform you. You might have entered a topic started as a bit of “light relief” and unintentionally hurt feelings.
Thanks for explaining, I would never intentionally hurt feelings, am surprised if I have hurt any as my feelings were upset by the people thinking you’re unlikely to live 50 years with diabetes and deserve a medal if you make it. That’s not exactly an encouraging attitude for people to have, imagine how that would make a parent of a newly diagnosed kid feel, being told the kid deserves a medal if they live 50 years as it’s that unlikely!!
Today is my 30th anniversary so had me thinking.

Happy 30th Diaversary @uselesspancreas

Welcome to the 30 year club 🙂

I passed that marker a couple of years ago. Was it Groucho Marx that said he wouldn’t want to belong to a club that would have him as a member :D
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Thanks for explaining, I would never intentionally hurt feelings, am surprised if I have hurt any as my feelings were upset by the people thinking you’re unlikely to live 50 years with diabetes and deserve a medal if you make it. That’s not exactly an encouraging attitude for people to have, imagine how that would make a parent of a newly diagnosed kid feel, being told the kid deserves a medal if they live 50 years as it’s that unlikely!!
No problem with me. It’s not intentional. I’m just trying to understand your very own personal neurodivergence.

I know you didn’t mean to hurt feelings. I’m a positive person. Hopefully others reading this topic can just accept everyone’s diversity & click “like” on your post I quoted in acceptance & let “it” go.
No problem with me. It’s not intentional. I’m just trying to understand your very own personal neurodivergence.
Thankyou. Autism does make me very black and white thinker ie things are either right or wrong, I don’t really do shades of grey in between.
Well my own care of my diabetes didn't start to improve very much until I'd actually had it nearly 30 years as it happens cos I was at my wits end with it at that time to the extent that I made a conscious decision to have a look on the internet to see if I might be able to gain any info of use - whereas I'd always consciously avoided doing that up to that stage so had restricted myself to only trusted sources, so hence solely the NHS. However at that time, the NHS weren't very helpful frankly, I'd suddenly had to move where I lived due to my first husband leaving me, being made redundant from the job I'd had for longer than that (as a chap (Ken who I'd known in passing for 25 years or so) at an insurance employment agency commented at this time 'so you were only planning on staying there between leaving school and drawing your pension then, Jen !' - which was 100% true really. Anyway once again where I now lived the D consultant locally had retired and had not been replaced 'yet' (which had happened where I previously lived about 5-ish years after my diagnosis) so once again, no hospital appts and when I got one, they cancelled it so stuck with my GP who'd never bothered dealing much with T1s cos we were all automatically referred to the hospital hence they were not and never claimed to be experts. Here we go again .......
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