diabetes and thyroid

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just out of interest, how many of you guys out there are on thyroxine since you have been diagnosed with diabetes? i was diagnosed in april 2001 and told to go on throxine 3 months later

does anyone know why the two are linked, and what dosage you guys are on, and if you have felt any changes once you started taking your thyroxine?

i blame my weight on the fact i have an underactive thyroid, but in theory now that im taking medication it shouldnt be a problem, and yet it still is...

any thoughts much appreicated!!

p.s - going to diabetic counsellor on 25th so shall keep you all posted on how that goes
I'm not on it, but I do know that, like Type 1 diabetes, thyroid disorders can be a result of an autoimmune reaction. Regarding Type 2, it is possible that a thyroid problem (not autoimmune in origin) can contribute to the likelihood of getting Type 2 diabetes!

Hope all goes well with counsellor!
I'm not on it, but I do know that, like Type 1 diabetes, thyroid disorders can be a result of an autoimmune reaction.

you are more like to develop a thyroid problem being female and more like to if you have diabetes, so we havent got much chance really :(

I haven't had any problems so far but ive been tested for it because I have some symtoms so I have a feeling it might happen at some point :(
you are more like to develop a thyroid problem being female and more like to if you have diabetes, so we havent got much chance really :(

I haven't had any problems so far but ive been tested for it because I have some symtoms so I have a feeling it might happen at some point :(

Eeeek Twin , what are the symptoms?? 😱😱
feeling tired all the time, difficulty losing weight, and increased sensitivty to the cold

also learnt recently that PCOS is more common in those that have thyroid problems as well as diabetics!!

thing is, since taking medication for thyroxine, i dont feel any less tired etc, so was wondering if anyone has experienced felling a difference post and pre taking thyroxine?

Hi hellbell84,

I'm a 31 year old male, Type 1 for 13 years and started taking Thyroxine in June this year.

My weight has crept up slightly. I'm 5' 11" and have been 11st almost all of my adult life. My weight has crept up recently the last 3 years to 12st (78kg). I didn't notice the symptoms of my underactive thyroid, but one of my tests came back at 7. something which was extremely high - almost 4x normal - and I was told to start taking thyroxine.

Started off on 50mg for the first two weeks and then increased to 75mg. Had my levels checked again at the start of September and they are now normal again (think it was 1.82)

I do think I feel a bit better for taking it, although as I said I didn't actually notice any symptoms. Not been able to shift any noticable weight, although today I was 1kg lighter than at my last appointment.

Eeeek Twin , what are the symptoms?? 😱😱

well there are lots of different symptoms for each type, underactive and overactive. i went to the doctors because i get heart palpitations, insomnia, hair loss, feel the cold etc etc :D

think im just falling apart though 😉
my thyroid problem came first. I got diabetes due to high dosage of steroids for thyroid eye disease:(
Excellent news on the counsellor HellBell, please let us all know how you get on! I found it soooo helpful! As for thyroxine' don't take it but I do get badly swollen legs and face, doubt its related but does happen when my sugars are unstable!
Type 1 here for 32 years...from about 15 onwards my thyroid level was borderline on being underactive...in 2000 I was put on Thyroxine (25 or 50mg - smallest dose) and I now seem to be at a fine level when they check my thyroid levels. Was never told it could be linked to Diabetes...
feeling tired all the time, difficulty losing weight, and increased sensitivty to the cold

also learnt recently that PCOS is more common in those that have thyroid problems as well as diabetics!!

thing is, since taking medication for thyroxine, i dont feel any less tired etc, so was wondering if anyone has experienced felling a difference post and pre taking thyroxine?



Diagnose diabetic at 11 months, underactive thyroid diagnosed at 20yrs (in hindsight I think it had been an issue for a couple of years prior!). These days I'm on 150mg thyroxine, but since becoming pregnant I have been freezing all the time! Guess I need to ask them to check the levels again...I was also told I have polycystic ovaries mid C-section last time round, lol! ("did you know you have polycystic ovaries?" "Never having had your view of them, er, no!")

I do find it really hard to lose weight, but I'm not sure which of my bag of medical conds that's down too...just a bit of a bugger really. If I can ever persuade them to let me have an insulin pump I guess I'll find out if it's the hypos! 😉
I have recently been put on a daily 25mg dose of thyroxine, I've been diabetic for 14 years. They're both auto-immune conditions and a link has been discovered. The only major symtpom I had was a horrible, lethargic tiredness and that has improved since being on the thyroxine, my TSH levels are now fine.
hmm you lot are making me wonder about my excessive tiredness! Still I'll ignore it for another few years! But seriously what made you do something about it? What are the main reasons/symptons that push you to ask for advise/help??
black sheep of the family...

I am i the only person here with an overactive thyroid? It got picked up on blood tests when i was diagnosed with diabetes, largely coz i hadn't had blood test before, and only went to a doctor when ill...I've been taking Carbimazole for nearly a year now and my doctor says i can stop soon. He seems to be of the opinion that this has got something to do with my diabetes, but i'm less than convinced. Since i didn't think i had any symptoms to start with i'm somewhat annoyed by the fact that taking the meds gives me similar symptoms to underactive thyroid disorders, like the tiredness and (i hope) the in-ability to shift weight. Hoping these will go when i come off.

I've never been tested for this I don't think. Unless they have tested me with other bloods and not mentioned it. I am always tired. Have battled with it for 25 years. Last night i came home from work, had dinnner and a 7pm went to bad, couldn't stay awake. Slept to 9.30. Got up as was low, had some cereal and went back to bed. Does anyone else do this? I am home early today, aching head and tired. x x x
The symptoms of diabetes and underactive thyroid are closely associated.
Incidentally, I hope your dosages are micrograms not mg.
Treatment is normally started on 25mic then reassesed and if nec. increased.
I am on 125 micrograms which seems to stabilise my thyroxine levels.

Weight is often due to a slow and steady increase in saturated fat intake; supermarket labels set out to confuse you. I use fat per 100g as a base, not the misleading value of % of daily input.
If it's > 3.0g per 100g as far as I'm concerned it's a no no.
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Ah yes, I'm on 75mcg not 75 milligrams that would be loads! LOL

And to think I've got higher Chemistry!!

hmm you lot are making me wonder about my excessive tiredness! Still I'll ignore it for another few years! But seriously what made you do something about it? What are the main reasons/symptons that push you to ask for advise/help??

Itwasn't really my symptoms that got it discovered, it was a blood test for my clinic (to look into reasons why my BG levels were fluctuating so much - nothing new to be fair, but new doctor at new clinic - which came back with a level of TSH borderline too high. My doc asked me if I had any symptoms like tiredness(I did) and suggested I start on a low dose of thyroxine. I still get tired when BG levels are high but not consistently as it was before.

The symptoms of diabetes and underactive thyroid are closely associated.
Incidentally, I hope your dosages are micrograms not mg.
Treatment is normally started on 25mic then reassesed and if nec. increased.
I am on 125 micrograms which seems to stabilise my thyroxine levels.

Haha, yes... 5 micrograms, not mg...
interesting replies, thank u!!!

im on 100 mg or mcg and havent felt any less tired for a while, and as for weight, nothing changed - sad times

im off to do the weekly shop now, 24 cans of diet coke for a fiver in tesco if anyones interested!!!

apologies if made anyone paranoid, didnt mean to!!! :(

have a good weekend everyone

I just got diagnosed with under active thyroid last week :(

im on 50mg.

the strange thing is i had all symptoms for over active but im under active, but it aint a surprise, I dont know what goes on inside my body anymore Lol
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