Diabetes and OCD

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Two threads combined here, this post from Sofaraway should start this one....

"Diabetes and OCD
So in the off topic forum a few of us have been discussing OCD. Personally I don't have this as a diagnosis, I just missed out on the criteria but do have traits. There seems to be some relationship with diabetes.

I suspect that as diabetes is very much about control, we always use that word and obsessions with numbers that has something to do with it.

I have been told on a couple of occasions not to get too obsessive with my blood sugars and I am now more relaxed about higher numbers.

So please add your thoughts or experiences. "

These are less superstitions more like my OCD things.
Always left before right, so left sock then right sock, wash my left side first in shower.
I can only go in certain doors one way.
I like to park in the same parking space.
I could go on with the things i like to keep the same.

Hahaha Nikki , Im totally the same , if I listed my OCD things Id be typing for days , I have weird little rituals for doing everything !!! arghh and Im a hand washer Grrrr 🙄

Think I must have a form of OCD then, I HAVE to count the stairs every time I go up and down even thoe I always know they are going to be the same and I keep sorting coat hangers out so that all the same colour and shade are together...

Coat hangers is a classic of OCD, a lot of people including me have to have them all hanging the same way, I do numbers and all sorts but now on meds so hoping it will get easier

Grrrr Coat hangers !!! I hate them !!, I have to have them all facing the same way in the wardrobe or it will drive me crazy. I also count the Stairs , Railings on the bannister , panels on the doors , folds in the curtains in the lounge have to be the same amount and the same size !! the list is endless 😱

I get very annoyed if anyone puts anything on he hanger the wrong way round or on the wrong colour hangers (purple and lilac for me, light blue and yellow for big boy, dark green and dark blue of hubby)

Thought as some of us have strted to talk about things we do as a form of OCD on another thread, it might be a good idea to start a separate discussion about it. So what are the things you do?

I always sort coat hangers out by colour and shade, and everyone has their own colour, so woe betide anyone who hangs things on the wrong colour hanger, and it HAS to be the right way round on the hanger with all the other hangers facing the same way.

I always count stairs up and down, even thoe I already know how many there are, carriages on trains and wagons on goods trains. recently when I am in bed and trying to go to sleep recently I have foundmyself counting how many different sounds I can hear.
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Hahaha Nikki , Im totally the same , if I listed my OCD things Id be typing for days , I have weird little rituals for doing everything !!! arghh and Im a hand washer Grrrr 🙄

Was interesting I went to a Diabetes UK thing about mental health and the other 2 people had diagnosed OCD and I just missed out on that particular diagnosis so seems there is some relationship between diabetes and OCD
Was interesting I went to a Diabetes UK thing about mental health and the other 2 people had diagnosed OCD and I just missed out on that particular diagnosis so seems there is some relationship between diabetes and OCD

Ive always thought there was a link , a few Diabetics I know have OCD ranging from mild to quite severe 😱 we should do a thread on it .
Ive always thought there was a link , a few Diabetics I know have OCD ranging from mild to quite severe 😱 we should do a thread on it .

I agree with you and I did read somewhere there could be a link to people with OCD & depression getting diabetes 🙂
So in the off topic forum a few of us have been discussing OCD. Personally I don't have this as a diagnosis, I just missed out on the criteria but do have traits. There seems to be some relationship with diabetes.

I suspect that as diabetes is very much about control, we always use that word and obsessions with numbers that has something to do with it.

I have been told on a couple of occasions not to get too obsessive with my blood sugars and I am now more relaxed about higher numbers.

