Did I, or didn't I?

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
If someone had told me 8 years ago that I might not know whether I had given myself an injection or not I would have thought they were mad. However, this morning, on total auto-pilot, I began to wonder...No problem, I thought! My pen has a memory function, I'll just see what and when my last injection was! That would be fine, if I hadn't just started to wonder at the point where I had just done an airshot - which is what the pen showed! 😱

I've taken the option that I did inject and not risk doubling up. Haven't eaten yet and levels have gone up from 6.1 on waking to 7.4 an hour later. Ah, you might think, obviously I didn't inject! But actually, it doesn't really tell me anything as my levels often rise in the mornings and the insulin takes an age to start making an impact. Will have to see if the increases continue and correct later if necessary 🙄

Must try and concentrate a bit more on what I'm doing in future! 🙄
Maybe look at getting one of the Timesulin caps - tells you the last time you uncapped the pen (I think?) - so would not see if you'd done an air shot, just the previous time you uncapped the pen. (I think that's right - any one have one can confirm?)
Funnily enough I did that twice last week. The first time I was convinced I had actually given myself my evening (larger) dose and started panicking, then I realised I was just remembering the previous night. Then I did the same the next morning, done BG testing and was in middle of breakfast before I realised I hadn't injected! I, unfortunately don't have a fancy pants remembering pen! I'm blaming the hot weather and lack of sleep!
I'm glad I'm not the only one 🙂
My daughter sometimes asks if we did her bolus when I give her her dinner. Yes, say I, don't you remember the finger prick? And sometimes we've sat down to eat and daughter has reminded me that I haven't remembered to help her! Not very often but it's quite funny that we can forget at all!
It also really annoys me if we nip out anywhere and forget to take her bag that contains all the testing equipment and emergency jelly babies and glucose. How could we possibly forget that! It only ever happens on short trips, e.g. quick supermarket shop or dance classes, where she might well not need it for an hour but you have to go back and fetch it anyway :(
On longer journeys or whole days out we always check at least 3 times that we have all the emergency stuff with us, don't know why we can't do that for short trips too!
Funnily enough I did that twice last week. The first time I was convinced I had actually given myself my evening (larger) dose and started panicking, then I realised I was just remembering the previous night. Then I did the same the next morning, done BG testing and was in middle of breakfast before I realised I hadn't injected! I, unfortunately don't have a fancy pants remembering pen! I'm blaming the hot weather and lack of sleep!
Trouble is, even with a fancy-pants pen it still didn't help me! 😱 🙂 Will test in another half an hour to see where I'm at.
Hmm...I'm 8.1 now about 90 minutes after eating a slice of Burgen, so a bit higher but still inconclusive! 🙄
I don't use a fancy pants pen just a plain big ole syringe. It has no memory function at all but you can tell if insulin has been applied with it as there is always a residual amount after using it. I won't suggest however that I have never got muddled up and double dosed because of course I have. I do actually reuse syringes as there is a bacteriacide in Humulin and you can do so. Unfortunately they do not put stupidicide in it to prevent dullards like me double injecting.

The upshot is Alan I guess we all do it regardless of however we apply our medication. It is bloody irritating though and obviously can be fairly dangerous
I got myself in a pickle more than once doing this. I swapped to the late-lamented Memoir pen, which had a fuller dose memory than the Echo I think. I was able to scroll back through doses and timings over 2-3 days. Shame they never reintroduced them after they had their battery issues.
I got myself in a pickle more than once doing this. I swapped to the late-lamented Memoir pen, which had a fuller dose memory than the Echo I think. I was able to scroll back through doses and timings over 2-3 days. Shame they never reintroduced them after they had their battery issues.
That would certainly have helped me in this morning's situation as I know what my dose was last night, so even without the timing it would have told me what I needed to know.

