Yes, I have found lots of health benefits in following a low carb, higher fat way of eating, plus it has stopped the cravings for sweet stuff and therefore greatly helps me control binge/comfort eating. I do have to inject for protein release a lot of the time as, in the absence of enough carbs in a meal, the body breaks down about 40% of protein into glucose, but it only starts to release 2 hours after the meal and continues for several more hours, so I prebolus for whatever few carbs are in the meal and then keep an eye on my Libre and if levels start rising 2 hours later I jab a small correction and if they continue to rise I might need to jab a second correction. This might seem like a bit of a faff, but works really well for me and my high alarm is set at 8.2 and when that goes off I know I need a couple of units because I rarely have enough carbs to take me above 8.
This is of course just what works for me, and in the early days of diagnosis, you are likely still able to produce enough insulin to cover the protein release because it is just a very slow steady rise. Once your own insulin production fully dries up, then you have to start injecting for it, but for me the benefits far outweigh the minor inconvenience of extra jabs and it is just my way of life.