DLA...Tribunal Date

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi All ...

The day is nearly here ... Monday at 2.15pm .... I'm anxious and stressed about it all now .. In fact I will just be glad when it is all over ..

After much discussion with Nathan .. he feels to nervous to attend .. and in some ways I dont want to put him through that .. but I had to give him the option to go .. as its his DLA Appeal ..

I have sumbited further evidence .. another DSN letter .. School Attendance record showing all dates he was late in the mornings due to nighttime hypo's and early morning ones and another several pages of written text in my response for the grounds Nathan was refused the nighttime care componant .. I also made several references to the DLA Doctor .. stating should be ok at night .. and should be able to cope with more responsibility in 2 years time . To me the use of should is questionable and doubt is cast.

I wish I could type the full paragraph that the DLA have used to reject the night element .. but I dont want to jeopardise the appeal in anyway ... but after the hearing I will .. because I would be interested to hear your views on what they have said .

I must also apologise to you all for the fact I have'nt been posting much over the past couple of days .. to be honest there has been a lot going on all at once for me to attend to ..Nathan going back to school, the appeal, etc ... and having computer difficulties.. Once the appeal is over I will e back to offer help etc to all I can

Take care


Good luck.

One of my friends on the email group said ages ago and it is a great thing to say : if a doctor or DSN or consultant can guarantee 100% that your child will be ok overnight then you won't test but until they can 100% guarantee that then you have no choice but to test.

If you want I can PM you with some an horrific story that you can use to help your case if you want me to, let me know.

Let us know what happens. Loads of my friends have to appeal and a few go to tribunal, it is purely depends who picks up the application in the first place, disgusting really.
hi heidi i was going to put thread on myself tomorrow wishing you good luck but you done it lolz , It was good to give Nath the option of wanting to attend or not and i guess when he at school he will worry buu hopefully and fingers crossed it will be good news , i think after it is all over hun you and him should go crazy and have a real treat whatever that may be it has been so stressful for you hun for so long , I wish you all the best with it hun and hope it is good news xxxx good luck
Hi Heidi,
I was wondering where you had gone! I just wanted to say i do hope the tribunal goes your way - and dont be nervous about it - you and Nathan have every right to appeal - is it for mid rate or higher rate? Sorry i cant remember - it seems so long ago now! I only ask as (i am sure you know this) - to get higher rate you need to prove that you do lots of night-time testing and that Nathan has disabling hypo's - which of course he does.:(Bev x
Hi Heidi,

I am really sorry this note will be short as I am away and on mums computer, but just to wish you good luck! It must be incredably stressful and I really hope this goes your way and it isnt too difficult and trying.

Stay strong- look forward to hearing the rest. Thinking of you xxx
Hi Heidi,
I was wondering where you had gone! I just wanted to say i do hope the tribunal goes your way - and dont be nervous about it - you and Nathan have every right to appeal - is it for mid rate or higher rate? Sorry i cant remember - it seems so long ago now! I only ask as (i am sure you know this) - to get higher rate you need to prove that you do lots of night-time testing and that Nathan has disabling hypo's - which of course he does.:(Bev x

Hi Bev ....

Hope you and A are ok ... hows the pumping going? ... oooo ... and the first day at secondary school??

Nathan was on the highest rate ... but they have decided he qualifies for middle rate .. now:confused:

I have copied his bg books showing night testing and hypos etc ... the DSN has backed this up ... stating loss of hypo awareness .. night time hypos .. and because of his HbA1c .. he is at risk of frequent hypos ....

One line the DLA .. have used is that he is aware of his condition, and testing before bed will give an indication of his current level of health and risk .... IF ONLY IT WAS THAT SIMPLE .....

Thanks for your good luck wishes to you all ..

Good Luck for Monday Heidi (((((hugs))))) Try not to worry too much about it , easier said than done I know 🙄 My thoughts will be with you honey !!! 🙂🙂🙂
Thank you all ..... :D ... It means so much to me to have friends like your good selves here .... your all stars ...

...One line the DLA .. have used is that he is aware of his condition, and testing before bed will give an indication of his current level of health and risk .... IF ONLY IT WAS THAT SIMPLE .....

This sort of says it all doesn't it? You only have to read random posts here over a few days to quickly realise that NOTHING about diabetes is that easy!

Hoping everything goes in your's and Nathan's favour Heidi - deep breath, stay calm and be confident in the strength of your appeal!🙂 Wishing you all the best.
Heidi, best of luck for Monday, we will all be thinking of you. You and all the mums deserve so much better than this kind of treatment
Hi All again .... 🙂

I am also taking into the hearing a can of coke, glucogel, pot of jelly and glucogen injection .. to ask how on earth ... when your hands are shaking .. have no co-ordination, can just about stand up .. let alone accept there is anything wrong .... How would or do you propose a 14 year old open such things and administer them ... and be able to help himself .... Nor does it take in to account the desperate need for a suitable carbohydrate to be eaten after BG has risen in order to sustain a bg level

Heidi, good luck to you and Nathan. I will be thinking of you both on Monday.


Mand x 🙂
Hi All again .... 🙂

I am also taking into the hearing a can of coke, glucogel, pot of jelly and glucogen injection .. to ask how on earth ... when your hands are shaking .. have no co-ordination, can just about stand up .. let alone accept there is anything wrong .... How would or do you propose a 14 year old open such things and administer them ... and be able to help himself .... Nor does it take in to account the desperate need for a suitable carbohydrate to be eaten after BG has risen in order to sustain a bg level


Great idea Heidi. 🙂
Great idea Heidi. 🙂

Thank you Adrienne ... 🙂

I have all documents in a big file .. so look efficient .. taking several diabetes books with me as well ...

When I get a chance to morrow I will pm over to you the paragraph that the DLA have used to turn him down for highest rate... For there 1 paragraph I have replied with 5 pages of written text/Fact in response to every word of there paragraph.

heidi i wish you and nathan the very best of luck!!!

it seems all the stupid decisions in the world are made by people who sit in offices who have no idea of the actual problem...that goes for any stupid decision made...me and my partner were talking about a new one-way system that has been put in in a town near us and how it's obvious the people who planned it/implemented it have never been to or even seen the town!!!
i wish you a lots of good luck because will be a precedent for all of us parents when will be in the same situation all the best [in bocca al lupo] a funny good luck in italian !!!
One line the DLA .. have used is that he is aware of his condition, and testing before bed will give an indication of his current level of health and risk .... IF ONLY IT WAS THAT SIMPLE .....

Ridiculous! There are stronger words but don't think i can write it down! I'm sure i know what Adrienne is going on about with the evidence that that statement they have made is stupid. I hope you can use this as well.

Good luck tomorrow, thinking of you....
Ridiculous! There are stronger words but don't think i can write it down! I'm sure i know what Adrienne is going on about with the evidence that that statement they have made is stupid. I hope you can use this as well.

Good luck tomorrow, thinking of you....

Yeh Becca you know what I'm talking about and Heidi and I are pm'ing. x
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