Diabetes review Wednesday Dont wanna go. Caution contains Triggers

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thanks guys will let u know how i get on and possibly have a good rant as well
Hope it goes well today Gail, and dont forget that its not your fault that you are ill.🙂Bev
Cheers Im cacking it now
Good luck Gail...You show them how strong and responsible you can be.
Take care
Good luck Gail. If it is the crap doc you get, try saying in your head "oh great, I just knew I would get Dr Happy" and then smile sweetly.
Im back and it went ok. Was brave and went up there and back by bus resulting ?20 saved taxi fare was spent on some nice goodies for me.
I got REALLY nice docter I have had before. she was great. Had my eyes done all the normal cheeks etc. Then saw the doc. I have lost weight only a small amount, but something is better than nothing. My HbA1c has gone up from 9.9 to 10 but as doc said Im happy with that with all that has gone on in your life lately thats good. My blood pressure has gone down. My feet are fine apart from nails needing a bit of a trim. She said she was happy to leave it at that and would see me in 6 months. As I got ready to go she said I hope we wont see you before that. Told her that I could t guarantee that, she said I know that and its such a shame. How are you getting on in that area so told her about the treatment programme in psychiatric hospital they are trying to get funding for from PCT. She was so nice she said good luck with it I think you need it.
Hospital security were around but with my past history they will always be there when I attend hospital for any reason. So all in all I came away feeling pretty chuffed about it
Ah! What a relief Gail! Glad you got the nice doctor, and that you were happy with the appointment 🙂
You could say a positive visit then.............sweet...............

Happy days............:D
Great news Gail. As you say, some weight lost is definitely better than none. Blood pressure down is good. HbA1c change from 9.9 to 10.0 means the 2 values could actually be the same. Not wanting to see you for 6 months means thay're happy with you - so take it as a pat on the back.

Money saved on taxi fare means more for treats - and increased feeling of independence, perhaps?!?
Fab news gail pleased you had the nice doc as well x
Excellent news Gail, well done and good luck 🙂 take care, Shirl x
Well done Gail. She sounds like a really nice doctor. One who actually cares about you as a person.

Hi Gail,

Really glad to hear the docs visit went well! 🙂

Take care,

Twitchy x
Gail, you're within your rights to say at reception that you don't want to see a specific doctor. I know it's hard to speak out but it might be better than turning up and having to see the one who was so rude to you. Congratulations on the weight loss and on the numbers too, though it may not seem so, that's actually no change which isn't bad given the stress you're under.
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