Diabetes 2 patient: Good Weight Loss but dreaded back, leg and feet pain.

Well folks my motivation seems to have left me. January and February are usual dreadful months to entertain weight loss desires.

My will-power is at an all-time low. The only thought that enters my mind and not blowing my carefully researched diet is the thought that I may lose a limb if I don't behave.

Anyone else having sad days?
we all do. I just have a hot bath and try to count the positives. If that fails, I have some cheese. hugs
The pain I referred to in this post has subsided now, at last! Only to be followed by an agonizing ache in my ankle, attributable to Arthritis, sadly. But at least when the pain in my ankle subsides and I am sure it will do in a few days I will be able to attempt a short walk along a country lane, in order to assist my weight loss. I had a brainwave the other day and decided to do a maneuvre that seemed to dislodge a problem with a verterbrae in my lower back which is why the pain has subsided. It has taken a good three to four years to get to this state, maybe I should have visited an Osteopath or Chiropractor for assistance, although I guess the weightloss is helping to get back into shape. I remembered what the maneuvre was so will try it again should that nasty verterbrae revert to type.

I have continued following the Exante shakes and meals and find they are appetizing and they must be doing me some good with all those minerals and vitamins because my skin is not looking too bad :) and general health plus Blood Sugars and Blood Pressure and Cholesterol results are acceptable, according to my GP. :)

I have had a few days when I ate more than I should do but the powders, at this time, have helped me maintain. I get really hungry in cold, damp weather but at least I maintained with their help and can proceed, now the weather is looking better, and loose a few more pounds.

Looking towards Spring with a very positive attitude.
Hi Mopinwil I’m type 2 diagnosed last year but have had lower back pain for 2 yrs so painful the diets have gone out the window just can’t think about healthy eating hence my hb1ac gone up , what is this manoeuvre that you talk about ?
Traditional five element Accupuncture is always my go to treatment for any pain relief.