Diabetes & binge eating disorder

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello all!

So, during the process of being diagnosed for a binge eating disorder, I was also found to have diabetes T2. I actually did really well at keeping my diet controlled for 10 weeks and then my mental health started to decline and the binge eating is back.

Does anyone know of any support I can get for diabetes whilst having a binge eating disorder? I feel utterly lost and not coping great with having both diagnosis at the same time.
Hi @justagirl23 and welcome to the forum.
If you can control what you binge eat on, then you can still control your Type 2 diabetes.
I have always eaten a lot and been very slim for over 60 of my 74yrs. I put on over 1/6th of my body weight eating the low fat, 5 a day, whole grain food I was told was 'healthy' I ate it for around 20yrs, very slowly getting heavier. Well I can tell you that they aren't 'healthy' for me, nor for most/all other Type 2 diabetics.

It isn't so much how much you eat or how many calories you eat, but what you eat. I can over-indulge on meat, fish, eggs or cheese and it doesn't affect either my Blood Glucose, nor my weight since they don't contain carbohydrates (not enough to measure). Though I have to be more careful with nuts since they contain both protein and fat together with some carbohydrates, so eating more than a handful isn't good for me/

Some surprising things that are potentially not good for a Type 2 diabetic ( you all react slightly differently, so you need to test for yourself). They include all grains (even whole grains), all rice, both white and sweet potatoes, breakfast cereals (even things like porridge, Special K, Shreddies, Weetabix - eat eggs for breakfast instead. Most fruit (apart from berries) are too sweet for us, as are all fruit juices - it doesn't matter that there may be no added sugar there is far too much natural sugars in them!
Google CBT. Keep a food thought diary to see what your triggers are. Sign up asap for NHS counselling. See if there are specific services in your area for eating disorders. Good luck
Welcome to the forum @justagirl23

Sorry to hear about your double-diagnosis :(

That’s a lot to get your head around all at once!

Have you been referred to a specialist dietician? And for any counselling support or therapy?

There’s a national charity for disordered eating called BEAT which may have some support, materials, or advice

You might also want to call the Diabetes UK Helpline to chat to one of the friendly advisors. You can call on 0345 123 2399 Mon-Fri 9-6.

And keep sharing with us here too. It can be a tricky and emotional time when newly diagnosed, but you aren’t alone, and we are rooting for you.
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