Diabetes Review Questionnaire

I wonder if I would get the pregnancy question should they send me one. I don't think I've had one but communications from the GP tend to be by text and I often don't see them for days by which time they have timed out.
All my comms are by text (with embedded links which mean they assume you have a smart phone).
My phone is always with me as I use it for my CGM and pump so I tend to see messages pretty quickly.
Unlike my Mum who turns on her phone to make a call and then powers it down when the call has finished so no one can ever call her and texts can take weeks to be noticed.
I expect that I won't miss them any more since I started using the Libre. I used to be just like your mum, happy days.
I'll let you know, if I ever have an invitation for a review.

It'll be interesting to see how the new GP handle my current status on record.
It’s interesting when you get communication from your GP surgery that you think might need addressing on behalf of other people on their books isn’t it.

I have been waiting since March to be invited for my GP surgery diabetes review (I’m happy for them to do BP, weight, toe tickle etc, and have my annual Pump Clinic for the detailed stuff)

The invite has never materialised. I did have a prescription review via phone call (though I think they have forgotten that)

What I have received though is a text message to say they won’t issue any more prescriptions until I’ve had blood tests they haven”t invited me for this year. Which is basically a suggestion they are planning to kill me I suppose?

I am wondering how to phrase my response when I go and see them, and whether to write to the practice manager, and suggest they review their communication strategy!
@everydayupsanddowns Why not initiate your own GP surgery diabetes review by pro-actively booking one yourself every six months?
Some time back, "to make it easier for patients", my surgery decided to change the diabetes review dates to the month of each patient's birthday for the 'main' review, then six months after that for the subsidiary one (where they just weigh, take blood pressure, and blood for testing, etc).
I just ring up two weeks before each review is scheduled, to book it. It's all in the spirit of "diabetic persons largely manage their own condition"!
Why not initiate your own GP surgery diabetes review by pro-actively booking one yourself every six months?

I have tried to keep my reviews 6 months apart, but because the invites come form different clinics they have endlessly wandered.

I’ve also had some slightly grumpy feedback previously when trying to speed up the timing, as I ‘would be sent an invitation’ 🙄
You'd think they would be pleased not to have the effort of arranging the invitations themselves!
At least they would have the guarantee of the patient turning up for the appointment.
Me, I would ignore any grumpitude, and go ahead regardless...!
I have tried to keep my reviews 6 months apart, but because the invites come form different clinics they have endlessly wandered.
I know that feeling.
Like @John Gray my GP surgery invites me 6 months apart but, as I mentioned earlier, the GP surgery is little use apart from getting blood tests. The valuable appointments are the "ideally annually" appointments with the diabetes clinic. For a few years the GP surgery and the diabetes clinic reviews were within a month of each other so I only bothered with the one at the diabetes clinic and made to feel like a very naughty girl at the GP surgery even though they get the results and letter from the clinic.
The concept of "ideally annual" seems to have gone out of the window and the clinic appointments are more like "when we can fit you in but don't expect it to be any more frequently than every 15 months especially as you seemed to be doing fine last time we saw you".

There is another thread about Diabetes and other conditions where there is frustration about the lack of coordination and talking to each other. It is also frustrating that with a single condition the teams do not seem to be able to coordinate with each other,
Update on the questionnaire.
Today, I had my blood tests, blood pressure and heart rate. Apparently, 46 is an unusually low heart rate!
I was asked if I had completed the questionnaire and, as I have, I will get a "virtual diabetes review". What this means is that someone will look at my blood test results and questionnaire answers then text me if it needs a follow up. If they are happy with what they see, I do not need to speak to anyone.

I am sure this is efficient ... for them. But what if I had any questions for the DSN? It feels as if this is even more of a box ticking exercise, which treats me as a bunch of results rather than a person. Thankfully, I do not have any questions or any mental health issues, for example, which will not be seen in blood test results but I feel this may be far from ideal for some people.
And the box ticking is being reviewed by AI.