Have just tested before lunch and I'm 5.0! 🙂 That's actually the lowest I have been before lunch for over 3 weeks, so clearly I did inject and it's a very good job I didn't double up on the dose! 😱 🙂
You have fledged Alan! You are definitely a Real Diabetic now! Many 's the time I've shouted at my husband mid meal and asked him what the hell he thought he was doing, when he forgot to tell me I am diabetic - again. He's a bugger for not doing that!
That would certainly have helped me in this morning's situation as I know what my dose was last night, so even without the timing it would have told me what I needed to know.

Have just tested before lunch and I'm 5.0! 🙂 That's actually the lowest I have been before lunch for over 3 weeks, so clearly I did inject and it's a very good job I didn't double up on the dose! 😱 🙂
Phew! 🙂 I once managed to give myself Lantus before a meal instead of Apidra. 🙄:confused:
You have fledged Alan! You are definitely a Real Diabetic now! Many 's the time I've shouted at my husband mid meal and asked him what the hell he thought he was doing, when he forgot to tell me I am diabetic - again. He's a bugger for not doing that!

I was meant to post the above this morning when I read your post. However, just came back onto the thread to tell you something else and discovered I hadn't posted it, so posted it.

What I came back to tell you, was that I evidently didn't bolus for my breakfast today (cos nobody told me I was diabetic obviously) plus - having had a slightly stressful morning too - my BG was 17.2 before lunch!! 😱 (Thought my eyes were tired .........)
I was meant to post the above this morning when I read your post. However, just came back onto the thread to tell you something else and discovered I hadn't posted it, so posted it.

What I came back to tell you, was that I evidently didn't bolus for my breakfast today (cos nobody told me I was diabetic obviously) plus - having had a slightly stressful morning too - my BG was 17.2 before lunch!! 😱 (Thought my eyes were tired .........)
Hope you are back on track now Jenny 🙂 The funny thing was, because I wasn't sure, I was convinving myself that I must be going high, so was very surprised when I saw that my BG was nigh on perfect! 🙄
Yes, done this (or not done this) more than a few times. Don't have any fancy pens so usually find out when my bg is heading into the teens or twenties or falling through the floor. 🙄
I am forever doing this and always go with not injecting, I would say that 9 times out of 10 I have injected, without remembering. I am usually too busy sorting out the children/breakfast/work stuff/school stuff/half asleep etc.
Phew! 🙂 I once managed to give myself Lantus before a meal instead of Apidra. 🙄:confused:
I've done that (Lantus instead of Novorapid)! One pen is grey, and the other is orange and blue - you wouldn't think it would be possible to pick up the wrong one, would you?!

I have also forgotten to inject and only realised halfway through my meal, Jenny.

I don't think I have done what Alan did, but I did (as I just said on Group 7 Day Waking Average thread) inject my breakfast dose at lunchtime the other day, or at least I think I might have done ... 🙄
Lantus instead of novorapid, you try it the other way round! In my pre-pump days, I once did that. 28 units of rapid acting at bedtime gave me the worst hypo I've ever had, and I certainly never did that again. With the pump, it's dead easy to check whether you missed a bolus.
Lantus instead of novorapid, you try it the other way round! In my pre-pump days, I once did that. 28 units of rapid acting at bedtime gave me the worst hypo I've ever had, and I certainly never did that again. With the pump, it's dead easy to check whether you missed a bolus.
VERY scary! 😱 The worst hypo I ever had was when I bolused for my evening meal then fell asleep while it was cooking - woke up in a very confused state and managed to get some sugar into me. No idea how low I had dropped and suspect my liver stepped in and saved me 😱
Lantus instead of novorapid, you try it the other way round! In my pre-pump days, I once did that. 28 units of rapid acting at bedtime gave me the worst hypo I've ever had, and I certainly never did that again. With the pump, it's dead easy to check whether you missed a bolus.

Eeep! 😱 Yes, I was lucky it was that way round. I have twice injected Novorapid for evening meal and then been unable to eat at all though, due to other medical problems kicking in between injection and food - thankfully both times I was so stressed by it that instead of hypoing my BGL rocketed.
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