Difference in long acting insulin ?

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I used to take a picture on my phone of the pen and dose just before i injected...but now have the echo which is a lot better
In that case could you not use the Timesulin pen cap to remind you of your last dose, if a memory pen is the issue here. Many of us have moved away from disposable pens as they are not environmentally friendly, so this would not be a solution we would consider, but if you use disposable pens anyway, then just a pen cap with a timer might be the answer for you.
Perhaps I just won’t bother it was just a thought.
I do a fair amount of international travel which is usually very different to my "home life" in terms of activity and sleep.
For example, I am just returning from a 3 day trip of full on customer entertainment (long days with little sleep and no time for exercise).
Therefore, I need flexibility in dosage rather than flexibility in timing.
Thankfully, I now have a pump but if I was on MDI, a basal that took 3 to 4 days for a dosage change to have an effect would be far from ideal.
And just to check, are you on tresiba?
I'm in Lantus but the travel is likely to ramp up at some point so I might start having the conversation on changing
And just to check, are you on tresiba?
I'm in Lantus but the travel is likely to ramp up at some point so I might start having the conversation on changing
I have never used Tresiba. I do not think it would be suitable for me as my basal requirements change often.
I now have a pump but used to use Lantus which I found was responsive to dose changes. But I had to be aware of when I took the dose. If my trip was short, I would continue to take my basal 24 hours apart which could mean taking it at strange times. If I had longer trips, I would move the timing by a couple of hours each day until it was at a reasonable time.
Thanks for the reply. I was clearly blurry eyed as you did mention the pump v clearly!
The depth of knowledge regarding the background insulin (and everything else!) on here is unbelievable. There really is no room for complacency with diabetes is there! We are doing great (80/90% TIR) with our daughters levels since some great advice on here. BUT…. I really could do with a month off if anyone fancies it???
Neither insulin is particularly responsive to dose change, ‘lantus lag’ can last a couple of days before a dose adjustment settles.

fwiw I find that splitting my Abasaglar (lantus) dose between pre-breakfast and pre-bed does allow me to tune behaviour without too much lag - i.e. I can severely reduce or even skip the morning dose if I'm going to be doing lots of exercise that day. It's not perfect, there is still some effect from the previous evening's dose, but it certainly makes life much easier than needing to eat continuously!
The depth of knowledge regarding the background insulin (and everything else!) on here is unbelievable. There really is no room for complacency with diabetes is there! We are doing great (80/90% TIR) with our daughters levels since some great advice on here. BUT…. I really could do with a month off if anyone fancies it???
Glad to hear that things are going well Tom and that the wealth of experience on here is proving useful.
We can all empathise with the desire for some time off. The ‘Work’ does get easier as you have already found, and becomes ‘normal’ for us all but still exhausting at times.
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