Diabetes Support birthday news story

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Well-Known Member

How is everyone? I'd like to put a news story together to publish on our website about this forum's second birthday and also highlight just how successful and helpful it is.

Northener kindly supplied me with some great stats about the number of posts/thread/users etc, but to make it all seem a bit more real I was wondering if anyone wanted to say a few words about the forum - why they use it, what's the best bit about it, for example? Just a couple of sentences really that I can then include in the story to make it a bit more interesting. I'll try and fit as many as possible in!



Joe Freeman
Digital Communities Manager
Diabetes UK
My son (12) was diagnosed with type 1 nearly two years ago and this was the first place I found, it helped me to come to terms with the diagnosis and made both myself and my son feel that this wasnt the end of the world - it was just going to be different from what we had 'planned'. I like to think that I now give something back to the forum when new parents and carers join feeling exactly how I had felt in the early days of diagnosis.🙂Bev
Hi Joe,

I discovered this forum in March 2010 and I have found it to be an extremely valuable support tool. At the time I was just starting out on the insulin pump and the members here have been fantastic in offering advice or clarifying points that I've raised. It's so good to be able to talk to people who can actually understand what you are going through. I, like some many others on here, wish there was something like this place many years ago when I was first diagnosed!

I'd recommend it to anyone who was diabetic or wanted to know more about people who are and what they go through on a daily basis.
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This place is a lifeline and every single one of us have gained so much knowledge and also such good freinds.
Nearly 12 years type 1 diabetic and never really knew how to effectively manage blood sugars. Once learning of carb counting and experiencing other diabetic individuals experiences, I proceeded to seek the company of other like minded folk.........and I landed here at diabetes support.......the experiences, knowledge and most importantly the support should be part of all diabetics' and their families lives.
Hey Joe... Sorry fella - couldn't resist!?!

I found this site a good while back and let it slip. Forgot my old username, passwords, the lot. Just recently got back on and wish I'd stuck with it first time round.

Stacks of good tips, experiences, and indeed mistakes to learn from. And believe me I've made a few of those!

Got back on for all the wrong reasons as I've got myself in a bit of a pickle. Had I taken notice earlier (albeit 20 years - heheh) I'd have saved a lot of it happening. Even though people can't solve problems there's a strange sense of easing that comes from knowing younger diabetics might have access to sites like this. Should be prescribed!
Joe, hello, looking forward to meeting with you on the 13th.

Although diabetic (T2) for 10 years, I was put onto insulin over 18 months ago. I found this site following a web search. I was able to ask questions, as insulin was very frightening for me.

Northerner (Alan - I think you know him well) was, and still is, the Daddy of the Forum. He is a wealth of knowledge of all matters diabetic and is a computer wizz. He continues to be an immense help to everyone.

I said fairly recently, hardly a day goes by where I don't learn something new from this site and I wish it had all the funding for it to continue.
After 32 years of type 1, never having met another type 1 and being trapped in 70s/80s thinking, I wanted to update my control, found this forum and my life has literally become transformed.
I now have access to the best advisors a diabetic could want. Other diabetics.

I'm nearly 20 years into having type 1, and before the forum I had never really spoken to another person with type 1. The forum is an amazingly supportive, friendly community where all are welcome. I value the advice and opinions of the forum members very highly and this is always my first point of call on anything diabetes related.

Er, not sure if it's quite relevant, but the forum has sprung its first couple, might be a nice thing to throw in??
I was diagnosed 2 years ago at the age of 61. My diabetic-care surgery nurse gave me this Forum's website saying it would help me to be able to talk to people who are actually living with diabetes rather than the so-called professionals who advise on the condition. The Forum continues to be a great place for information and nothing is too silly a question to ask.
When diagnosed I was made to feel it was all my fault, I was fat and that was why I had it - and that I would be a burden on the NHS. The forum has supported and encouraged me to accept I may be actually overweight due to having diabetes, has advised me how to fight for my test strips to gain excellent control, and through the forum the Weight Loss Group has helped me shed 47 pounds in 4 months. I couldn't have coped without the forum, especially the help provided by the administrator.
Wow, what a great response - thank you all! I think I'll pick out a few choice quotes and include them along with each person's forum name if that's ok with everyone?

Seeing as there is so much good stuff, I'll try and set up an additional page with all the comments on in full so others can read them. I'll pop along and link to the story once it goes live (which I think will be 12/13th November). If anyone else still wants to contribute a comment, feel free!

Looking forward to seeing some of you on the 13th in London too.



Just wanted to say having had type 1 for 31 years I didn't really know any other diabetics...when I had my first child it was especially unnerving & isolating being the only diabetic mum I knew. Since then I found this forum; it's wonderfully friendly, supportive and informative & frankly I've had a lot more informed support & useful advice from on here than from the vast majority of health care professionals I've come into contact with over the years. It's given me renewed confidence in and enthusiasm for my diabetes care/control & helped in the transition on to pump therapy. It even inspired me to kick off a local group in my area for diabetic mums! 🙂 I just wish I'd found this site years ago.
Hi Joe , im fairly new to the forum , id just like to add that id wish there had been something like this when i was younger ive been diabetic for 30 years (since i was 10 ) and it would have been nice to know i was amongst others 🙂
I have 36 years Type 1 and have just found this forum. The help I have got in the past few weeks has been great and I dont know how I managed before, well not very well, but now I think I am getting there with all the help I have had from this forum
Hi joe
I have had type 1 for 16 years. I came across the forum when I was having issues with funding for my pump, about a year ago. Since then I have had a baby boy. Having access to this site during the trying to conceive period and during my pregnancy has been a lifeline to me. I really don't know how I would have coped with the emotional and medical difficulties of diabetes and pregnancy without the support and advice from people on here.

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i got diagonosed with type 2 diabetes in march 2010 aged 37. it was a big shock as i had no styptoms apart from feeling tierd and having numbness and tingling in my feet but i didnt know this could be due to diabetes. i joined the forum on the same day that i got told the news and have never looked back. everyone has been so supportive espessaly when i first joined an knew nothing about diabetes, no question is classed as silly and i did asked alot of questions at the beginning belive me, but everyone was happy to give me advice. i dont know how id have coped without this forum as its the only place i feel that has helped an encouraged me. ive also joinded the weight loss group and find it realy has been helping me shed the pounds. ive made some realy good friends from joining the forum. i hope some day i will be able to give others who join advice an friendship just like ive been shown.
Hi Joe..

I think I am the longest serving member of this group, I signed up in the October 2008, I believe all the others joined the following month.

Anyone needing support and friendship, will find this group second to none.
I am 71 years of age, and even I learn from the younger members, who all appear to have wise heads, helpfull advice, and a shoulder to lean on if required.The main thing that makes this support group what it is, is its members, lead by a great admin in Northerner and his support team.

This forum is the best support I've ever had, everyone is so helpful and we have a real laugh together as well. I wouldn't want to try to survive without it now. Karen.
This place is a lifeline and every single one of us have gained so much knowledge and also such good freinds.

I second that. Without this forum life with Diabetes would be so much harder to cope with especialy in the early days. It has become one of my daily addictions with facebook ( I even logon to this site before facebook......:D:D:D
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