Dexcom One+ Incoming?


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
There was a story on the Dexcom UK instagram and seems to suggest there will be an announcement next week regarding the One+ in the UK. Hopefully this will replace the One and be available on prescription. I have been self funding the G7 and from what I gather the One+ is the same form factor and offers the same functionality as the G7 but without the insulin pump connectivity (which I don't need) so would work well for me and save me quite a lot of money if available on the NHS.
There was a story on the Dexcom UK instagram and seems to suggest there will be an announcement next week regarding the One+ in the UK. Hopefully this will replace the One and be available on prescription. I have been self funding the G7 and from what I gather the One+ is the same form factor and offers the same functionality as the G7 but without the insulin pump connectivity (which I don't need) so would work well for me and save me quite a lot of money if available on the NHS.
I hope that this works out for you.
Let us know how you get on.
That is my understanding also, after a conversation last month with a Supervisor from Dexcom's Patient Specialist Care Team. The One+ will only be available from the NHS, ie on prescription; no private self-funding. What I couldn't find out was just how user friendly the app was going to be in terms of logging data such as insulin taken, carbs eaten etc. The conversation also left me a bit unclear about timings of the rollout for this new very different CGM from its predecessor of Dex One.

Despite the uncertainty of precisely what, when and how much it will cost, Dex One + should provide a great competitor to Libre 2 and offer a solution for those who currently struggle with Libre 2 (as I used to, before I self-funded G7).
Interesting development @rianos

Look forward to hearing more as the picture unfolds 🙂
Hi. T2 on insulin here. I was a self funder of the G7 for a year. When the One+ came out I switched my subscription to that. Not only is it cheaper (£145 to £88) it fulfills all my needs. So, yes it is for self funders. The only thing missing is the 90 day history, as it runs on a different app and the alarm set up is different. The 90 days doesn’t matter if you already have Clarity up and running, as all info changes over. Overall, as a T2 I don’t see much difference between this and the G7 apart from the cost. The accuracy seems to be just as good as the G7, one or two calibrations in the first 12 hrs usually gets it very close to finger prick readings.
I've been using the Dexcom one CGM since last year and it has helped me to control my sugar levels like never before and I don't think I could ever be without it now.
I went to order again last week but when I clicked for the One it opened with the One+ so went ahead and ordered it.
There seems to be very little information about this and I have the following questions/queries that I'm hoping can be answered here by other users!

1. It says to download the Dexcom app but the only app I can see in the Play Store is the the one I already have and this asks for sensor and transmitter serial numbers. The One+ is all in one with only one serial number. Do I delete the app and reinstall it?

2. What happens with the Clarity app? Does it just carry on recording the information from the new device?

There is nothing on the Dexcom site concerning information for the switchover.

Thanks in advance!
I've been using the Dexcom one CGM since last year and it has helped me to control my sugar levels like never before and I don't think I could ever be without it now.
I went to order again last week but when I clicked for the One it opened with the One+ so went ahead and ordered it.
There seems to be very little information about this and I have the following questions/queries that I'm hoping can be answered here by other users!

1. It says to download the Dexcom app but the only app I can see in the Play Store is the the one I already have and this asks for sensor and transmitter serial numbers. The One+ is all in one with only one serial number. Do I delete the app and reinstall it?

2. What happens with the Clarity app? Does it just carry on recording the information from the new device?

There is nothing on the Dexcom site concerning information for the switchover.

Thanks in advance!
The One+ has its own app. Mine links
I've been using the Dexcom one CGM since last year and it has helped me to control my sugar levels like never before and I don't think I could ever be without it now.
I went to order again last week but when I clicked for the One it opened with the One+ so went ahead and ordered it.
There seems to be very little information about this and I have the following questions/queries that I'm hoping can be answered here by other users!

1. It says to download the Dexcom app but the only app I can see in the Play Store is the the one I already have and this asks for sensor and transmitter serial numbers. The One+ is all in one with only one serial number. Do I delete the app and reinstall it?

2. What happens with the Clarity app? Does it just carry on recording the information from the new device?

There is nothing on the Dexcom site concerning information for the switchover.

Thanks in advance!

One+ had its own app. Links with existing Clarity
The One+ has its own app. Mine links

One+ had its own app. Links with existing Clarity
View attachment 30872
I've been using the Dexcom one CGM since last year and it has helped me to control my sugar levels like never before and I don't think I could ever be without it now.
I went to order again last week but when I clicked for the One it opened with the One+ so went ahead and ordered it.
There seems to be very little information about this and I have the following questions/queries that I'm hoping can be answered here by other users!

1. It says to download the Dexcom app but the only app I can see in the Play Store is the the one I already have and this asks for sensor and transmitter serial numbers. The One+ is all in one with only one serial number. Do I delete the app and reinstall it?

2. What happens with the Clarity app? Does it just carry on recording the information from the new device?

There is nothing on the Dexcom site concerning information for the switchover.

Thanks in advance!
Yes the Clarity app continues. I have iPhone so use App Store but it’s the One+ app.
Yes the Clarity app continues. I have iPhone so use App Store but it’s the One+ app.
Hi Chelseagirl, Thanks for that but if I click on the Oneplus app it shows me the app I already have installed :confused:
Must say, the Google Play store is a bit confusing. I searched just for Dexcom, then they all appeared. Layout is a bit odd I must say. Anyway, I clicked on the little One+ icon and got it ok?
I have just switched from G6 to one plus and have found it’s accurate to finger sticks. I’m using the small receiver as old iPhone 7 not compatible. When eventually get new phone will probably switch to app. But it’s ok using receiver as useful having separate devices. Previously used receivers for seven plus and g4. One plus cheaper and smaller.
Still not got it and the QR code is not working! Obviously my phone though just checked wifes and not on there either.
Don’t know what to suggest then, as I could see it on the Play Store and I’ve got an iPhone so use the App Store.
Don’t know what to suggest then, as I could see it on the Play Store and I’ve got an iPhone so use the App Store.
Apparently my phone is not compatible with the ONE+. As they are phasing out the ONE it looks like a new phone is the only way forward so that cancels out the saving per quarter!! :(

Thank you all for your help.
Apparently my phone is not compatible with the ONE+. As they are phasing out the ONE it looks like a new phone is the only way forward so that cancels out the saving per quarter!! :(

Thank you all for your help.
Mine works well on iPhone 12. As they’re now up to 15 there will probably be a lot for sale online so not as much as a brand new phone.
Mine works well on iPhone 12. As they’re now up to 15 there will probably be a lot for sale online so not as much as a brand new phone.
After spending a couple of days looking at the Dexcom list of compatible phones and going through phone reviews, this morning I was about to purchase a new Samsung but thought I'd just check the Dexcom site again. Over the last couple of days they have added my existing phone to the list!!!!
There was the app on Google Play so I downloaded it and all is working fine! So I'm about £450 better off than I thought I would be :D:D
After spending a couple of days looking at the Dexcom list of compatible phones and going through phone reviews, this morning I was about to purchase a new Samsung but thought I'd just check the Dexcom site again. Over the last couple of days they have added my existing phone to the list!!!!
There was the app on Google Play so I downloaded it and all is working fine! So I'm about £450 better off than I thought I would be :D:D
Good day then!