Diabetic eating rules

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nice one donald, i must say i was not aware we had to eat by rules, i like where it says you must not combine food and drink together, erm i have always had a glass of water with any meal and that wont change.

"patient should keep quite at the time of eating. Talking should be strictly avoided while eating."
lolol thats a winner for my quote of the week that one is, why not lock us in a cell and be done with it.
I've left a comment on there. I can't imagine that it will get approved. It was pretty much along these lines:

The majority of these rules are ridiculous and have absolutely no basis in fact. Please do not take advice from this document. That it is either badly translated into english, or has been written with no thought to proof reading is a warning sign alone.

*shakes head* What a bunch of hokum.
Thats got to be a hoax?
Although one or two points seem to indicate 2daily injections.
Maybe it was originally wrote on a stone tablet, back in the days when they didnt have pumps or MDI
When I first read it I thought it was a late April Fool joke and dismiss it as such.
The language suggests to me that it might be written by an Indian person. I worked with quite a few Indians at one time and you pick up quite a bit of their language and 'style' (plus, I am a linguist!). Diabetes is very common in India, so there are a lot of sites that attempt to cater for that audience.

Regarding the 'rules', I suspect he's made them up out of his own imagination😱🙄
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I hope that you've always eaten your food in order of colours of the rainbow? What? They didn't tell you that????😱😉
Ive always sat in silence bex hun when eating my meals, i make a point of tying my hands behind my back and try and eat through my nose to.🙂
Goodness me, the giraffe that tells me what to do would never have that, I'm afraid :( 😉

We were told it had to be an aardvaark...!

Steff, I tried the nose-eating thing, but then discovered it was only if you were on sulphonylureas and were French.
Then on the third mouthful of every meal, you have to run round the table, waving your hands in the air. Then you must continue the meal hopping.

This is true...

But...I don't have a table! Wonder if I can get one on prescription?:confused:
If i have to eat in silence I'd have to eat in another room at home...
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