Diablo sugar free treats

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Aldi Moser Roth or Lindt are all good.
I've developed a taste for the 90% Lindt. It's so rich you only need 15-20g to get a full chocolate hit. At 14g carb per 100g, it has very little effect on my BG. About the same as 3 grapes XD Something I've learned recently, a lot of the 'diabetic' treats cut out sugar in place of sweetener but are still super high carb, for eg sugar free polo's are 98g carb per 100g - slightly higher than regular ones!
Thanks, that’s really useful and very helpful. I’ll look up that test you mentioned online and look at ordering one and the carbs and calls app looks like a must
Found the carbs and cals book useful but the app pretty lacking. I'm using Nutracheck which is a fully UK food database even down to fast food restaurants to help you navigate meals out.

As for a monitor, I got a free Contour blue from their website by filling out a few questions. Strips aren't cheap mind, and that's why I couldn't afford to test very often until I went onto insulin and got them on prescription.
I got a free contour as well, and agree about the strips. However, I don't test much and find the Contour's results are a lot more consistent than the others I've used.
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According to my body, though, they aren't.
There are a few things to consider - different types of oranges and different types of bodies and everything else that affects blood sugars
I have found that the carb content of navel oranges is different to satsumas is different to blood oranges is different to mandarins is different to ... The same is true for apples - Granny Smiths have a different impact to Braeburns.
But when I say "I have found that the carb content" ... what I really mean is "I have have that my body reacts differently to ...". This is why we are advised to test ourselves rather than just rely on a book like carbs and cals.

That said, when there are 42 different things that can affect our blood sugars, relying on blood test meters to accurately tell us how many carbs there are in food, is a bit naive. The impact of a navel orange for me in the morning is different to having one in the afternoon and having it with nuts effects me in a different way again.

We also have to deal with the (in)accuracies of our meters.

But that is why we look after ourselves and don't rely on what others (or books) tell us when it comes to what we can eat or how to dose our insulin for it (if we take insulin).
Going back to the Diablo.....I have been eating with minimal to no sugar for years, even though I am not diabetic......for other reasons. I do eat food with sweeteners like maltitol, xylitol, erithrol, etc. They are all different. Some are quite high quality in my view:
- I like Gullon biscuits, which use Maltitol, but Diablo are mostly a bit meh in terms of taste.
- I have a penchant for Cavalier sugar-free Belgian chocs (made with stevia sweetener)

My two cents on the sweeteners are:
- They all have different GI, maltitol which is very common has a higher GI than others but there is a difference between maltitol powder and syrup
- Gas? Maltitol does give you one heck of a windy day......if you eat too much. Re-read that a thousand times. Most people who complain of maltitol-related gas have not read the label and/or think that a reasonable amount means half the pack of whatever it is. Heck, I can eat some jam with sorbitol (which is horrendous for gas/diarrhea......I think they use it in some laxatives!) in it without getting gas - but I keep it to ONE serving. Any more, and I strap myself onto the toilet like I'm about to go through 2 hours of turbulence on a transatlantic flight over the North Atlantic in winter. Xylitol, on the other hand, has never given me a gas problem. And why do these sweeteners give you gas? That's right. Because not all of the maltitol gets broken down in the gut and so the amount that does not get broken down does not get absorbed. By us. It DOES get absorbed by the zillions of bacteria in the gut though, who love it. And they all collectively fart.
- Some of these sweeteners have added benefits. Xylitol has good side effects in terms of mouth bacteria and dental health.
- Some of these sweeteners have potentially lethal disbenefits. Xylitol is very, very bad news for dogs. So when doggy friends come round I treat my xylitol bag and any xylitol-containing foods like they are rat poison and lock them away.
Found the carbs and cals book useful but the app pretty lacking. I'm using Nutracheck which is a fully UK food database even down to fast food restaurants to help you navigate meals out.
Whereabouts on the Nutracheck app did you find the restaurants information please?
Whereabouts on the Nutracheck app did you find the restaurants information please?
Just put the name of the restaurant and the dish in the search box eg. “Costa toastie” “pizza express romana” etc and all the options will come up. I’m a big fan of NutraCheck, find it way better than Carbs & Cals
If you want to look through a particular restaurants options in nutracheck press the 3 lines top right then eating out. Alternatively you can type in the search bar as above.
51YrZ61oikL._AC_SX466_.jpg These are in my local nisa shop!
If you want to look through a particular restaurants options in nutracheck press the 3 lines top right then eating out. Alternatively you can type in the search bar as above.
You know, I'd never spotted that. Thanks!
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