diabetes and work related question

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hey all

are there any guidelines or anything from diabetes uk over how one should be treated in the workplace?

I'm only wondering because yesterday at work my boss was a little mean to me and told me i was using my diabetes as an excuse despite the fact my sugars were swinging wildly and had gone down to 1.9 or something silly after a high of 16.4. And he then decided to call me names such as fat and stupid when I was munching on some glucotabs. Nasty boss. I'm not fat for starters and certainly not stupid. I've logged it all in my notebook to show the area manager because surely its bullying? To start with he wouldn't even let me go upstairs to get anything from my handbag 😱
Hi Salmonpuff,

I'd definitely do something about the way you've been treated. At the very least it's bullying and even verging on discrimination.

I also read on your blog that he compared you to the person you took over from who was also Type 1 and had good control. Thats not fair either. Just because that one person had good control doesn't mean we all have good control. If diabetes was really that easy to live with, we'd all have perfect sugars.

I'm lucky that I work in an office and am normally at my desk all day and have a stash of hypo-juice (200ml cartons of fruit juice) in my desk, rucksack and car.

I hate to think how your boss would treat someone having an asthma or angina attack!!

Hi Salmonpuff,

I'd definitely do something about the way you've been treated. At the very least it's bullying and even verging on discrimination.

I also read on your blog that he compared you to the person you took over from who was also Type 1 and had good control. Thats not fair either. Just because that one person had good control doesn't mean we all have good control. If diabetes was really that easy to live with, we'd all have perfect sugars.

I'm lucky that I work in an office and am normally at my desk all day and have a stash of hypo-juice (200ml cartons of fruit juice) in my desk, rucksack and car.

I hate to think how your boss would treat someone having an asthma or angina attack!!


I've been chatting to the girl i work with (theres only 2 of us, and 'the dragon' as wel call him), and she definitely thinks that writing it all down and then getting in contact with the area manager is the way to go. Thankfully I'm only in one day a week with him and only 4-5 hours. I'm sure its going to carry on though, its the way he is. He doesn't seem to understand that what hes doing is bullying and discriminating. I thought this job was ok, its obviously not, and so I am looking for another job.

Urgh, i hate to think so too. If he saw someone having an ashma attack he'dprobably laugh at them and make them run up and down the stairs fifty times :O

you're right though, I can't be like the girl I took over from. She may be well controlled, but like i said in my blog (i think) I'm trying to get thing ssorted after not caring about any of it! I can't be well controlled all the time, none of us can!
This sounds like harassment and is not allowed. Have you got union representation or a welfare officer? It is one thing showing concern but what this manager did is quite another, take advice because not only is he discriminating against you because of the diabetes, he is breaking the law!
I thought he was a good boss when you started? It seems that he's only prepared to be a good boss as long as your diabetes has no impact whatsoever, which is a particularly nasty thing to do and shows a complete lack of appreciation of the condition.

Throughout my working life I've met with supposedly intelligent people who display such appalling ignorance and insensitivity when they are in a position of authority. No manager gets my respect these days until they have earned it - this man needs to understand that being a manager doesn't give him any right to be harrassing and abusive to another human being. Good idea to make notes. Woud it be possible to ask for a talk with him so you can explain how you feel about his behaviour? I know it's a big thing, but it would help your case with the area manager if you'd made the attempt with him first.

Hope it was an aberration, and that things improve without having to escalate things.
Sod DUK go straight to ACAS.. people aren't allow to bully anyone or make them feel that they have to leave, its constructive dismissal.

Here are some guidelines from ACAS website.

HTH Julie x

What can I do about being bullied or harassed?
If you are being bullied or harassed, you should take any action you decide upon as quickly as possible. There are a number of options to consider:

get advice from the Acas helpline, Citzens Advice Bureau or a bullying helpline
talk to colleagues to find out if anyone else is suffering or has witnessed what's happened to you
see someone who you feel comfortable with to discuss the problem, perhaps someone in HR or a company counsellor
talk to your trade union or staff representative
keep a diary of all incidents: record dates, times, witnesses, your feelings, etc
keep copies of anything relevant, eg letters, memos, emails, notes of meetings
inform your employer of any medical help you seek
If you are able, tell the person to stop whatever it is they are doing that causes you distress, as they might be unaware of its effects ? you might want to ask someone else to act on your behalf
Through the Acas Helpline (08457 47 47 47) you can get advice on specific problems, and explore alternatives to an Employment Tribunal claim, such as mediation or Pre-Claim Conciliation, where appropriate.
consider writing a memo to this effect if you can't confront the person
if you make a formal complaint, follow your employer's procedures ? if you have a union representative or other adviser, ask them to help you state your grievance clearly

Here is the website so you can look at it yourself.

well said Julie dont take any kind of rubbish off your boss sam. xx Good Luck x
I think this muppet is confusing the term "Manager" with "Total ****hole"...good advice above re taking notes, ACAS etc...I was going to ask if you're in a union but someone else got there first! :D

NO WAY is his behaviour appropriate, in fact it is bang out of order, probably against the Disability Discrimination Act & generally just nasty. I think I'd end up setting up a meeting with him, with a union rep present...I'd take in some writen notes so I didn't panic/get confused & fail to make my points effectively...which would be:

a) you have a medical cond that is covered by the DDA - it affects people differently, at different times so comparisons to other people are unhelpful & counterproductive.
b) calling you fat, stupid etc is offensive, smacks of bullying & comes under the heading of harassment - btw harrassment is behaviour that makes you feel bad, whether he meant it to or not . (in case he tries to say he was joking etc).