So please add your thoughts or experiences.
I was obsessed with testing to start with, had to know what my bg/bs was and it was getting ridiculous but I managed to get it under control fairly quickly, I do have OCD and on tablets for it as I was getting so many problems surrounding the obsessive side, the compulsive side isn't too bad but I was getting to the point where I wouldn't leave the house so they put me on meds
We are two minds with one thought, and I started a similar thread off subject. If it belongs on the general message boards, perhaps one of the moderators or admin can move it over?
I am compulsive about certain things ,

I count things constantly
All my tin labels have to all face the front and tins must be in order of size
I am a hand washer and wash them all the time , when im out i use hand wash or wipes .
I have set routines for doing things and wont change them.
I have to be early all the time , even up to an hour sometimes 😱
I have a thing about cleanliness and shower at least 3 times a day
I also do the coat hanger thing , they have to all face the same way round .
I have to wash in a particular order in the shower , (weird i know lol)
I always eat with one particular fork and knife , no others
I have one cup I drink out of .... the list is endless 😱
I attempted to merged the threads and bring the relevent posts from the superstition thread aswell and have been very unsucessful, have properly messed it up. I'm going to Pm the other mods and see if they can sort it out. Sorry guys rubbish mod :(
I attempted to merged the threads and bring the relevent posts from the superstition thread aswell and have been very unsucessful, have properly messed it up. I'm going to Pm the other mods and see if they can sort it out. Sorry guys rubbish mod :(

AWWW you're not rubbish !!! :D:D If we can tempt Northerner away from KB maybe he can do it for us 😉
I attempted to merged the threads and bring the relevent posts from the superstition thread aswell and have been very unsucessful, have properly messed it up. I'm going to Pm the other mods and see if they can sort it out. Sorry guys rubbish mod :(

You are not a rubbish mod. At work two of us share excel spread sheets and have done so for about 6 years. One of us will get the hang of something then the other will need help. It is like a long learning curve and we learn things all the time. when it is sorted, you will have learned another skill.
I attempted to merged the threads and bring the relevent posts from the superstition thread aswell and have been very unsucessful, have properly messed it up. I'm going to Pm the other mods and see if they can sort it out. Sorry guys rubbish mod :(

I've copied them over. It does copy them in chronological order (combined with current thread) though so the conversation flow may be a bit disjointed.....
I've copied them over. It does copy them in chronological order (combined with current thread) though so the conversation flow may be a bit disjointed.....

I read through and it made sense sort of. AT least we have it all together in one place.
With me i am manic about knives and forks i will only have 1 set to myself and when i wash them they all have to face a certain way, also when I am in a pub i wont sit by the window god knows why i have to be near the door for a quick exit.
I actually sat down and this was really weird but it was after watching a programme on bi-polar and when i saw the girls symptoms it got me really thinking, i rub my hands and face insessintly if im stressing over something and i have to go to my room in silence.i bite my nails chew thumb and cry grrr
oh gosh there's lots of for me...

i wash my hands constantly, they have to be clean. I wash them after doing anything
test my BGs about 10 times a day and dont stop til I see them down at a good level
the kicten must be clean, if its dirty i will stay in there and clean it from top to bottom
at work all fly covers on the books must be perfect, if not i start to stress out

im sure theres more, i cant think of any right now
never really thought about it before, but definately coathangers, lol. What is it about those things that they have to be all the same way?:confused:
Hi All..

I have various OCD issues...which I am trying to address...Worryingly though Nathan is starting to pick up on some of my obsessions and copying, which I think is sub conciously...Not sure though if it could be diabetes related now.

ooh, this made me chuckle! I've been hanging hangers the "right" way round, washing dishes in a very specific (& thorough) way and always lining pen/pencils up in order for years, thinking it was in the name of efficiency! :D I do get really uptight if I think someone is not doing things the "best" way (mine, naturally!) & used to get really cross with hubby when he didn't wash the baby bottles "properly" lol!! Now I'm wondering if it was just obsessive Quality Control after all or mild OCD he he! (sorry, not belittling it, just chuckling when thinking of how frustrated hubby gets with what he sees as my anal attitude sometimes!)
I do get a bit obsessive about numbers. I think it comes from being a runner for so long - you're always concerned about your times and distances, and other things like your weight, heart rate etc. So, now I am also obsessed with BG levels, cholesterol, blood pressure!😱😉
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