Hi,Hi @Cheyne - a brilliant exposition the sort of perspective on diabetes that one might come to when in the 70,80,90 age bracket.
I was trying to find a word to sum up this age bracket. Aged, old, mature all have connotations of one sort or another and the best I could come up with was wrinkly because Barry Cryer used to use it on "I'm sorry I haven't a clue " to describe himself and others who were physically ageing but still had their wits about them. Like you I am not physically wrinkly so if you can come up with a better word then I'll be using it.
I have always enjoyed the title of senior since it has taken me a life time to get here. I note on my hosptal records I'm a "Senior gentleman" now. Attaining the senior title in my part of my world affords me some privilages reserved for seniors only, be they few and far between now days.
I can be heard muttering "silly old fool" at myself from time to time. Another I've heard used is fossiles, between parents and offspring.
A title with some dignity would be more applicable than wrinkly I'm sure, wrinkly just sounds so ahhh, so -----, well just not right and plain disrespectful. Or am I just old fashioned raised in a time when respect for your elders was everything.
Oh forgot, Geriatric, although distasteful to me, more accurate than I care to admit.
I do have the luck of not looking my age by a large margine, younger looking to be clear, not older!