Diabetes App

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,

I am new to this forum and have a quick question. For a bit of background, I am from the UK and have had Type 1 Diabetes for 9 years.

With a lot of time on my hands being at university, I have thought about developing an app/website. I want to focus on something close to me and that has a direct impact on my life.

I was wondering if there would be demand for a Diabetes app? I am aware there are many in the market already, but mine would focus on simplicity, helping users to calculate insulin dosage, providing helpful hints, tips and reminders, sugar levels could be inputted to provide with daily and monthly graphs, and so on.

Any advice of help would be appreciated.
This sounds like a great idea, I am type 2 so the insulin bit wouldn’t re,ate to me but I have to say the apps I have looked at so far are a bit complex so something simple sounds good :D
Hi @ryanmozey, welcome to the forum 🙂 I don't use apps, but I know there are some very good ones already on the market (mySugr?). Also, insulin pumps have 'wizards' that will do what you describe, as will some 'smart' blood glucose meters. It would need to have a very strong unique selling point to set itself apart, and I doubt if it's something you could develop in your spare time. Whilst simplicity might be one approach, you would be likely to leave out some things that people might want to achieve that. What are you studying at Uni?
Hi @ryanmozey, welcome to the forum 🙂 I don't use apps, but I know there are some very good ones already on the market (mySugr?). Also, insulin pumps have 'wizards' that will do what you describe, as will some 'smart' blood glucose meters. It would need to have a very strong unique selling point to set itself apart, and I doubt if it's something you could develop in your spare time. Whilst simplicity might be one approach, you would be likely to leave out some things that people might want to achieve that. What are you studying at Uni?

Hello! Thanks. I am aware of that app, as well as the smart meters/pump, both very good points!

I study economics, so would need to reach out to a friend/developer regardless to actually develop the app. The idea is in the very preliminary stages, just an idea at the moment, I wanted to see what people thought on this forum.

Providing graphs could be a USP. As could a friendly, simplistic, colour-coordinated interface. What are your thoughts on these?
Hello @ryanmozey, I take on board what your discussion is about.
I study economics, so would need to reach out to a friend/developer.

You are obviously looking for a backer to further your research, pray tell why would members of this forum even consider this? The information you require is already in the domain of the knowledge that is available, are you going to tell/explain something different? I`m interested in your theory but studying economics is not a reason to conduct a thesis on diabetes. May I ask for your response please?
Hello @ryanmozey, I take on board what your discussion is about.
I study economics, so would need to reach out to a friend/developer.

You are obviously looking for a backer to further your research, pray tell why would members of this forum even consider this? The information you require is already in the domain of the knowledge that is available, are you going to tell/explain something different? I`m interested in your theory but studying economics is not a reason to conduct a thesis on diabetes. May I ask for your response please?

Hi mate, not sure if you've misunderstood?

I'm not conducting any research whatsoever. I'm interested in creating an app, and have had diabetes for years, and put two-and-two together. I was interested as to whether people feel like this 'app' would be worthwhile. As I am not going to create something that is useless, nor needed.

The subject I am studying is irrelevant? Anyone can come up with an innovation on already existing applications. This thread was simply to see what people thought. Thanks.
That's very kind of you to reply in a positive manner, I think we all have our own ideas of our condition. I`m sure the thread was a great inspiration to all who are able to gain knowledge from peoples thoughts. An app. is it you assume
The subject I am studying is irrelevant?
It may be irrelevant but to members who are reading your reply I am sure they would wish to be involved in your study. Maybe I got it wrong.
I'm not conducting any research whatsoever. I'm interested in creating an app, can you explain your app please?

It may be irrelevant but to members who are reading your reply I am sure they would wish to be involved in your study. Maybe I got it wrong.
I'm not conducting any research whatsoever. I'm interested in creating an app, can you explain your app please?

Hi mate, sorry if I am confusing things. This is not a study, or any kind of research, I am not producing any thesis or paper, just a general query I have.

I was simply wondering whether an app for Diabetes could be helpful. As another user pointed out earlier, there are already apps available, as well as smart meters/pumps which help with Diabetes. The app I had to mind would be to help people calculate their insulin dosage, graph out blood sugar levels over time, as well as provide up-to-date diabetes-related news.

I would be interested into creating something to do with Diabetes, as it directly impacts my life, whether that be an app/website/blog. I was just looking to see if this sort of thing would be useful! Or if I should use my free time trying to creating something else. Thanks!
Hi @ryanmozey, yes if you have free time I think a nice blog/website would be great Please be aware there are already members who are already in a situation of posting information through blogs and websites. We would like to think you could create a no nonsense situation to produce an app/website/blog, what do you think?
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