diabetes and thyroid

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interesting replies, thank u!!!

im on 100 mg or mcg and havent felt any less tired for a while, and as for weight, nothing changed - sad times

im off to do the weekly shop now, 24 cans of diet coke for a fiver in tesco if anyones interested!!!

apologies if made anyone paranoid, didnt mean to!!! :(

have a good weekend everyone


ooh great, I could do with some diet coke :D
Ah yes, I'm on 75mcg not 75 milligrams that would be loads! LOL

And to think I've got higher Chemistry!!


Doh, yeup, I'm on 150 micrograms! My excuse is I'm an engineer and this is medical stuff he he! 😛
I was told I had inherited my underactive thyroid from my mother and my diabetes from mt father, nobody ever said they were linked. Have been on 100mcg for about two years now. I felt so much better for the first year but I've hit a real tirered low even though the levels are fine I just feel as though I've been hit by a sledgehammer.
you are more like to develop a thyroid problem being female and more like to if you have diabetes, so we havent got much chance really :(

I haven't had any problems so far but ive been tested for it because I have some symtoms so I have a feeling it might happen at some point :(
I think I read somewhere that if you have a parent with hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) you're more likely to get it yourself. My Mum has it. So I've got that and my Diabetes. Makes me think I should pester my DSN for a blood test. Weirdly I was convinced a few years ago at Uni that I had hypothyroidism. Went to the Uni doctor and had a blood test. Nothing wrong with me he said. I wonder if that is when I started to edge towards becoming a diabetic? This would have been 3 years ago I reckon and I was diagnosed as a T1 Diabetic last November.

hmm you lot are making me wonder about my excessive tiredness! Still I'll ignore it for another few years! But seriously what made you do something about it? What are the main reasons/symptons that push you to ask for advise/help??
Yeah same. I've been really tired today despite getting a fair amount of sleep last night. That and the fact I've got Diabetes makes me think I should ask for a thyroid function test and kick up a stink until I get one.

I've never been tested for this I don't think. Unless they have tested me with other bloods and not mentioned it. I am always tired. Have battled with it for 25 years. Last night i came home from work, had dinnner and a 7pm went to bad, couldn't stay awake. Slept to 9.30. Got up as was low, had some cereal and went back to bed. Does anyone else do this? I am home early today, aching head and tired. x x x
I'm a less extreme version of you. Was considering going to bed at 9pm today! 😱
I was diagnosed with both at the same time! Intitally diagnosed with hpyothyroidismm then GP did last minute urine test and hey presto BS of 20! As others have said, both have similar symptoms. It took a while to feel less tired, and I had struggled to loose wieght before treatment. No family history of type 1 or hypothyroidism (I always like to be different! :D)
family history

That's interesting. My family has a history of type 2 diabetes (two grandparents and at least two great grandparents) but as far as i know, neither of my diabetic grandparents have thyroid problems, my parents are health problem free (touch wood)...that'd just be me then.At one stage we worried that my brother had a hypothyroid problem (since he has way more symptoms than i've ever displayed) but his blood test came back negative. Trust me to be awkward...me and my overactive thyroid....
Trust me to be awkward...me and my overactive thyroid....
Well when I had my blood test at Uni for hyperthyroidism my doctor told me he thought I was a hypochondriac because I'd spent lots of time in hospitals due to my hearing loss. 🙄 Weird that 2 years after the blood test I was a type 1 diabetic eh! 😛
Well when I had my blood test at Uni for hyperthyroidism my doctor told me he thought I was a hypochondriac because I'd spent lots of time in hospitals due to my hearing loss. 🙄 Weird that 2 years after the blood test I was a type 1 diabetic eh! 😛

Hope you changed your GP! Why blame the patient if you don't know what the underying problem or cause of a symptom is? 😡 🙂
Hope you changed your GP! Why blame the patient if you don't know what the underying problem or cause of a symptom is? 😡 🙂
Well I'm not at Uni any more so in a way I have. 😛
Hi Guys, did anyone get bad depression with hypothyroidism.

I know its a recognised symptom but i am seriously suffering at the moment. I have to wait till january for a repeat blood test to confirm the diagnosis but it would be good to know whether i can expect this to lift if and when i start medication?
Hi Guys, did anyone get bad depression with hypothyroidism.

I know its a recognised symptom but i am seriously suffering at the moment. I have to wait till january for a repeat blood test to confirm the diagnosis but it would be good to know whether i can expect this to lift if and when i start medication?

Don't remember being depressed, but was under a lot of pressure at the time and did fel very,very tired. I guess it can affect your moods being a hormone deficiency, and one that affects every other function in your body, so hoepfuly, treatement will make a difference.
I never knew these were linked! I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in 2004, felt so tired but after a month on thyroxine was so much better. Now on 100 and that has stabilised me. So then when 4 years later i get the present that is diabetes, noone mentioned to me the auto-immune link? My sister is coeliac, but none of our parents or grandparents have anything? Weird.
So far I haven't been diagnosed with a thyroid problem, but since I have been a diabetic (10 years), I have had 2 blood tests where my thyroid levels went a bit off kilter and my GP talked about maybe going on thyroxine, but she checked with a repeat blood test and it had gone back to normal.. it has done this twice now so at some point I am sure I will end up on thyroxine..
thats me upto 100mg now and feeling alot better and im also on calcium tablets too. oh the joys lol
Hi Loz, glad to hear you are feeling so much better, even if you are rattling with all the pills! 🙂 Been wondering if if my 50mg are still doing the trick, but have got my annual test at the end of the month, alongside Hba1c 🙂eek: numbers have been manic over Christmas).
also learnt recently that PCOS is more common in those that have thyroid problems as well as diabetics!!

PCOS is thought to be caused by insulin resistance, and increases your chances of type 2 diabetes. Ladies whose fathers side have a history of type 2 diabetes are more likely to have PCOS. Apparently 10% of the female population have PCOS.

I had PCOS, then because of this gestational diabetes (more common in ladies with PCOS and multiple births - in my case triplets), and then because of that (and not looking after myself, plus family history on dad's side) I've now got type 2 diabetes.

The treatment for PCOS is often now metformin, to treat the insulin resistance. I had it a few years ago but it made me really sick.

PCOS is lifelong too - although most ladies will have polycystic ovaries at some point, PCOS is a collection of symptoms one of which can be polycystic ovaries, but you can have PCOS without having the cysts.

I know quite a bit about PCOS as I've had surgery for it, and ended up having a hysterectomy at 27 because of the symptoms, then had an ovary removed in Jan 2008.
Oh Lisa, you have been through the mill :( Hope things are on a more even keel for you now. 🙂
Hi Loz, glad to hear you are feeling so much better, even if you are rattling with all the pills! 🙂 Been wondering if if my 50mg are still doing the trick, but have got my annual test at the end of the month, alongside Hba1c 🙂eek: numbers have been manic over Christmas).

aww thanks very much 🙂 its great to not feel soo tired but i still feel a tad tired but i guess u just gotta wait over a period of time to see if you have the right amount of tyroxine...

good luck with your tests and i hope all is well with your results :D
Oh Lisa, you have been through the mill :( Hope things are on a more even keel for you now. 🙂

I'm fine - I'm very lucky in that I (well and truly) completed my family first with the help of some minor fertility treatment (clomid). I was aiming for a third child, ended up with 3rd, 4th and 5th :D

I wouldn't change any of it for the world now - life for me is much better minus problem parts :D
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