Diabox download v separate secondhand phone for Dexcom one

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Maybe I should just not bother,? The reason why I test is to keep an eye on my bg levels to see if I am still in range which finger pricking doesn't give you but is the expense worth it?

I managed my diabetes absolutely fine for more than 20 years without sensors. So continuous data certainly aren‘t necessary.

It is a major outlay. So for me it becomes a question of how much you will use the data, and how it will help you achieve your blood glucose goals day to day, hour by hour, minute by minute.

The more responsive and reactive you are planning on being, the greater the potential benefits.

If you are planning (as I think you’ve indicated elsewhere) on deliberately not looking at the information as it happens, but wait to review it much later - to reduce the MH burden - then I think it’s a much more finely balanced argument, and sensors offer arguably far less benefit?
I've been type 2 for almost 20yrs.

I wasn't testing to see how food affected me partly because I don't take insulin. I just wanted to see how my levels were doing. My Dr said it you don't test how do you know what your blood sugars are doing?. she said that if you had a reading of 15 for example you wouldn't then go and eat a cake.

Regards the bus I was using it as an example of the convenience of scanning that one could do so, not that one would purposely scan on a bus.
But testing to see the impact of food is one of the most powerful things people with Type 2 will do to manage their blood glucose level. It is not just for people taking insulin.
I managed my diabetes absolutely fine for more than 20 years without sensors. So continuous data certainly aren‘t necessary.

It is a major outlay. So for me it becomes a question of how much you will use the data, and how it will help you achieve your blood glucose goals day to day, hour by hour, minute by minute.

The more responsive and reactive you are planning on being, the greater the potential benefits.

If you are planning (as I think you’ve indicated elsewhere) on deliberately not looking at the information as it happens, but wait to review it much later - to reduce the MH burden - then I think it’s a much more finely balanced argument, and sensors offer arguably far less benefit?
You're quite right regarding the last paragraph of your reply.

Like yourself apart from initially testing after diagnosis I didn't test for many years until sometime last year a Dr called to say if I didn't get my HbA1c down I could end up on insulin so I started finger pricking and my next HbA1c reduced but I had lost two stone in weight and my HbA1c done 17/7/8/22 had reduced even further and I had lost another stone (I had been using the Libre 2 sensors then)

It might be that I need to just do whatever works for me and not comment on social media which I think didn't help my MH.
That is not that high considering Diabetic is 48 (6.5). My own is not to dissimilar to yours, and Insulin has never been mentioned.
That is not that high considering Diabetic is 48 (6.5). My own is not to dissimilar to yours, and Insulin has never been mentioned.
I know although my previous HbA1c at 7.6 or 7.8 surely is high. Not massively but enough for a Dr to mention insulin.

I never thought to ask the Dr when I showed her my finger prick readings whether my previous HbA1c would have warranted insulin had it not improved or increased.

Initially Libre 2 was a great help but now I am not sure if I should get another sensor. It's not the sensor per se more the anxiety about high readings but I am thinking maybe how I feel is influenced by responses to posts about it and that I should just stop posting if I decide to purchase another sensor.
I know although my previous HbA1c at 7.6 or 7.8 surely is high. Not massively but enough for a Dr to mention insulin.

I never thought to ask the Dr when I showed her my finger prick readings whether my previous HbA1c would have warranted insulin had it not improved or increased.

Initially Libre 2 was a great help but now I am not sure if I should get another sensor. It's not the sensor per se more the anxiety about high readings but I am thinking maybe how I feel is influenced by responses to posts about it and that I should just stop posting if I decide to purchase another sensor.
I think your HbA1C would need to be well over 80mmol/mol (over 9.5%) and where oral medications have not helped before insulin would be suggested.
It certainly should not be used as a threat.
However you do seem to be on quite a lot of oral medication, given your level is only 7.6. Was it much higher when you were started on the various medications.
I think your HbA1C would need to be well over 80mmol/mol (over 9.5%) and where oral medications have not helped before insulin would be suggested.
It certainly should not be used as a threat.
However you do seem to be on quite a lot of oral medication, given your level is only 7.6. Was it much higher when you were started on the various medications.
My level is now 7.2 but to reduce my medication or get rid of one my GPs would want my HbA1c to be in the MD to early 6s.
Dexcom one is £299 for 3 month bundle (3 months of Libre2 £48 per sensor at 14 day wear is £416). So even without trying to stretch things the Dex One bundle cost looks cheaper.
Mike, am I missing something here with these figures? Surely Libre isn't going to be much more than £300 for 3 months when 2 sensors last the best part of a month, so essentially £100 per month? Just wondering how you get £416 for Libre or is that a typo?
Mike, am I missing something here with these figures? Surely Libre isn't going to be much more than £300 for 3 months when 2 sensors last the best part of a month, so essentially £100 per month? Just wondering how you get £416 for Libre or is that a typo?

I had tried to allow for the 5 week months (there are more than you think, which is why Dave Goreman suggested ‘Gormanuary’ to mop up the spare weeks 🙂

But thanks to you I have spotted my silly error.

It should be £312

I had divided the 52 weeks by 3, when of course 3 months is a quarter of the year.

Well spotted!

I’ll edit my post to avoid confusion 🙂
Just wondering how you get £416 for Libre or is that a typo?
Agreed, I think £416 buys you 8 and 2/3 sensors which would last slightly over 121 days, so more like 4 months.

It is true that 3 months would cost slightly over £300 but it's more like £8.57 more (for 90 days, if each sensor costs £48).
Agreed, I think £416 buys you 8 and 2/3 sensors which would last slightly over 121 days, so more like 4 months.

It is true that 3 months would cost slightly over £300 but it's more like £8.57 more (for 90 days, if each sensor costs £48).

I’ve fessed up to my foolish error of muddling 3 months with 1/3 of a year, rather than 1/4 of a year 🙄 :rofl:
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