Did you get a choice?

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Tom - think Lou and I are both referring to the small increments in bolus amounts.

Being as I use really tiny amounts for basal, yes, I can see me needing the 0.025 for basal - just not bolus.
Congratulations on getting the pump!

At my pct we got a choice. I was shown and could have a play with animas, medtronic and spirit combo but was told i could research and order any really.

went with spirit combo, doesnt look as jazzy as some, but loved the idea of small increments and the wireless handset. Love the pump and roche have been brilliant both for orders and technical advice when needed.
Thank you so much for all the replies. It seems that everyone feels happy with what they got even if they didn't have a choice. I know that essentially any pump will help me overcome the problems I have so it's just working out the small differences.

I must admit with the small increments my brain finds it difficult to understand. I think I get 2 decimal places but 3 makes my brain start to get twisted up. I am quite insulin sensitive particulary to bolus insulin. I use 17 units of basal and 1:20g ratio.

Whenever I meet up with you guys again I am going to have to have a play with your pumps!
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