Differing absorption rates

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
i decided I should give my lower abs a rest and put my new set above my waist. I seem to be getting better absorption in this set which makes me wonder whether anyone uses different basal and/or ratios for different sites?
There's not as much fat above my waist and I suppose I may have created some scar tissue by overuse of my lower abs.
Well, I'm not on a pump, but my novorapid injections absorb much more quickly from my belly than my behind, plus I also need less insulin when injecting in my belly. Probably down to less fat on belly.
Well, I'm not on a pump, but my novorapid injections absorb much more quickly from my belly than my behind, plus I also need less insulin when injecting in my belly. Probably down to less fat on belly.
Yes, when I was injecting I found the same, but I don't remember needing less insulin!
Left side of my body doesn't absorb as well as my right - highly weird but I've just got used to it!
I never had that marked difference between different areas - but have had 'odd spots' here there and everywhere for about 20 years, and still have apart there being a lot more of them now and also from completely killing all the sub cut fat on my outer thighs so they are NBG for absorbing insulin or anything else sub cut., whatsoever.
I have only ventured round to the side and onto edge of buttocks so far, and haven't noticed any particular differences, but there are so many factors that could change the readings that I get that I have never considered the possibility of differences in absorption. Another factor to consider and see if there is a pattern.

I do get a site turning skanky before I would normally change my cannula, so (usually) just change it and avoid that area for a while.
What other sites do people use? I don't think I've enough fat on my back any more, not much on my bum other than what I sit on, and I worry that if I used my thighs the cannula would be very easily dislodged by trousers when going to the loo. That leaves abs, and as I still have a comfortable spare tyre below my waist, that's where I have tended to use, but I feel it's time I gave the tyre a rest. Who knows, it might even disappear!
There must be people thinner than me on here, how do you manage?
What other sites do people use? I don't think I've enough fat on my back any more, not much on my bum other than what I sit on, and I worry that if I used my thighs the cannula would be very easily dislodged by trousers when going to the loo. That leaves abs, and as I still have a comfortable spare tyre below my waist, that's where I have tended to use, but I feel it's time I gave the tyre a rest. Who knows, it might even disappear!
There must be people thinner than me on here, how do you manage?

Hi @Radders interesting thread here as I was just browsing since i've been having trouble with sites. I use my stomach beneath belly button, and above bellow button. My back although they don't stick too well and very very occasionally thights. I've recently been finding sets very very irritating. Not sure why, just itchy or uncomfortable so am leaving stomach area for a while. This has prompted me to use the back of my arms! Accu chek do list them as a 'possible' site, I am using 6mm as opposed to usual 8mm, so will see how that goes. I'll update you 🙂
Hi @Radders interesting thread here as I was just browsing since i've been having trouble with sites. I use my stomach beneath belly button, and above bellow button. My back although they don't stick too well and very very occasionally thights. I've recently been finding sets very very irritating. Not sure why, just itchy or uncomfortable so am leaving stomach area for a while. This has prompted me to use the back of my arms! Accu chek do list them as a 'possible' site, I am using 6mm as opposed to usual 8mm, so will see how that goes. I'll update you 🙂
How do you route the tubing when using your arms? I have never done this. As I'm using a Libre I don't really like the idea of having infusion sets going in there. I wear my pump on my belt so I'm not sure the tube would be long enough: where do you wear yours if you don't mind me asking?
? Bra Hanger?
Ah, I see. Does it sit under the arm? I imagine that being rather uncomfortable. Also how do you manage if you need to look at the pump?
As I use an Accu Chek Combo, I do everything that needs to be done to the pump through the handset, so I never need to get at the pump once it is in place. I also use a longish tube, so I do have the option of moving the sites around a bit. I swapped sides R L R L at the start but found I ended up in the same places in I do, so now track across one of three lines, interrupted by belly button, and this seems to be working better as it is a long while before I get back to the start again.
The only site absorption differences I've noticed are in my rare forays into thigh territory. Had to watch it when I was briskly walking/running as it seemed to act much faster.
As I use an Accu Chek Combo, I do everything that needs to be done to the pump through the handset, so I never need to get at the pump once it is in place. I also use a longish tube, so I do have the option of moving the sites around a bit. I swapped sides R L R L at the start but found I ended up in the same places in I do, so now track across one of three lines, interrupted by belly button, and this seems to be working better as it is a long while before I get back to the start again.
I have tried using the meter as a handset on a few occasions when wearing a long frock, but find it so much easier just to push the buttons on the pump. Where do you keep your pump?
The only site absorption differences I've noticed are in my rare forays into thigh territory. Had to watch it when I was briskly walking/running as it seemed to act much faster.
I used to do jabs in the thigh before pumping and was a mass of bruises. do you find the sites uncomfortable there?
Yes, that's why I've not really adopted it as an option. They mostly feel a bit stabby, either on insertion or during wear.
I have tried using the meter as a handset on a few occasions when wearing a long frock, but find it so much easier just to push the buttons on the pump. Where do you keep your pump?

Doesn't matter where I wear it - even on the outside of my waistband or a handy side pocket - I almost always use the remote, on the Combo it's simply two more button presses and then it's done. Takes longer to put the meter away than use it as a remote! Even if you don't test, you just hit 'Bolus advice ' instead of blood test.
I think it's because I can do the buttons on the pump without even looking at it that I prefer dosing on the pump, just eight years of ingrained habit which has become almost automatic I suppose!
How do you route the tubing when using your arms? I have never done this. As I'm using a Libre I don't really like the idea of having infusion sets going in there. I wear my pump on my belt so I'm not sure the tube would be long enough: where do you wear yours if you don't mind me asking?

I use the Libre too, although not frequently. I just made sure it was on the arm I didn't last use. I actually had the tubing facing upwards and up my sleeve to then sit in my bra. I don't use a pouch as I find them uncomfortable sitting to the side. I imagine they'd work with a body band toO!

Doesn't matter where I wear it - even on the outside of my waistband or a handy side pocket - I almost always use the remote, on the Combo it's simply two more button presses and then it's done. Takes longer to put the meter away than use it as a remote! Even if you don't test, you just hit 'Bolus advice ' instead of blood test.

And I bolus using my handset too, mainly since I can't do that kind of maths! It was easier before pump I had 1:10 ratios! But when I need to I will just pull it out - usually it's already beeping and vibrating down there so it really looks no stranger.
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