Hi i have T2 diabetes, I have been on statins for 17 years, i read on the diabetes site that most people with diabetes is offered statins because living with diabetes increases the risk of heart attack and stroke, however i have since been told that statins do not help prevent heart attacks and strokes and statins can actually cause diabetes, cognitive problems , brain fog and muscle and joint problems. I was sent a link by a friend, it stated that statins was a silent killer. and some peoples stories were frightening , many people decided to stop taking the statins and said they don't prevent heart attacks and strokes as many of them had family members that had taken statins and still took heart attacks and strokes, many told stories of people they knew who got dementia, apparently the statins robs the body of the good cholesterol as well as the bad and the brain needs the good cholesterol to function. I have been suffering with really bad brain fog, my short term memory is getting worrying, i have been suffering terrible muscle/ joint pain. after reading peoples stories about statins im wondering if i should consider coming off them, but im really concerned it might be a massive mistake, I would be most grateful for any feedback and would love to know if any other type 2 diabetics are on statins and if they too have any of the problems i have mentioned. TIA