diabetes and work related question

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Tell him that with better supervision you wouldn't have made that mistake... and yes it was just that a mistake, you didn't do it on purpose! stupid B****** sorry but i hate him!

Julie x

PS do they have a training programme for you to follow? Cashing up alone on day 2 seems a but soon for me!

training programme?! What's that?! There is no proper training programme with the company - luckilly I'm being trained by the other girl who works there whos fabulous. I still think cashing up alone so soon after starting the danged job is way too soon, and he should expect mistakes my making me do that.

I had to do it again tonight. I got it wrong again. I phoned the other girl in a right state and she went in and checked it for me, and it was wrong...only by a few ?'s but even though she sorted it, I'm worried the dragon will see my working outs and yell at me again :(
It's getting worse...

Its happening again...this time not about the diabetes. He has it in for me blatently

Yesterday I had to close up on my own, cash up on my own etc etc. I even phoned him because i was confused over the cashing up as I was locking the front door and leaving. He heard Matt talk to me...

I get a text from the other girl this morning

'sam, watch your back. He's going to have words with you tomorrow about having Matt up in the office while you cash up'

my face...:confused:

I reply that no, he wasn't upstairs, he was waiting outside. Russel heard him on the phone as i was locking the door and leaving. Not upstairs.

It does backwards and forwards like this for a while. And I'm getting angrier by the second. Anyway Z phoned me and told me to calm down, not to come in and hit the roof at him for making false assumptions and making up lies about me. Instead she said, wait until he says something tomorrow, write it down and then phone the area manager. I will however tell him that he shouldn't jump to conclusions because I'm getting really fed up of it.

Obviously for some strange reason he wants to find an excuse to get rid of me. I don't know why, I haven't done anything wrong. But he's got it in for me and I am slightly fed up of being treated like complete and utter c**p.

If anyone fancies coming to back me up, feel free 🙂

I want a new job...
Wow this guy is a total idiot 😱 How could he even think of making an assumption like that? It was a phone conversation for goodness sake...

You definitely need to say something when he brings it up, not just write it down. You need to stick up for yourself. Honestly, I wish I lived in winchester so I could come and give him a piece of my mind :D
Hi Sam, I know this is going to sound far easier said than done, but try not to get rattled by this person. He is treating you unfaily and bullying you - in my book that makes him a coward and an idiot. If he knows he is succeeding in upsetting you he will probably just do it more. Maybe if you try to think of him as some poor unfortunate with no friends and no meaningful pleasures in life, and pity him for his ignorance.

Failing that, you could tell him to go and stick his head up a dead bear's bum!😱😉

Hope things improve soon. My sister has had to endure similar people in her working life and she is one of the kindest and hardest working people I know. My mother endured similar bullying in her job forcing her to retire early. They are not worth the carbon they are composed of.
Hi Sam....

What a total T****ER, this boss is.....:D

I agree with Northerner...he is a coward and a bully....as hard as it is for you try not to give him a rise. If you react it is giving him the buzz he wants...Out smart him...get all the evidence you can of his behaviour..get the area manager on side to...which sounds like you have already...be careful though with the other employees...they may be friends but how far do there loyalities go......When the time is right.....you have all you need...shaft the jerk..and take the crown of boss away from him...

Hey if I were down your way...I'd be right in front of you hun....I despise Bullies on all levels....and would certainly like to end his power trip.

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