Display libre 2 constantly on phone

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
This might have already been asked, but I've had a quick look and couldn't see anything, but please point me in the right direction if I've missed it.

A few years ago I had the Dexcom G6 during pregnancy and I loved how easy it was to use. The main thing I liked about it was that the CGM graph was shown as a constant notification on my phone, so even if I wasn't actively checking my BG, it was just there whenever I was checking my phone so I could see if it was dropping and react before a hypo etc. I also linked it up to my Fitbit and tracked it on my watch.

After pregnancy I was moved back to the libre (although the libre 2 was now available). With the update to the app this week I was excited to have the benefit of CGM again, but having just started a new sensor it doesn't actually seem like much has changed. I still have to open the app to check my BG so the only difference is that I save about 4 seconds not scanning my arm.

Is there any third party app I can connect to that will allow me to constantly have the graph displayed as a notification on my phone? Bonus if it also allows me to connect to my Fitbit, but that's not my main priority.

I have an Android phone.
This is an iPhone app so I don’t know if it exists on android

GluRoo will put it in your calendar so if you can have your calendar on your Fitbit you could see it there?

It uses the follow app LibreLinkUp so share your data with yourself first, download the GluRoo app and put the follow details in.

I don’t know what you mean about it showing constantly as a notification on the phone though I don’t think it does that. It does show bg as a notification on the app badge (but not worked out if you can make it show 12,1 instead of 12,100)


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Thanks I'll have a look if that's available on Android.

By the constant notification, I've just got this from Google, but basically this graph is shown at all times on my phone's lock screen or if I pull the notification bar down while using my phone.

If there's a high/low alarm it comes up as another notification (the one on the top on this picture).

Would be really useful to have something similar!
There are a number of options available.
I used to to xDrip+ before I switched to a different CGM that talks to my pump.
Other options are Juggluco and Diabox.
xDrip+ definitely shows the numbers on the phone Lock Screen (and Home Screen if not locked) but it is not available from the play store So you need to be a bit nerdy to access it from github.
I don’t know about the others.
Thanks, I'll have a look into those.

I have managed to get numbers displayed with GluRoo as a notification and on lock screen after the recommendation above. Not quite as good as a graph as you can't see the trends as easily but still much better than having to open the libre app to check.
Thanks, I'll have a look into those.

I have managed to get numbers displayed with GluRoo as a notification and on lock screen after the recommendation above. Not quite as good as a graph as you can't see the trends as easily but still much better than having to open the libre app to check.
How did you do the Lock Screen part?
GluRoo looks just what I’m looking for. Have downloaded the app on my iPhone. Go through the set up steps but it fails to complete saying “Problem finding your new group”. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong or missing. Does anyone have any tips? Many thanks.
GluRoo looks just what I’m looking for. Have downloaded the app on my iPhone. Go through the set up steps but it fails to complete saying “Problem finding your new group”. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong or missing. Does anyone have any tips? Many thanks.
Sounds like you’re trying to join an existing group, I don’t have a group on there I just use it myself. You don’t need to join a group.
Sounds like you’re trying to join an existing group, I don’t have a group on there I just use it myself. You don’t need to join a group.
That’s what appears to be happening, but can’t figure out how to avoid doing that. I accept all the legal stuff, then it displays this screen. When I click Yes and Continue it gives the Problem finding your group. Can’t get any further ‍♀️.
That’s what appears to be happening, but can’t figure out how to avoid doing that. I accept all the legal stuff, then it displays this screen. When I click Yes and Continue it gives the Problem finding your group. Can’t get any further ‍♀️.
View attachment 26835
Deleted the app and reinstalled it and now working.
Deleted the app and reinstalled it and now working.
Sounds weird, glad it’s working now, did you get it to set up bgs on a watch and have you managed that step?
Not yet. Still setting up a LinkUp account first. Am I correct in thinking I can’t use the same email address as I do for my FreeStyle account?
Not yet. Still setting up a LinkUp account first. Am I correct in thinking I can’t use the same email address as I do for my FreeStyle account?

I used a seperate email address that I share my bgs to through libre linkup as i think i read that was advised, i already shared them to that email address though so I’m not certain what the requirements are.

You need to share the bgs with that email address in the official libre app, then there’s a link to click in an email to accept it, then put the librelinkup details into GluRoo app

To set up your watch (maybe it was quicker for me as I’d done this bit before too!) you create a calendar entry which is in the settings on the GluRoo app, and on the watch itself use a modular watchface and add the calendar / “your schedule” as a complication (that’s the right terms on my Apple Watch, might be different way of describing on other watches)
Thanks for your help. Seems to be working . Only weird bit is I was initially seeing the entry twice in the Apple Watch calendar but now only once ‍♀️. This is exactly what I was looking for, so when I’m out running I can check my glucose with a quick glance at my watch rather than having to get my phone out!! Appreciate your help.
Thanks for your help. Seems to be working . Only weird bit is I was initially seeing the entry twice in the Apple Watch calendar but now only once ‍♀️. This is exactly what I was looking for, so when I’m out running I can check my glucose with a quick glance at my watch rather than having to get my phone out!! Appreciate your help.
Yes I occasionally get the same bg showing twice too, the calendar having multiple entries is a bug they’re working on fixing. Until then, I can accept seeing the bg twice. Worth occasionally deleting and re-adding the calendar from GluRoo until they fix the ‘calendar keeping the history’ issue too or your calendar will end up just full of loads of bgs.
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Only other thing to note is, because the bgs come from librelinkup, they’ll only make it to your watch when you’re connected to the internet. So if you’re having a run somewhere remote or without signal you might still need to check your phone instead of watch. If there was a problem with the libre linkup server you also wouldn’t get bgs on the watch until it was fixed.

I haven’t actually had any problems so far myself though, bg has just sat happily on my watch and always matched the official app.
Wasnt the latest update meant to be monitoring 24/7 ? Mine is always disconnected when I go to check.
Wasnt the latest update meant to be monitoring 24/7 ? Mine is always disconnected when I go to check.
Is your Bluetooth switched on for the libre app (main phone settings then libre app then check Bluetooth)? Mine has only lost connection when my phone has been in a different room
Is your Bluetooth switched on for the libre app (main phone settings then libre app then check Bluetooth)? Mine has only lost connection when my phone has been in a different room
Yep it’s on all the time.
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