Diabetes UK conference for MPs - one outcome below might be something to write to your MP about

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It sounds as if this is a relevant issue .I wrote to my MP about the traffic light system, expanding it to include carbohydrates.
This post shows labelling affects the different types and for different needs. Diabetics using the info in different ways. Maths is involved ; the info labelled is conflicting
Would members be prepared to send a short email to their MP asking
  • if they were invited to Diabetes UK Conference @ Westminster.
  • Then put what you have shared here , why you have shared and whats important about labelling for you.
  • You might say Say MP Caroline Ancell Eastbourne has sent her constiuents' requests to the Dept of Health and Social Care.
McDonalds used to list Carbs on their burger packs but stopped and only listed Calories. When I queried this with them they said it was an EU ruling. Don't forget that the NHS, Food industry etc love to talk about Calories and are almost unaware of Carbs (just Sugar). Sadly your MP will fail as Calories are entrenched in our society despite being based on very loose science (do some Googling). Fortunately Carbs are always listed on the back of food packs and on McDonalds tray sheets; just ignore useless Traffic Light labelling.
If I want to check the carbs in a McDonald's meal then I look online - their UK nutritional info website will adjust to show you what is in what you want to order (including if you remove or add things to burgers)
McDonalds used to list Carbs on their burger packs but stopped and only listed Calories. When I queried this with them they said it was an EU ruling. Don't forget that the NHS, Food industry etc love to talk about Calories and are almost unaware of Carbs (just Sugar). Sadly your MP will fail as Calories are entrenched in our society despite being based on very loose science (do some Googling). Fortunately Carbs are always listed on the back of food packs and on McDonalds tray sheets; just ignore useless Traffic Light labelling.
That's interesting , especially the EU ruling. I wrote to my MP , she told me she had attended the conference via my invite (others?) via Diabetes UK. My thought is to write to your MP ask if they went to the D UK Conference in Westminster. And tell them the hardships you have and the help needed by which Diabetic of your type
I was surprised my MP wrote back and said she'd passed my concerns on
I wish I had realised this event was happening. My MP is a former GP, married to a working GP, so I would like to hope he might have attended, but one can never tell.

I might email him. That’d brighten his day.
How did you get on?. I received an invite via an email from this website . Possibly I'm enlisted as a member .?? And receive these type of emails.
IS there any feedback from DIABETES UK on the outcomes from their Conference at Westminster ?
How did you get on?. I received an invite via an email from this website . Possibly I'm enlisted as a member .?? And receive these type of emails.
I have to say I haven’t yet Jenny. I’m away at the moment, and for a few more weeks, which is no excuse, so I’ll set some time aside to write.

Thanks for the nudge.
How did you get on?. I received an invite via an email from this website . Possibly I'm enlisted as a member .?? And receive these type of emails.

Do you pay for membership?
As a public or professional member?
If im a member and receive emails because of that I'm a Member not professional
My MP responded to Diabetes UK s request to attend their conference at Westminster. She and I have had a short dialogue since then. One idea came out of it. That ,,, carbohydrates should be listed on the front of foodstuffs, alongside sugar

Thank you for your reply and I am most sorry to read of the struggles you face in living with diabetes. I fully sympathise with just how difficult this must be for you. I recognise that having compulsory carbohydrate food labelling on the front of food items would be beneficial to you and others living with diabetes and I have written to the Department of Health and Social Care raising this.

If you think this is something of value to you and to others please write to your MP , you may quote my MP Caroline Ansell if you wish.
Or write to your MP to check they attended, ask them to forward this idea or your idea to the Department of Health and Social Care
My MP has written again. She is following up her letter to the Dept of Health Re food labelling. I'm not sure that my recommendation about carbs on the front (traffic lights). was popular.
What one thing about diabetes would you want done, changed,? If there's concensus by type 1 s about something or another by -type 2s. my MP would like to know.

It would be good to write to your own MP I would think especially if they attended the conference. Thank you
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