Diabetes Diet club

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Ghost Hunter

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

Does anybody know of a good online slimming group/s that caters for diabetes but without the complicated time consuming recipies?

I need to lose a lot of weight and although I prefer to do it myself even though I am not exactly an experienced cheff would like the support of other dieting buddies. Im happy to pay a small monthly fee if I like what I see and value the support.

Thanks 😱
Hi Steph thats great thanks, it is what I was looking for, I have in the past (before diagnosis) tried Tesco e.diets and also Rosemary Conley and Weight Watchers both good 'comunities' but they seem to have expensive 'recipie based' menues which I know is healthier but not always easy when on such a tight budget as we are so 'conveinience and lots of veg and fruit' is a better plan for us as can eat similar things each day so save on the amount of shopping list.

Thanks I will check it out.

Hi Ghost Hunter, like you, I need to lose a lot of weight and would like a slimming club on line!
Steff, I recently tried Slimming World and yes, they are very good for none diabetics. They advocate high cabs or no carbs and I could'nt get on with either! While I did lose a few pounds my BGs went up so I lost interest. Meeting others trying to lose weight was good though.
Perhaps someone will start an online diet club? We live in hope!!
failing any of the above suggestions, try a google search or ask someone like Diabtes UK.

Sometimes there is a slimming group associated with dietician at hospital or doctors surgery but not very often.
not aimed at diabetics but i've found 'cook yourself thin' to be really good.
Ive joined slimming world three weeks ago, lost 14 1/2 pounds so far. won slimmer of the week last week and now slimmer of the month. for may. the pressure is now on.
Hi Stute is it expensive and faddy? Last time I tried SW many years ago there was a red day then a green day and it all got too much and so expensive shopping bills! I will be going solo as hubby not interested 🙄

Congrats on the weight loss and acheivement award maybe you could start a club for the likes of us ivygirl and myself 😉

Thanks again and keep up the great work

Does anybody know of a good online slimming group/s that caters for diabetes but without the complicated time consuming recipies?

I need to lose a lot of weight and although I prefer to do it myself even though I am not exactly an experienced cheff would like the support of other dieting buddies. Im happy to pay a small monthly fee if I like what I see and value the support.

Thanks 😱

I dont actually know of any diet clubs so to speak but I did find when I

reduced my Carb intake I lost a lot of weight without trying and without

feeling hungry at all. Good luck with the diet and let us know how you get

on with it .🙂
I have lost 9lbs in 3 weeks.......it seems easy. I have not joined any club, just eat sensibly!!
Well heres a thought.. Why dont we have a support group and monitor each others weight loss, like the WW boards have challanges we could either list our losses on a weekly basis in a thread on here or email each other?

Julie x
Sounds like a good idea. I found the way lost weight when first diagnosed was sheer-power (shame it didn't last - although I have not regained al the weight!) don't like diets, so I just went onto using skimmed milk and using no spread (unless using marmite). Main thing was cutting down on portion size and making a lot of home-made soups.
Well, to say I'm flabberghasted is no understatement - I've lost 2.5lbs this week so half a stone in 4! Yippeeeeeeee .....
Well, to say I'm flabberghasted is no understatement - I've lost 2.5lbs this week so half a stone in 4! Yippeeeeeeee .....

Brilliant! Well done - keep up the good work :D :D
Well done to all who have lost weight not easy i know.
I have tryed many diets in the past had no joy at all:(
Since being diagnosed in April i have lost just over a stone in weight, as Runner says its all down to portion size & what really works for me is the wii fit great for exerise.
Well done with the wieght loss.

Diets are a mine field. SOmetimes it is easier to go it alone. The only person who can do it at the end of the day is you.
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