Differing absorption rates

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I think for the first time in my life I'm jealous of ladies who obviously need bigger bras than me! Never having had a cleavage in my life there's more than a chance I'd look as if I had a third boob wherever I happened to site the pump. The Insight is a lot smaller than the Combo - but still looks like that on me! The bra hanger plastic 'hook' sits very flat upon the side material of the bra (or the little narrow bit between the boobs) then there's another inch+ of flat to the skin pouch, and the envelope where the pump goes is below that - so you can't wear a skin tight around the rib cage garment - but I never do anyway.
I think for the first time in my life I'm jealous of ladies who obviously need bigger bras than me! Never having had a cleavage in my life there's more than a chance I'd look as if I had a third boob wherever I happened to site the pump. The Insight is a lot smaller than the Combo - but still looks like that on me! The bra hanger plastic 'hook' sits very flat upon the side material of the bra (or the little narrow bit between the boobs) then there's another inch+ of flat to the skin pouch, and the envelope where the pump goes is below that - so you can't wear a skin tight around the rib cage garment - but I never do anyway.
I have been looking for bra hanger things and the only one I've managed to find is on this website and seems to be designed to hang in front between the boobs. The loop doesn't look long enough to fasten round the bit under my arm. Please can you direct me to where I can buy the hooks and pouches you're referring to?
I've bought a very close fitting evening dress for an upcoming cruise and I think my normal thigh pouch will show.
Radders, mine came from the Roche pump accessories section of their website (assuming you are registered to 'My Accuchek') I dunno what website you found whatever on since you didn't supply a link.

Oh - just tried to sign into My Accu-Chek - and it won't let me in or reset my password. Took me ages last time too, cos it demanded I rest it the last time too. Dunno what's up with it.
Radders, mine came from the Roche pump accessories section of their website (assuming you are registered to 'My Accuchek') I dunno what website you found whatever on since you didn't supply a link.

Oh - just tried to sign into My Accu-Chek - and it won't let me in or reset my password. Took me ages last time too, cos it demanded I rest it the last time too. Dunno what's up with it.
The website I found was this one, i.e. diabetes uk. I've logged into My Accu-check and hadn't realised that I never registered my second pump. Now they are sending me a free skin, which is a bonus, however I still can't seem to find any accessories.
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I'm going to ring them on Monday if I can't get in and solve this.

The pouches I've had from them are fairly thin stretchy stuff, and have a neat, flat soft 'perspex' - see through - clip which slides onto a bra or thinnish waistband - ie thin material. I've just measured the clip and it's 5 cm and fixed onto about 3 thicknesses of the pouch material which continues for about another centimetre beyond the clip on both sides and below the opening end of it. Thus the pouch is substantial enough and yet flat enough to support the weight with as little bulk as possible. I'm not over endowed (36B) and slides onto the sides of my bras or between the cups at the front any anything I now own - but I don't think I'd have got it onto a Wonderbra when I wore them in order to abtain a cleavage LOL My darling first husband once said to friends - when the other chap said the trouble with Jan his wife's boobs - classic pear shape - so small boobs, child-bearing hips - was when she lay on her back, her boobs disappeared. My man said Yeah - Jen's do too! You what? we all asked. Well - yours flop under your armpits! said he - ducking and running away.........

https://shop.diabetes.org.uk/store/managing-your-diabetes/pump-products - Ugh! No - horrid!
I'm going to ring them on Monday if I can't get in and solve this.

The pouches I've had from them are fairly thin stretchy stuff, and have a neat, flat soft 'perspex' - see through - clip which slides onto a bra or thinnish waistband - ie thin material. I've just measured the clip and it's 5 cm and fixed onto about 3 thicknesses of the pouch material which continues for about another centimetre beyond the clip on both sides and below the opening end of it. Thus the pouch is substantial enough and yet flat enough to support the weight with as little bulk as possible. I'm not over endowed (36B) and slides onto the sides of my bras or between the cups at the front any anything I now own - but I don't think I'd have got it onto a Wonderbra when I wore them in order to abtain a cleavage LOL My darling first husband once said to friends - when the other chap said the trouble with Jan his wife's boobs - classic pear shape - so small boobs, child-bearing hips - was when she lay on her back, her boobs disappeared. My man said Yeah - Jen's do too! You what? we all asked. Well - yours flop under your armpits! said he - ducking and running away.........

https://shop.diabetes.org.uk/store/managing-your-diabetes/pump-products - Ugh! No - horrid!
He likes living dangerously your OH!
I found a link to pump accessories on the AccuChek site but it was just cannulas and batteries. Odd because I'm sure I bought my original thigh pouches from there. Perhaps it's because I am on the mobile version of the site. I will have to wind up the ancient laptop tomorrow and have a look. The link you posted was the one I found via Google, glad to hear those are not the right ones.
He likes living dangerously your OH!

