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Good luck with the house. That’s enough stress to play with your sugars on its own.
Thanks; we moved 18 times in our first 34 years of marriage following work and flipping between rented and our own house. Still got most of the boxes and original packaging for 'our stuff', hibernating in the loft for the last 18 years and released last week to now fill our smallest bedroom. So some refresh on packing techniques is needed, but not too much; some boxes have grown too big and thus too heavy with age (mine) and some have become obsolete as their contents have changed shape or size. But overall the packing bit feels manageable, just. We'll bring people in to do the heavy lifting, for the first time ever. The economic shenanigans are outside our control or management! The 5 house chain for our current house sale has wobbled a bit previously and no idea if the last fortnight will wobble things again. We're buying our daughter and son-in- law's house, so know what we're taking on; they are 'upsizing' nearby. Done their garden more than they have (or so it feels) over the last 10+ yrs and we're happily downsizing to be close to a town and restaurants within walking distance - yet fields surround the new house, until some developer comes along.
Despite all these advantages of previous experience, and knowing a lot about where we're going, it does all feel scary and there have been stressful moments. No doubt there will be more!
I notice you are on tresiba and novorapid. I have been on tresiba and Fiasp but coming off Fiasp as when my sugars go high it can be like injecting water and just doesn’t work. I am going back to novorapid next week. I used to use it with Lantus, but the Lantus didn’t work all day. Also was losing the warning signals. Will be interesting to see how the mix of tresiba and novorapid works.
I have become a fan of Tresiba, appreciating its long profile. I lost my panc'y just before Covid, had relatively little help from the specialists as a consequence so didn't get any advice on how to make best use of levermir in particular. So my BG was erratic, worsened (I think) by the brittle nature of my 3c - but, to be fair, I had a lot of post surgery problems along with chemo and so the first 6 months were a 'fog' of pain killers and chemo chemistry. Finding this site was a breakthrough along with Gary Schneider's book.

I still have 3 or 4 days together when my NovoRapid seems like water and find that very frustrating; great TIR for a fortnight then days at 30%. I'm a retired Civil Engineer and like to know why something isn't working, even it it's in retrospect and can't be reversed (ie now history) or necessarily prevented from recurring; but change without reason niggles me and, as you implied earlier very wasteful of my spare time
Have a good night.
Thanks, just had a solid 7 hrs, but with BG higher than expected. No idea why, hate having to move on not knowing why, but refuse to allow it to stress me. Just writing it down here helps - that's illogical in itself, but ....
Thank you again @Lucyr. I found that after your last post and intend to go this route; but I just want to see if the reader is a step forward from my Libre 2 reader.

I very much like the responsiveness of the L2 reader, getting fast scans when my phone seems to take forever and the convenience of its size and weight. But find the reader software dated and clumsy; it puts me in mind of a Nokia phone from 20 yrs ago - vg at making calls, not so good with its directory or other functions. The Nokia phones improved; Abbott didn't seem to update the reader after launching L2 and missed an opportunity I think. It could have become a rt CGM, using the constant supply of data from the L2 sensor and would have stood head and shoulders above other manufacturers; they could have charged more for that potential improved reader and secured a corner of this profitable market for a long time.

Anyway, once today's paperwork is done, Dexcom One research will beckon.
Good job to some extent your not using the g6. The reader is £290 for that!
Setting aside the cost, is it good to use? User friendly? Convenient size for a pocket or mini waist pouch?

Looking back at post #14, you refer to Apple play; are you on an iPhone? Does G6 give you full (real time) CGM and if so is that just on your reader or on an iPhone app? Presumably you are currently self-funding this.

With the house downsizing there will be economies ahead and I vaguely am considering self-funding to improve my life with D. I've worn spectacles since I was 6; for about 15 years I had free NHS frames, then vanity and girlfriends intervened. But always cheap and heavy frames. A few years ago I discovered ultralight-weight frameless glasses, which were a complete revelation in comfort and convenience - at a ridiculous cost, which is now my normal! I learnt (never too old it seems) that some things are worth paying for, despite the apparently prohibitive cost. Helps of course having grown up, independent, children.
Setting aside the cost, is it good to use? User friendly? Convenient size for a pocket or mini waist pouch?
I have the reader and it's easy to use and set up it's about 2 1/2 inches wide and 4 inches long.
The G6 seems much more accurate than the libre 2. I am using it on an iPhone. The app works on it but you do have to open it each time to see the figures. There is another app which is approved by dexcom called sugar mate. This links in the information and you can set up a calendar when setting up the applewatch function. I don’t have an apple watch, but on another forum they said if you set it up it links to your calendar. Then you can have the calendar on the Home Screen and it shows you your glucose without opening it. It is a little erratic and only updates every 10 minutes, but you can go in the app and see it realtime anyway. You can also ask Siri “what’s my glucose?” And it will tell you in real time. On Apple play the calendar can be made to come up on your car screen and if you press it you can see your level as above. I don’t like Apple carplay so have disabled it as I can just ask Siri as I am driving and it’s a lesser distraction.…that took me hours of my life that I won’t get back. I am a chartered accountant, so like proud to be erratic, I don’t like being told things can’t work when I know it can. Usually you can solve them, as long as you are obsessed and have a bit of time.
I don’t think the app on the g6 itself is very good and sugar mate is probably what dexcom’s should be…so why on earth dexcom didn’t do that themselves is beyond me. From other forums, I have found out it works perfectly well with iPhones in the US, but they have never adapted it to ours!! Supposedly it’s fine on applewatch.
The G7 comes out later this year and looks much better, smaller tab to insert and starts up after 30 mins. The libre 3 is also out soon. I have to say I feel that freestyle seem more up to date tech wise on the apps, the way the disks work and communicate and also their price…..but……they are just so widely erratic with me.
I have made a decision to self fund the g6 for a few months until the others come out at which point I will try them both and take it from there. I could have a massive argument, which I would take all the way with the hospital, but I always say “beware what you ask for as sometimes you get it”. If I got it and the new ones are better, perhaps I might be better going the whole hog and arguing for them! In the meantime I am keeping a record of the discrepancies of libre 2 and g6 compared to an old fashioned blood test. G6 is reasonably close even when I am high. Libre…poor. eg today blood test was 12.7 (had the covid booster a day or two ago so it has been higher for a few days), dexcom was 13.1 and libre 16.

