Diabetes review Wednesday Dont wanna go. Caution contains Triggers

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Caution Does mention suicide/self harm
Sorry if this post offends but Im not gonna hide it

Help I dont wanna go. I know its in my best interests yes I know that but due to state of mental health eek. Its not going to be easy. Im freaking out here. Please please let it be the nice docter the one whos always so kind and not that old bat who when I saw her said to me why did you take an overdose dont you realise that it could have killed you and got stroppy with me when I replied yes I did realise that but I was in full blown psychosis at the time why do you think they had four police and hospital staff holding me down in A+E and why do you think they detained me under the Mental Health Act. Stupid old bat. I just know that the subject of the other week od/section/compulsory treatment is gonna come up. Im not well at moment and Im fighting so hard.
On a good note my sugar levels have been so much better last few weeks anything between 4.6 to 14.00, so much better than the constant high 20s and 30s I was getting. My weight we will not go there best not I think. HbA1c mmmmm I dread to think what this will be still theres not a lot I can do to change it right now but I am trying so hard to change things.
Think when I see my rock of a GP tomorrow (yes he has me on seeing him and getting my insulin every 3 days Canny git) I will ask him if he can find out who Im seeing. To scared to phone up on my own sad or what!!!!
Hi Gail, don't worry about posting how you feel, this forum is here for support.

Sorry to hear how you feel about your diabetes appointment, but hopefully it won't be as bad as you expect. I think it is a good idea to ask your GP to find out who you'll see - or even if they can get it put in your notes that you would always prefer to see the helpful doctor? I've seen a few less than helpful doctors at my clinic too, and I know it can be demoralising. Do you see a DSN as well? Sometimes they can be a bit more "human" and less rushed than doctors.

Is there someone who can go with you for moral support - a support worker or friend or relative?

Well done on getting the BG down, it sounds like you're doing really well. Glad to hear your GP is supportive too.

Gail darling just breathe hon.. take it one day at a time.. we're here for you..
Hi Gail, those are good results you are getting now - well done! 🙂 Is it possible for you to attend the appointment with someone else so if it is the SOB then you will feel less intimidated? If not, perhaps you could explain at the start that you are feeling very fragile and need support not admonishing?

Deep breaths, my dear - get a pep talk from your GP beforehand and imagine he is by your side supporting you! 🙂 Hope it goes much better than you expect, and that you get the nice consultant.
Just had another thought, if you do get the consultant you don't like, could you try to take control of the conversation? E.g. my doctor always starts with "how's it been" and maybe then you could reply by bringing up you recent problems and describing how difficult it's been, but then show them your recent BG results to end on a positive? That way they might not be so lecturing if you bring it up first, and be more understanding?
Gail dont apologise this place is a forum where we can all say how we feel hun, if anyones offended thats there issue..
As has been suggested can you get a friend/relative/key worker to go with you for support and to make things a little less intense..?

P.S good news on the levels hun keep it up, or maybe not in this instance but you know what i mean xx
Best of luck Gail 🙂

i think gail that you have proved how much better control you have ...those figures are Fab and you have been so much more on a level ...ok a few blips but dont we all ....1 day of blip in a two week period = 13 days of good !!!! your making positive steps to helping yourself .....
as for your appointments you could try the approach of hands up yes i know its/Im not easy to cope with ...But I AM HERE FOR HELP NOT TO BE TOLD OFF OR MOANED AT...on the outset ...focus on the positive things that you have done ... Good luck xx🙂
I see some good advice being offered here. we are all prepared to listen and even help where possible.

I'm sure there are many of us who have had such feelings of despair and frustration I know I have. I hope you find the strength to get the help you require and are entitled to.
For me a website helped, it was recomended by my GP it's for anxiety and depression, I'm not sure if will help you but it may be worth taking a look it's free but does require registration.

Hi Gail,

I had mental health problems a few years ago and found it very difficult to get out of bed in the morning never mind look at my BG and adjust doses accordingly. So congratulations on those BG levels, you should give yourself a pat on the back, that is no mean feat!

I saw one or two terrible doctors when I had mental health problems. It was very difficult at the time, but remember that if they're being negative that's their attitude problem and not a reflection on you. As has been suggested, focus on the positive changes in your BG levels and tell them how hard you've worked to bring them down. Let them know that you are finding things difficult, but if the consultant is being very unpleasant remember that you have the support from your GP and can talk to him about things. Also as has been suggested, it might be a good idea if there is someone you can take with you for moral support.

Best of luck!
Hey Gail,

I know you are anxious, but I'm so pleased to see how your BMs have improved from the constantly high numbers you used to be having. I know this is is only a small part of the whole picture of what is going on with you right now- but I read your numbers and it brought a smile to my face- well done, it aint bloody easy girl! You have an achievement there.

Best of luck with the appointment- maybe someone you can grab to go with you? Professionals often say the wrong things, some are bitter tasting and you just have to move on from what was said to get to the stuff that can really help you (easier said than done) but good luck. I will have fingers crossed it goes well.

As always Gail- all the best.

Lou x
Nothing more I can add that the others havent said - just to wish you good luck and remember that you are there because you are not well - you are not there to be punished for not being well.🙂Bev x
Can't add any practical advice but hope you get the human doctor. Good luck with it. Whoever you see, they should congratulate you on your BGs and leave your other issues to those who understand them. The nasty one obviously doesn't.

Thanks everyone your kind and contining support it means so much to me. Unable to take anyone with me this time CPN has been with me in past but shes unable to go this time due to other comitments. And theres noone else to go with me. Am gonna tell my rock of a GP how i feel about it and ask him to give them a call tomorrow . To be honest he knows already as had a good chat with him about the appoiment when I saw him on Friday said to him i think something might be said about that insulin overdose dont you think so and he agreed with me. I know hospital security will be around Im on their radar for good after past behavoir when very ill, well at least they will not be restraing me in A+E or pinning me down on a bed while Im being compusly treated under section.
Once again thanks guys
best of luck gail xxx
Gail just wanted to wish you luck for tomorrow hun x
When I go to clinic I usually ask the nurse if I can be seen by a certain doctor, if he is there. I usually find that they are fine with this. I think you have the right to be seen by who is best for you. They are working FOR you. After all we pay their wages. Good luck.
yep good luck ..remember breathe deeply... you are there to be helped ...show them how positive you have been ....and then come here and have the rant !! x🙂
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