NB - my FIRST husband Radders - not my current model ! However this was on a beach in Majorca in 1969 before we were all actually married. I trained him better myself of course after that ! He was always excellent at delivering apt and hilarious throwaway remarks generally though. eg one morning I was out of bed , he was awake but not up. I glanced across and he kinda looked thoughtful - what are you thinking I asked. Well, he said. I was just thinking, it's amazing what you can find in your pubic hair when you lie here having your regular morning inspection - that's all. Oooh, do I want to ask? OK I'll buy it - why, what on earth have you found? He pulls his hand out from under the duvet - and he is holding the butterfly off one of my favourite earrings which I'd lost about 3 weeks before - and don't tell me I'm filthy because yes - the bed certainly had been changed - twice - in the interim - and also moved so we could see if it had gone underneath it.

It's been a complete mystery ever since how that could possibly have occurred!

That's exactly what I got from Roche last night on the PC - said 'accessories' and it wasn't, only 'consumables'. Odd.
Radders last time I phoned the pump ordering line (speaking to a human is good) and and asked them about accessories. I got a pouch, the same as Jenny describes. I have had a few of the clips break, and they have replaced them for me with apologies.
Ps. I have recently made another pouch so that I can change them more often. (Just used of tshirt material)... and a new one for handset, jelly babies, and Libre.


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Radders - see the 'button' on the free end of the clip? Well - it's tenacious! I've never had to pull the two sides of the clip apart more than about a millimetre, just enough to slide over the edge of wherever you want it, and it slides the rest of the way to 'just exactly where' and sticks there like glue until I slide it off again.

Perhaps now they do give em away rather than selling them?
Very industrious of you SB!
Radders - see the 'button' on the free end of the clip? Well - it's tenacious! I've never had to pull the two sides of the clip apart more than about a millimetre, just enough to slide over the edge of wherever you want it, and it slides the rest of the way to 'just exactly where' and sticks there like glue until I slide it off again.

Perhaps now they do give em away rather than selling them?
Sorry Jen I don't know which button you mean?
I went on the website on a laptop with the same results so have sent them a message asking about how to buy accessories.
Look at the 'perspex' clip on the navy blue one in SB's photo, follow the Perspex along from where it folds over the material on the right top of the pouch. when you get to the other end of the Perspex, observe - there's a circular thing - this is a circular 'bump' which protrudes very slightly into the material of whatever you wear it on, hang it on, however you'd describe what you do with it. It isn't enough to mark the fabric of whatever but it is enough to stop the whole thing sliding very much at all, if at all. If the bra has lace sides - it won't budge. If they're pure 100% polyester well it might slide half a centimetre - if you are energetic LOL - say doing a jive or two - then just slide it back from on top of the frock, 2 second job!

That's the same sort of 'clip' that's on the Roche bra hangers.

SB - how on earth do you break one of those clips? (I don't want to do it - but I'd like to avoid doing it if possible!)
Look at the 'perspex' clip on the navy blue one in SB's photo, follow the Perspex along from where it folds over the material on the right top of the pouch. when you get to the other end of the Perspex, observe - there's a circular thing - this is a circular 'bump' which protrudes very slightly into the material of whatever you wear it on, hang it on, however you'd describe what you do with it. It isn't enough to mark the fabric of whatever but it is enough to stop the whole thing sliding very much at all, if at all. If the bra has lace sides - it won't budge. If they're pure 100% polyester well it might slide half a centimetre - if you are energetic LOL - say doing a jive or two - then just slide it back from on top of the frock, 2 second job!

That's the same sort of 'clip' that's on the Roche bra hangers.

SB - how on earth do you break one of those clips? (I don't want to do it - but I'd like to avoid doing it if possible!)
That sounds more secure than the thigh pocket I used last time I wore a frock! Hopefully Roche will deign to sell me one.
SB - how on earth do you break one of those clips? (I don't want to do it - but I'd like to avoid doing it if possible

I think that it was when I was removing it from the bra strap whilst still clothed. Perhaps having done that a few times it weakened the top of it. I broke three, was told originally that I had to buy a new pouch at £20 so tried curtain hooks, getting some made by a local plastics firm, making some from an old thumb splint in that material that is cuttable and pliable when warmed up, .... eventually I asked Accu Check and they just sent me spares with an apology saying that the clips seem to break for a past time. That bobble on the end does indeed keep it in place and catch if I do not take it off sensibly.
Yeah, I've been impressed with it's tenacity considering it isn't strong enough to cause damage to clothing fabric. This very morning I had a wrestle with it ! At the hairdressers - only a trim but you know you're enveloped in a gown big enough to go once round you, twice round the gas-works - well there it was neatly hanging from the waistband, inside my trousers when the alarm went off telling me the TBR I'd set earlier and forgotten about had finished - and I had the dickens of a job getting to the B thing, sitting down as I was! When you just want to do something unobtrusively ....... LOL
What other sites do people use? I don't think I've enough fat on my back any more, not much on my bum other than what I sit on, and I worry that if I used my thighs the cannula would be very easily dislodged by trousers when going to the loo. That leaves abs, and as I still have a comfortable spare tyre below my waist, that's where I have tended to use, but I feel it's time I gave the tyre a rest. Who knows, it might even disappear!
There must be people thinner than me on here, how do you manage?

My 16yo is (and always has been) very skinny, and the only useable site for cannulas is the buttock area. We tried abdomen but horrendous absorption with massive swings from high to low. Legs and arms are just skin over muscle, not a scrap of fat. Hoping he'll fatten up a bit as he gets older.
How do you manage to find enough sites that he doesn't sit on?
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