Seperately, I am coming off the Fiasp as it was just too random for me. If my sugars where stable it would most of the time work ok, but if I went high it just sometimes wouldn’t work. For example,I have had a few high readings in the past months of 15 or 16 and had to inject time and again, sometimes over 60 units of Fiasp before it started to come down and even then it only just made single figures. Normally that kind of injection would have my wife calling an ambulance.

Finally, don’t underestimate how Severe stress effects blood glucose. When I get stressed it always shoots up as the adrenaline seems to block the insulin. I have been married 27 years and have two teenagers 17 and 15. We moved house 9 times in our first 20 ish years together, renting and buying….so I feel your pain!
There is a native Dexcom Lock Screen widget for the G6 which works on my iPhone (ios 15)

I think I downloaded it from the ‘add widget’ section rather than the App Store.


With a small amount of fiddling I was able to get it so that I can just ‘swipe left’ on the locked phone which makes checking on the go so much easier.
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That’s what I’ve been trying to do! I have the “widget” on the Home Screen but I have to tap it to open it to see the numbers.
been laying with this for ages and still can’t do it. Obviously it can be done, I just haven’t sussed it out yet,
I have got it on the widget page. So when I swipe left on the Home Screen that’s where it is but can’t get it on the Home Screen. . I think I have done what you have. Unlock phone and swipe left?
I could be wrong, but on iPad for sure to add a widget to the Home screen you have to start the process on the home screen. The widget is added on whatever screen you start the process on. If that makes sense?
I think so. The idea was trying to have the app showing the glucose levels without having to open it. I was hoping I could have it on the lock screen.. which I believe is possible on iOS 16 but I haven’t updated it yet.
Ah right, now I see your difficulty. Your assumption is, I think, correct. Apple only added ’lock screen’ widgets with iOS 16.
Ah right, now I see your difficulty. Your assumption is, I think, correct. Apple only added ’lock screen’ widgets with iOS 16.

I think they’ve updated the options in 16, but I’m still ios 15, and I can definitely swipe right to see widgets without unlocking @Popglobe2022

This might help? (ios 15 version, but there’s a dropdown for other versions)

and also (for allowing access without unlocking - bottom of the screen)
Got it.
I think I could always do it, just didn’t realise how.
I like to think I am reasonably tech savvy, but obviously not!

Thanks for that. I have lost a weekend sorting all this out. Got the sugar mate app, found how to add the old style widget etc, CarPlay as well. That I think was the final piece until I upgrade to iOS 16.
Can I ask you one final thing. If you have an apple watch, do you use the sugar mate app to show your glucose on the screen or use the g6 app? I am considering buying one but want to make sure I can see my glucose by just looking at the watch rather than having to tap it etc. it would really help when I am out and about and want to check my glucose. It is a lot easier glancing at a watch rather than swiping on your phone (and probably less rude).

I’ve certainly seem people managing to get their BGs onto their watchface, both with Apple Watch, other smartwatches, and even things like Fitbit.

Not something I’ve gone down the rabbit hole of trying as my watch is of the distinctly non-smart variety!
Has anyone managed to get the Dexcom one free on prescription. Also is the Freestyle Libre 3 available on free presciption?

Many thanks in advance.
Has anyone managed to get the Dexcom one free on prescription. Also is the Freestyle Libre 3 available on free presciption?

Many thanks in advance.
My Endo has recommended a change from Libre 2 to Dexcom One for me. I don't have a compatible phone, but would be happy with a reader. 10 days ago I asked my GP Surgery if our CCG (now ICS) will support this change; the Surgery tell me they have asked - so far no reply. I shall be on the case after this weekend if still no reply; meanwhile I've sought a repeat script for 2 more Libre 2.
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