Diabetic care in general from gp practice.

I like to monitor my own BG so I use a glucose monitor for 15 day once every 3 months just to see if I am being a good boy.
I got an HBA1C test through the post and that reassured me I was on the right track. I will probably do that again just before Christmas costs about £32. My NHS test gets done once or twice a year but until recently they would not give me the number so I complained so I get a number (42 on the last test so now pre-diabetic.)
Its important to get tested regularly so if your readings go wrong you can adjust your diet accordingly.
Annual blood test, eye check, weight check, foot check and ECG at local surgery. My last HBA1c was in July. Alert from GP to discuss rise in glucose levels and abnormal lymphocytes. No appointments until October.
Advice from DN wasn't very helpful. The last time I received a call it was two hours passed the appointment time and she sounded stressed out of her mind. So, good general screening but follow up can be a bit patchy.
I like to monitor my own BG so I use a glucose monitor for 15 day once every 3 months just to see if I am being a good boy.
I got an HBA1C test through the post and that reassured me I was on the right track. I will probably do that again just before Christmas costs about £32. My NHS test gets done once or twice a year but until recently they would not give me the number so I complained so I get a number (42 on the last test so now pre-diabetic.)
Its important to get tested regularly so if your readings go wrong you can adjust your diet accordingly.
I am signed up for Patient Access with my surgery so I check my HBA1c online - usually a couple of days after blood test. That way, I have a record of all my test results and can track any changes. https://www.patientaccess.com/
I am not sure if this is a service that all GP surgeries use.