I think you really need to have this meeting first, as Northener says, because that way if it comes to the worst case & you do have to go down the route of a formal complaint of harassment etc, "they" (whoever would deal with this in your org) will want to see that you tried to make him understand that his behaviour was unacceptable. (I know, it's totally obviously unacceptable, but there you go...) Best case, he realises he was being a total ******** & apologises...you can hope!! Either way, if you're really looking for a new job, what have you got to lose? I had a similar thing some years ago about clinic appts - at the time I bottled it & just moved jobs within the company (not without much grief though)...but these days I think I'd got for the throat as it were!! (Getting old & cantankerous!!)

Good luck, don't take this c***!!

As for "To start with he wouldn't even let me go upstairs to get anything from my handbag" - that is positively dangerous & he needs to be told in no uncertain terms that a hypo is a medical emergency & if he is the cause of you going into a coma by preventing your treating one, he will be negligent under H&S law & could be sued...
Sorry you are having to deal with this, not much I can add that the others haven't said. I agree if you can speak to your manager and explain to him how you feel then that would be a good start. I have experienced upsetting and inappropriate comments by my manager in the past and wasn't able to be assertive and challenge them, I spoke to someone more senior, so can understand it is hard.

Hope things start to improve for you
I thought he was a good boss when you started? It seems that he's only prepared to be a good boss as long as your diabetes has no impact whatsoever, which is a particularly nasty thing to do and shows a complete lack of appreciation of the condition.

He was really really nice for the first week and a half or so. And then bang, out comes the dragon who loves to pit me and the other girl against each other (but its all good, we know what hes doing there) and who's being a complete a**e about the diabetes! I've tried explaining to him the dangers of hypos etc but he just won't seem to listen, instead going on about 'oh, c never had any problems even on delivery days, she was really well controlled not like you...' 😡 and i'm sorry but thats just really not on.

I'd like to find a bunch of guidelines, print them out and stick them on his office wall or something.

And the thing is, I would try and talk to him but I know what he'll do...'oh i was only joking' etc etc and then for the next however many weeks make my life hellish. If I go above his head to the area manager then the s*** will really hit the fan.

I'm tempted to look for a new job over it. Most bosses I've had have been wonderful about diabetes, it just looks like I've gotten a bad one this time round.
Sam, if you speak with him and he says he was only joking, then proceeds to make things worse for you after you've made it clear that you don't find it funny he hasn't got a leg to stand on when you take it higher. I hope you can find the strength to stand your ground and pursue it, otherwise the next person that comes along will get similar treatment (he's bound to find something, if not diabetes).

Grrr!!! Where's the shop? I'm tempted to come over there and 'educate' him...!😱
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Hi Sam...

I agree with everything that has all ready been said....so cant really add anything else...

Good luck

Sam - not sure what type of work you're doing, so this might not be an appropriate question, but: Is there any reason why you can't have some sweets on your person, instead of having to go to your handbag? Sounds like boss is being a pratt / bully, but perhaps you can beat him somehow by having vital items close (and quick) to hand? May be better than wading into the DDA / legal route?
Sounds like he'd be a complete ar*****e of a boss diabetes or not. he'd find something else to try and belittle a person over. don't let him get away with it. Why should you have to change your job? I would always join a Trade Union or professional association if poss. Good luck.
Yes Sam I totally agree hes an ar****** !!! Id have pockets full of sweets to p*** him off , hes obviously using your Diabetes as a tool against you so dont let him , if you can fight this disease you can fight some little weasly man who bullies girls ffs 😡
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I just got a phone call from the other girl warning me on sunday that hes likely to start yelling at me again (I'm supposed to be in on my own but well...i know he'll come in...) - this time its over my cashing up...apparently thursday night I put 70p extra in the float by accident...

surely that should be expected? It was only my 2nd time doing it so of course I might make a few minor mistakes. I just don't want a repeat of last week :(

My notebook will be at the ready...as will my phone with the area managers number on...
Tell him that with better supervision you wouldn't have made that mistake... and yes it was just that a mistake, you didn't do it on purpose! stupid B****** sorry but i hate him!

Julie x

PS do they have a training programme for you to follow? Cashing up alone on day 2 seems a but soon for me!
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My first thought was... "Do you want me to come round and smack him?"

Seriously, you will need to write this man a formal letter telling him clearly...

What his actions were
How they make you feel
What you will do if his actions continue.

Get someone else to witness the handing over of this letter and him opening and reading it. (Very important)

Send a copy to his supervisor.
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